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Prerelease:Kero Blaster/Pre-Development Reset Tweets

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Notes: The tweets need to be translated, and any pictures of longer design documents need to be transcribed.

Pixel's Tweets

Date Image Tweet Text Translation Notes
Oct. 9, 2012
GeroBlaster 121009 imok.jpeg
開発日記は更新できてないけど、ちゃんと作ってます。 #iPhoneゲーム開発 This same image was used in the first entry of the development diary, but at a lower resolution.
Oct. 11, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterOct1112.jpeg
敵アイデアのラフ画。 This is idea of monsters by me. #iPhoneゲーム開発 Concept art depicting early versions of the dragon boss and the eel enemy. Notably, the dragon has three cannon-segments here, whereas in the Gero Blaster trailer it has two.
Oct. 16, 2012
GeroBlaster 121016 4boss.jpeg
今日の目標。レベル4ボス boss of level4. #iPhoneゲーム開発 Similar situation to above.
Oct. 26, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterOct2612.png
14:50 ちょっと眠気さめてきた。いまミサイルのドット絵描いてる..
Oct. 31, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterOct3112.png
ステージ5。ようやくボスの部屋まできたけどもう11月になってしまうな.. #iPhoneゲーム開発 A picture of a work-in-progress map for the boss of Stage 5, as seen through Pixel's map editor. The crudely drawn Japanese word at the top of the map translate to tired.
Nov. 1, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterNov0112.jpeg
テストプレーしてもらった。プレイ中はずっと隣りで監視。横で見てると、直したいところ・直すべきところが次々出てきて2時間。これから書きためたのを、吟味しながら潰して行く。ステージ5ボスはお預け。西尾さんありがとうござい Appears to be a design document for various elements in Stage 5.
Nov. 2, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterNov0212.png
かわいくなくなった。ていうか、あきらかに浮いてる.. This giant snail was intended to be the boss of Stage 5, where the fight was a race against time to destroy it before it dissolved a captive bunny.
Nov. 5, 2012
GeroBlaster 121105 botsu.gif
この2体ボツにします.. Same image that was used in the development diary entry that was posted the same day.
Nov. 11, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterNov1112.gif
@Samieru_NIGORO 食べてみたい..でも当たると怖そう.. Posted as part of a thread discussing this enemy, called "Tokobushi". It would survive all the way until the final game, where it remains unused.
Nov. 16, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterNov1612.png
画像ロードするの間違えて変なの出てきたw #iPhoneゲーム開発 Judging by the sprites' orientation, it seems like this glitched entity is supposed to be the recurring dragon boss.

As an aside, this screenshot inadvertently reveals how exactly the giant alien boss would've attacked: it spat out the tiny aliens!

