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Prerelease:Homefront: The Revolution

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This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: Listed as WIP (in text, not as a template) since the page's creation in April 2017. No explanation of videos, no proper lists of differences...

This page details pre-release information and/or media for Homefront: The Revolution.

This is a WIP list of pre-release/prototype footage of the game dating back to some very early leaked alpha footage. It is worth noting that early concept art and an orphaned file named assaultbuggy_hf2.lua likely correspond to the crude buggy seen in the early alpha footage. Also, a mission called "Wetlands" is shown in the sixth clip. There are some orphaned dialogue trigger scripts in the final game under a folder marked "Wetlands". It seems the wetlands concept was later turned into the "Beyond the Walls" DLC, which was based on the game's originally planned ending.

However, the most unusual aspect of the early leaked footage is that the game was supposed to retain the Player vs. Player multiplayer modelled after the 2011 game. It is unknown why the developers completely abandoned the feature in favor of Resistance Mode, though considering the game's change from a direct sequel to a reboot, it may have been to get away from the constraints of the former game and its PvP mode.
