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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Darklands.

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According to numerous interviews the game development started in 1990, and by early 1991 there already was a playable prototype. However, numerous bugs proved hard to catch, while the game design and scope continued to evolve, adding more bugs. The game was released only in October 1992, while the last patch came out in March 1993.

1991 Screenshots

Screenshots from an early version of Darklands appeared in French gaming magazine Génération 4 Number 30 (Feb 1991), page 157.

1991 title screen 1993 default party

The title screen graphics differs drastically from the game art style, with its bright colours and no half-tones. This would better fit EGA rather than VGA. The characters resemble, Gretch and Gunther, female and male fighters in the default party. As far, as 10x25 sprites allow to tell: Gretch is a redhead in a dark dress, and Gunther is blond and doesn't cover his head. Though, their weapons differ: Gretch has a sword and is also good with bows, while Gunther has a club and is also good with crossbows/guns.


The text for the city gates does not match exactly any strings, neither templates from MSGFILES nor elsewhere. The released game neither has the city Dillingen, nor it has any cities famous for their "metalworking and woodcraft". Interestingly, it does mention the toll at the gate, which is absent from the oldest version of this scene in $OUTSI00.MSG.

The remaining two screens — wilderness and combat — look quite similar to the released version.

1991 Preview Comments

The text for MicroProse games on page 157 is:

Darklands est le premier programme de Microprose dans le marché des "jeux de rôle". Pas étonnant, puisque son concepteur n'est autre que Sandy Petersen, Monsieur Call Of Cthulhu! Le jeu se déroule dans l'Allemagne médiévale du XVe siècle, avec un soupçon d'heroïc-fantasy, puisque l'on trouve quand même des sorciers, des sortilèges, des dragons et plein d’autres monstres mythiques. Darklands semble devoir être complet, avoir un côté narratif absent d'habitude des jeux de ce genre. Les personnages créés possèdent 26 caractéristiques et compétences, ce qui est honnête. Le système de combat paraît sympathique et plutôt stratégique. Darklands sortira cette année sur PC, en EGA et VGA.

Civilization est un jeu dont nous n'avons rien pu voir. Il commence en 4000 avant Jésus-Christ, et le but du joueur est de développer une civilisation à partir d'un groupe de nomades. Il faut gérer l'économie, la politique et la défense dans ce jeu de stratégie simple d'accès mais passionnant, se jouant sur une carte du monde, mais permettant aussi le jeu sur des cartes aléatoires. L'intérêt du jeu, c'est que l'Histoire suit son cours, et que si vous êtes doué, vous vous retrouverez avec votre civilisation jusqu'au XXIe siècle. Inventions et événements en tout genre interfèrent avec votre évolution, ce qui promet de joyeux moments. Entre Sim City, Sim Earth et Diplomacy, voici un produit qui devrait être très fort! Sortie prévue cette année sur PC en EGA et VGA.

Which translates as:

Darklands is the first Microprose program in the "role-playing game" market. No surprise, since its developer is none other than Sandy Petersen, Mr. Call Of Cthulhu! The game unfolds in medieval Germany in the XVth century, with a touch of heroic fantasy, as we find the same sorcerers, sorcery, dragons and plenty of other mythic monsters. Darklands seems complete, and has a narrative side usually not seen in the games in this genre. The created characters possess 26 characteristics and specialties, which is fair. The combat system appears attractive and rather strategic. Darklands will come out this year on PC, with EGA and VGA.

Civilization is a game, which we haven't been able to see. It starts at 4000 BC, and its goal is to develop a civilization starting from a group of nomads. One has to manage economy, politics and defense in this strategy game, simple to approach, yet captivating, playable on the world map, but also allowing random maps. The appeal of this game is that History takes its course, and if you are gifted enough, you find yourself with your civilization well into the XXIst century. Inventions and accidents of all kinds interfere with your evolution, which promise funny moments. Between Sim City, Sim Earth and Diplomacy, here is a product, which seems to be quite successful! Expected release this year on PC, with EGA and VGA.

As you can see, at that point, in February 1991 or earlier, Darklands felt closer to release than Civilization I. Yet, the first Civilization shipped in September of 1991, while Darklands took a year longer. At some point support for EGA was dropped.