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Prerelease:Chicken Little (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Windows)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Chicken Little (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Windows).

To do:
As far as I recall, there's a prerelease image of uniform hunt showing a completely different HUD.

Prerelease content for Chicken Little contain a few interesting differences.

Though the game received an overall mixed reception, it's retrospectively seen as a better experience than the movie itself.

Development Timeline


  • May 17-20 - Chicken Little was shown off at E3 2005.
  • Oct. 18 - Chicken Little is released.



Press Release Document

The document, apparently dated to March from the E3 2005 kit contains some interesting things to note; it was mentioned there would be 17 levels in the game, but there are 24 in the final.


Pre-E3 2005?

The following images are from a Press Kit, but they all seem to depict the game in a slightly earlier style compared to later E3 2005 images. Many of them in common have different graphical shading.

Late For School

Early Final
CL Schoolyard01.png
  • The playground in Late For School was very different in terms of texturing.
  • The coin model was very basic, lacking the Mayor Turkey Lurkey design.

Early Final
CL Schoolyard02.png
  • The telephone wire was moved to the side of the road than across the road in the final.
  • The school bus was untextured.

Uniform Hunt

Early Final
CL town01.png
  • The bottom view of trees wasn't present, notably showing a green gradient and lacking Oakey Oaks School.
  • The tree models were a lot more basic, lacking the singular leaves.
  • There are lampposts placed in the middle of the plaza paths, oddly enough.
  • The wire leads to a different part of the level compared to the final.
  • The building on the top-right part of the image was replaced with a fence in the final.
Early Final
CL theater02.png
Early Final
CL ng07.png

Backyard Pursuit

Early Final
CL bc01.png
Early Final
CL bc02.png

Space Simulator

Early Final
CL spaceflight01.png
Early Final
CL spaceflight02.png

Alien Abby

Early Final
CL abby01.png

Cannon Chaos

Early Final
CL TL cannon03.png
  • The sky was different.
  • The bench in the plaza was removed.

E3 2005

Chicken Little was unveiled at E3 2005, with some screenshots.


Late For School

Early Final
CL May1705 Image3.jpg
Early Final
CL May1705 Image4.jpg

Dodgeball Hall

Early Final
CL May1705 Image5.jpg

Cornfield Escape

Early Final
CL May1705 Image1.jpg
  • The Level is a lot more brighter compared to the final.
  • The path texture is different.
  • The Acorn placements are slightly different.

Gravity Grab

Early Final
CL May1705 Image2.jpg
