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Prerelease:Jet Set Radio Future

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Jet Set Radio Future.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Though the game was well-received by critics, it would semi inevitably be a commercial flop, selling less than 10,000 units in Japan[1] due to its Xbox exclusivity and obscure status as a console there.

Nowadays, this game is seen as a forgotten cult classic with a following due to its artistic direction, improvements from the original and soundtrack.

TGS 2001

To do:
Find a higher quality version of the trailer.

A demo consisting of the first two stages was shown off at Tokyo Game Show 2001, with a number of differences from the released game. Footage taken from this demo ended up being used in one of the trailers.

  • The copyright information on the title screen says 2001, as the developers were aiming for a 2001 release before it got delayed.
  • The map displayed before a City Rush match has a different design.
  • The exits on the maps are not marked with the location they lead to, rather they are simply named "EXIT".
  • Dogenzaka Hill has a third exit near the garage, though it is currently unknown what it may had lead to.
  • A different character is the announcer.
  • Yoyo could hold more than thirty cans at a time.
  • The stamina bar is maxed out by default rather than being partially grayed out depending on the character's attributes.
  • There is an indicator for max speed above the speedometer.
  • The stock graffiti is very different.
  • Graffiti markers are triangular instead of round.
  • There are forty-two spots to spray graffiti at Dogenzaka Hill rather than just sixteen.
  • Character icons have a much more cartoony look.
  • The box around the character icon is blue.
  • The two health cans on the rails at Dogenzaka Hill are at a different location.
  • The player does a series of challenges at Shibuya Terminal with Garam instead of Combo.
  • There are twenty spots to spray graffiti at Shibuya Terminal instead of thirty-five.
  • Street names are not displayed if the player attempts to travel towards a different stage.
  • The graffiti completion soundbyte is more resemblant to the one used in Jet Grind Radio.


To do:
Figure out which build this screenshot came from.

Gum was colored red at some point in development.
