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Prerelease:Dynamite Headdy (Game Gear, Sega Master System)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Dynamite Headdy (Game Gear, Sega Master System).

Beep! Megadrive (July 1994)

From the July 1994 issue of Beep! Megadrive. Notably, the images here appear to predate the available Japanese Game Gear prototype.

Prerelease Final
Dynamite Headdy GG Prerelease Title.png Dynamite Headdy GG JP Proto Title.png

The title screen has a black background, while the Sega copyright is arranged differently and a credit is present for Treasure. The level select is seen here, as is the "normal" graphic, suggesting that the latter was once a toggle to "MUTEKI" (an option seen by itself in the available Japanese prototype).

Dynamite Headdy GG Prerelease Rebecca.png

There are palette issues around Rebecca's body, a bug which is not present in any of the available prototypes.

TodoSega (July 1994)

From the July 1994 issue of TodoSega.

Dynamite Headdy GG Prerelease Title2.png

The title screen is similar to the one above, but without the level select or "normal" graphic. There may have been a way to enable/disable them, unlike the available Japanese prototype, or this could be a different prototype.