Prerelease:Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers/Concept Art
This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Dillon's Dead-Heat Breakers.
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Concept Art
A bunch of concept art for the game can be unlocked from finishing the game, while others can be found online from the official Japanese website, a lot of them showcase earlier versions of certain character designs, and models.
Official Japanese Website
2 Early Dillon outfit designs that can be found on the official Japanese website.
- The first outfit has a longer bandana, different shoulder armor, red spikes instead of bronze spikes, a white cowboy hat with different looking goggles, brown cowboy boots, white gloves, and a holster instead of engines. The pose for the first artwork resembles the pose seen for his trophy in Super Smash Brothers 3DS
The text reads "Initial idea for Jiro's costume. Jiro 1: I tried to focus on the near future, but it seemed like the science fiction feeling was too strong."
- The second outfit almost resembles the final design, but with a different belt design that almost resembles the one Dillon wore in the Rolling Western games, red spikes, no goggles, silver claws, and has a holster instead of engines.
On the artwork itself, the text reads "Costume consideration number 2. This is almost the final version, but I accidentally forgot the spikes on the back."
An earlier model based off the second concept art can be found in the game files (albeit with a different belt), and can be seen when the player completes a village mission.
Along with the early engines, that matches the early Dillon unlockable concept art in the game.
"Jiro 3 | Rough sketch of rolling engine. In fact, I've been considering a lot of things about Jiro's special weapon since the days of "The Last Ranger."
Russ has 3 early outfit designs, with the final one almost matching the one in the final design, with different colors.
Rita has 3 early outfit designs, with the final one almost matching the one in the final design, with different colors.
Panthado has 3 early outfit designs, with a vastly different jacket design.
Otis has 3 early outfit designs.
Weldon has 2 early outfit designs.
Below it shows a size comparison, in which shows earlier models of Dillon and Russ along with Panthado, and also below are Stranger and Garrison's models from the previous game.
Additionally the jackets that the player Amiimal wears are much more detailed than the final game.
The scrogs were originally going to have variations at one point.
Size comparison for the Amiimal species in the game
And also outfit concepts for the villager Amiimals
Concept art for the mayors in the game, some of the species and character designs that were featured did not make it in the final game.
One of them featuring a orca mayor that was supposed to be Seadok at one point, along with a vastly different design for Nuvo, a bigger buff design for Wildebild, and various others.
Gunner Weapons
Concept art for various gunner weapons, that was meant for handheld use and not on a gun tower.
Concept art for a earlier version of the trailer vehicle that the main Amiimal character drives in the game.
Concept art for various Grocks in the game, along with one for the vehicle they drive.
Concept art for various designs for the spaceship.
Gun Tower
Various concept arts for a Gun Tower, Dillon and the Grocks seen here in the first concept art actually look similar to their Rolling Western designs, which was likely from a earlier wild western pitch before it was changed to a post-apocalyptic futuristic game instead.
Seadok's Ocean Bay
Concept art of an area for one of Seadok's missions in the game.
Various concept art for the City areas in the game. One of them having a hair saloon that was scrapped from the final game.
Unlocked In-Game
Characters and NPCs
A majority of the characters designs shown are close to the final game, some with a few differences, while others are different.
The Grocks
Areas and Items
Most of these feature Dillon's earlier character model.
Shinji Usui's Blogspot
On December 16th, 2021, 3 years after the game released, one of the concept artists of the game Shinji Usui, uploaded three pieces of concept art on his blogspot profile, this one being for this game.
These would be for motorcycles that were once planned to be used by the Amiimal Gunners during development, instead of them riding inside the player Amiimal's trailer vehicle.