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Prerelease:Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Heroes of Might and Magic: A Strategic Quest.

To do:
Screenshots from vanilla for comparision. Look for an interview for what was cut from the game.

Winter CES 1994 (January '94)[1]

HoMM1 Prerelease WinterCes1994.jpg

Obviously a screenshot from a preview trailer, featuring unseen and much bigger than in final release buildings, hero and decorations. There are also no hero portraits, only hero classes images. Some of shown buildings miniatures can be found in OBJECT32.ICN from the final release.

HOMM1 Prerel old.png

CGW 128 march 1995 page 41 and CGW 137 december 1995 page 364. By assessing size and placement of obstacles and heroes (85x64 pixels instead of 50x32 pixels), we can assume that objects tiles were as big as 64x64 pixels instead of final 32x32.

A piece of music for winter CES preview by Tim Tully & Greg Alper:

Interactive Entertainment Previews

Prerelease Final
HOMM1 Prerelease1.png HOMM1 Prerelease1comp.png

IE#4 - August 1994 (Screenshots July '94)[1][2]: Knight hero on an adventure map has no shadow. Empty trolley in front of the mine. Heroes classes instead of heroes portraits, Dragon Utopia on a town list and unknown town icon.

Prerelease Final
HOMM1 Prerelease2.png HOMM1 Prerelease2Comp.png

IE#4:Scrapped crest and hero (Alamar?).

Prerelease Final
HOMM1 Prerelease3.png HOMM1 Prerelease3comp.png

IE#4: Probably mashup of creature graphics, Paladin without a cape.

Prerelease Final
HoMM1 PreAdv1.png HoMM1 PreAdv1Comp.png

IE #10 - February 1995[1][3]: Unused Tree Stump, different coastline. Hero can't be placed on this map tile in a map editor, because it's adjacent to a lake, so this screenshot was most probably taken when in-game. Pikeman's idle position (in vanilla present only in a map editor) indicates that his adventure map miniature didn't have an animation at this time.

Other Screenshots

Prerelease Final
HoMM1 prerel Galant.png HOMM1 prerelcomp Galant.png

Different font, Hero's main skills are placed differently. Sir Galant instead of Sir Gallant.

Prerelease Final
HoMM1 prerel desert.png HoMM1 prerel desertComp.png

Hard to tell, whether this screenshot was captured during the gameplay or is it a mash-up of map editor screen and an interface from the game. Nomad idle position is the same as in vanilla map editor, Knight Heroes have no shadows, curiously in the forest on the left hides a lonely Sorceress; it's impossible to put there a hero in vanilla.
