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Prerelease:Jet Force Gemini

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Jet Force Gemini.

To do:
Not complete.

June 19, 1998

The earliest screenshots of the game. Notable differences include:

  • Juno and Vela's designs are more child-like.
  • The HUD is completely different.
  • Weapons more closely resemble actual weapons.
Early Final
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Juno's earliest design.

  • He originally had a red/white color scheme which was changed to a black/blue color scheme in the final game.
  • He also had a gold skull emblem on his chest that was removed in the final game.
Early Final
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The final area of Goldwood: Outset before the takeoff pad.

  • There was originally a large enemy here that was removed in the final game.
  • Three wooden crates were added to this area.
  • The door isn't present.
Early Final
JFGEarly-jforce6.jpg JFGFinal-jforce6.png
  • Cerulean originally had these weird-looking buildings in the background which were removed in the final game.
Early Final
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Early ant soldier design.

  • Their skin color is slightly different.
  • Their eyes are much larger.
Early Final
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Lupus' early design.

  • His fur was originally yellow which was changed to a light brown in the final game.
  • His outfit was originally white which was changed to grey in the final game.

September 4, 1998

Screenshots from a later build. The most notable difference is the HUD which is almost identical to the final game's HUD. The only difference is that the green bars are missing.

June 19, 1998 September 4, 1998 Final
JFGEarly-jforce1.jpg JFGEarly-jfshot14.jpg JFG-junofinaldesign.png
  • A later design for Juno. His upper body was remodeled and the skull emblem was removed.
Early Final
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  • The second area in Rith Essa originally contained many enemies. In the final game, there are no enemies in this area.
Early Final
JFGEarly-jfshot15.jpg JFGFinal-jfshot15.png
  • The underground tunnels in Goldwood: Lodge originally had many tribals in this particular area which were removed in the final game.
Early Final
JFGEarly-jfshot18.jpg JFGFinal-jfshot18.png
  • The Spacestation level originally had some drone enemies that were removed in the final game. These particular drone enemies don't appear anywhere in the final game but are still present in the ROM.
Early Final
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A later version of the final area in Goldwood: Outset.

  • The door was originally a metal door before being changed to a stone door in the final game.
  • The enemy indicator was originally much lower. It was moved up in the final game.
  • There's a palm tree to the right of the door which was removed in the final game.
Early Final
JFGEarly-jfshot20.jpg JFGFinal-jfshot20.png
  • An early design for Lupus' ship.

January 9, 1999

Early Final
JFGEarly-jfshot26-99052 640w.jpg JFGFinal-jfshot26-99052 640w.png
  • The entrance to the Rith Essa mine originally had an enemy nearby. The final game has no enemies in this particular area.
  • The door to the mine is not present.

April 12, 1999

Early Final
JFGEarly-JFG01.png JFGFinal-JFG01.png

An early screenshot of the Mizar racetrack.

  • The regular HUD is used instead of the racing HUD.
  • The hovercar's design was altered slightly.
  • Vela can be seen in her normal appearance indicating that the racetrack was at one point accessible without having to use the ant transformer.

May 18, 1999

June 19, 1998 September 4, 1998 May 18, 1999 Final
JFGEarly-jforce1.jpg JFGEarly-jfshot14.jpg Jingemini1-108647 640w.jpg JFG-junofinaldesign.png
  • A later design for Juno. His head was slightly remodeled.

E3 1999 Demo

The E3 1999 demo of Jet Force Gemini is a 9 level demo of the game.

General Differences

  • The three main characters have more child-like designs.
  • All chests are absent.
  • The pause menu plays the song for the underwater tunnels in Mizar's Palace.
  • Almost every song in this version is completely different from the final game. The only two songs that made it into the final game are the underwater tunnels in Mizar's Palace and the character select theme.


E3 1999 Final
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E3 1999 Final
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  • The startup sequence is slightly different.
E3 1999 Kiosk Final
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  • The Nintendo logo is different.
E3 1999 Final
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  • The Rare logo is much larger and doesn't have the copyright text below it.


E3 1999 Final
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  • Some flying enemies appear near the start of Goldwood. In the final game, these enemies don't appear until later on in the stage.
E3 1999 Final
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  • At the first set of buildings, there's some debris in between the two buildings on the left which was removed in the final game.

SS Anubis

E3 1999 Final
JFG-floydE3.png JFG-floydfinal.png
  • In the E3 demo, the Mizar Tokens are square and have an image of Floyd on them whereas in the final, they're circular and have Mizar's emblem on them.
  • The platform you stand on to start the Floyd missions is much more elaborate and animates when you stand on it. In the final game, it's just a circular pad which doesn't animate.


E3 1999 Final
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  • Lupus' ship is missing the two thrusters on the sides.
E3 1999 Final
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  • The jet pack pads emit a beam of light and use a different texture.
E3 1999 Final
JFG-walkwayroomE3.png JFG-walkwayroomfinal.png
  • The small room contains an enemy and a tribal which were replaced with a Diamond Geezer and chest respectively.
  • The door that leads to the sewers is missing in the E3 demo indicating that it was likely meant to be accessed from somewhere else.

Water Ruin

E3 1999 Final
JFG-waterruinshipE3.png JFG-waterruinshipfinal.png
  • Your character's ship at the start of the level is missing.
E3 1999 Final
JFG-waterruintribalE3.png JFG-waterruintribalfinal.png
  • One of the tribals was originally in a different spot in the E3 demo. In the final game, it was moved over a little bit and a chest was put in its original spot.

Mizar's Palace

E3 1999 Final
JFG-veladoorE3.png JFG-veladoorfinal.png
  • The entrance to Vela's section of Mizar's Palace originally had a gate in front of it in the E3 demo. It was removed in the final game.

September 16, 1999

Early Final
JFGEarly-cargosewercave.jpg JFGFinal-cargosewercave.png
  • The small room in Spawnship which has a totem pole in it also had a treasure chest in it as well which was removed in the final game.
  • This screenshot also shows that you originally could open empty chests. In the final game, chests can no longer be opened once they're empty.