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Prerelease:Disney's Toontown Online/2003

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:Disney's Toontown Online.

To do:
Backlog in chrono order:
  • Early Cog HQ development
    • Put in the concepts...expand the paragraph too
  • Fishing
    • Scrapped healing feature, lures and baits,
  • Later Cog HQ development - sellbot hq era

Early 2003

Cog Headquarters

A developer image showing the infamous scrapped Bossbot Arm Factory.

Cog Headquarters fully began development around February 20, 2003, months before the game's first public release, with conceptual arts being done around that stage.

Cog Headquarters were initially planned early in development in the Toontown Concepts file dated April 2000, initially acting as "Suit Central Towers" that were intended for experienced Toons. Those that defeated the Head Honcho would be honored in the Hall of Fame and would be able to fight against other Hall of Fame Toons in Pete's Pandemonium Palace. Cog Headquarters fully began development around February 20, 2003, months before the game's first public release, with conceptual arts being done around that stage.

(Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20080705195741/http://play.Toontown.com/backStage_1_1.php)
TTO Cog HQ Interior Sketch 1.png TTO Cog HQ Interior Sketch 2.png TTO Cog HQ Overhead Sketch.png


On April 30, 2003, Estates were announced to be coming to Toontown Online which was still in the conceptual stages as of that news article's posting. It showed the design of the Estate houses used in the first release, along with models of the Piano, Bed and Girl Wardrobe. Several pieces of key information mention scrapped features;

  • Animations for sitting on sofas and chairs are still in early development as of that article, but it was never implemented in the final.
  • It was mentioned that houses were going to be "expanded and upgraded" in the future, but it never came to fruition. Unused exterior models were added in circa 2010, showing that the feature was going to be realized.
  • It was also stated that Toons will be able to "play new games", where the closest thing was a 48 Hours of Cannons! rental service that would be added in a few years. Text strings show that Game Tables (which would appear in the short-lived Test Server) and a Pie Toss minigame was going to be added.

Housing Concepts

TTO jellybeansImage.jpg TTO BedroomImage.jpg TTO ToonEstateConceptArt.jpg
Concept art of the Jellybean bank.
Curiously, the animation of
the bean harvester never
happens in the final game.
Concept art showing a Toon's Estate
interior. The sink with mirror,
bathtub and glove seat
doesn't appear in the final.
The concept showing the Estate's basic layout.
The position of the houses are slightly different,
and there is a tunnel leading out of the area.

Mid 2003


A mockup of the scrapped Toon Portrait feature from the Backstage article.

On June 2, 2003, it was announced that catalogs would be coming, in the form of Clarabelle's Cattlelog. Though most of the article lines up with the final, it mentions several items that would not make it;

  • A fishing pier was mentioned as a buyable "big item", but they would come automatically with the Estate via the launch of the Fishing feature.
  • Toon Effects were going to be purchasable from the Cattlelog, but they would be restricted to Just For Fun! Toontasks in the final.
  • Another item that would end up getting scrapped are portraits of other Toons, (not to be confused with the famous paintings with toon heads over the figures) likely from those from their Friend List, but the feature would be reworked into the Toon Statue with the addition of Gardening.
(Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20090519031728/http://play.toontown.com/backStage_3_1.php)

Furniture Concepts

TTO FelipeLaraUI Concepts.png
TTO LampDesignConcept.jpg TTO MailboxConcepts.jpg TTO UnderwaterLampConcepts.jpg
Concepts for the Western series. It seemed the mailboxes were
originally going to emote based on how many
packages the Toon received.

(Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20080705195747/http://play.toontown.com/backStage_2_1.php)


The developmental team wanted to add a collecting element to the game that would stand out from the Cog Battles, and Fishing was a natural idea for them. The idea was good in the end because it was described as a "more relaxing way" of getting Jellybeans other than Trolley Games.

(Source: Toontown Newsletter April/May 2008)