Nov. 30, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterNov3012.jpeg
制作中のゲーム、初見者向け調整ができてきたので、ずっとプレイを我慢してもらってた子供が初プレイ中。今のところ好調(^^) #iPhoneゲーム開発 The room the player is in appears to be somewhere in Stage 2, judging by its appearance and vertical orientation.
Dec. 10, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterDec1012.jpeg
今日1日はフォントまわりの調整にあてる。 The number font here closely matches how it appeared in the Gero Blaster trailer and the demo at BitSummit.
Dec. 18, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterDec1812.jpeg
新しく追加された商品に NEW って表示されるようにしたんだけど、ローカライズと相性悪いのでべつの方法を考える…
Dec. 18, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterDec1812 2.png
Dec. 19, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterDec1912.jpeg
Dec. 19, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterDec1912 2.png
ステージ7 中ボス撃破!かえろー
Dec. 20, 2012
GeroBlaster TwitterDec2012.jpeg
作るのがクソめんどくさいボスを思い付いた。今月中にステージ7出来るだろうか… Concept art for an event leading up to a boss fight in Stage 7 against two dragon bosses at the same time.
Jan. 15, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterJan1513.jpeg
洞窟プレイヤーのために持って来てMacに対応してなかったけど、いよいよコイツの出番です… The cavern shown in this picture was later revealed to have taken place underneath Stage 5.
Jan. 30, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterJan3013.jpeg
今日も修正点たくさん頂きました。 #iPhoneゲーム開発
Feb. 7, 2013
GeroBlaster 130207 img.png
この春に完成させるつもりのゲームのイメージ。 This is the game's image. I'll finish it this spring. #iPhoneゲーム開発。 This image was also posted on Pixel's development diary the same day.
Feb. 11, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb1113.jpeg
今日のカワイイもの。プリン。 Appears to be an early iteration of Pudding, a boss in Stage 8 (and eventually, the mid-boss of Stage 6 in the final game). Compared with what it would eventually become, it lacks the helmet seen in the final game, and it sits in a platter as opposed to a mechanical piston, making it more obvious what it's supposed to be. A worm enemy (which also appeared in the final game) can be seen in the bottom-right corner.
Feb. 13, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb1313.png
このエリアの柄が気に入らない。描きなおそうか.. Given the map's name of "04mole", and judging by the presence of a shutter object placed at the entrance to the larger room, this was most likely the room where the Giant Mole boss was fought.
Feb. 13, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb1313 2.png
Feb. 13, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb1313 2.jpeg
敵、バネ猫(仮) #ゲーキャラPixel
Feb. 14, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb1413.jpeg
敵、犬カエル(仮) #ゲーキャラPixel
Feb. 18, 2023
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb1813.jpeg
敵、デザート巻貝。 #ゲーキャラPixel
Feb. 19, 2023
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb1913.jpeg
敵、水道管ウナギ。 #ゲーキャラPixel
Feb. 20, 2023
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb2013.jpeg
敵、ブルーバット。 #ゲーキャラPixel
Feb. 27, 2023
GeroBlaster TwitterFeb2713.jpeg
敵、カエル天井。 #ゲーキャラPixel
Mar. 4, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMar0413.jpeg
敵、ファイアープラント。 #ゲーキャラPixel
Mar. 6, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMar0613.jpeg
敵、森のハチ。 #ゲーキャラPixel
Mar. 8, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMar0813.jpeg
敵、ゲル(赤) #ゲーキャラPixel
Mar. 18, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMar1813.jpeg
敵、地下オバケ。 #ゲーキャラPixel
Apr. 3, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterApr0313.jpeg
Apr. 30, 2013
GeroBlaster 130430 green.png
1000SPIKES の Wosa さんが言ってたんだけど、ステージに緑や草が加わると確かに落ち着く。生き物本能的な何か..? #GeroBlaster
May 15, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMay1513.jpeg
May 22, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMay2213.jpeg
ゲーム全編通して重要なお店まわりの動きとかビジュアルを改良中。 #GeroBlaster
May 23, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMay2313.jpeg
やっぱり暖色系が好き。カラー構成のために明るさ落としてチョコレートみたいになったけど良い感じ。 #GeroBlaster
May 30, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMay3013.jpeg
鋭意(って言うのかな)ブラッシュアップ中。 #GeroBlaster
May 30, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMay3013 2.jpeg
@room_909 今はそうでもない。
May 31, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterMay3113.jpeg
例のネコ。 #GeroBlaster
June 12, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterJun1213.jpeg
リリースのめどが立つのはまだだけど、調子は良いです。ちっちゃい絵を描きました。 #GeroBlaster
July 9, 2013
GeroBlaster TwitterJul0913.jpeg
整理中の Gero Blaster。 と、カスタード・ザ・サタニック・ラブラドール。

Tyrone Rodriguez's Tweets

Nintendo 3DS Port

GeroBlaster TyroneRodriguez3DS.png

In an infamous now-deleted tweet, Tyrone Rodriguez, the CEO of Nicalis, teased a Nintendo 3DS port of Gero Blaster. The 3DS in the picture does actually seem to be running Gero Blaster, and not simply displaying a mockup image, judging by the motion blur present on the top screen and what appears to be an error message on the bottom screen.

Although Nicalis did poll interest in potential Nintendo 3DS and Vita ports, nothing would ever materialize from this. Eventually, Gero Blaster was delayed, and the game went on to be published by PLAYISM instead.

Playtesting Threads

Interestingly, there are a few conversations on Twitter between Tyrone and Pixel that seem to imply that Tyrone was playtesting the game.

Date Tweet Author Tweet Text Translation
March 8, 2013 Tyrone Rodriguez @amaya_pixel I still have my umbrella!
March 8, 2013 Pixel @tyronerodriguez Did you avoid umbrella-stealer?
March 8, 2013 Tyrone Rodriguez @amaya_pixel 恐竜は速いです!
Date Tweet Author Tweet Text Translation
March 8, 2013 Pixel 音量・その他を調整して 2度目の実機テストへ.. #iPhoneゲーム開発
March 8, 2013 Tyrone Rodriguez @amaya_pixel Stage 4
March 8, 2013 Pixel @tyronerodriguez Is not there are on stage 4?
March 8, 2013 Tyrone Rodriguez @amaya_pixel Stage 4 clear!
Date Tweet Author Tweet Text Translation
March 8, 2013 Tyrone Rodriguez @amaya_pixel ショプのバグだ!
March 8, 2013 Pixel @tyronerodriguez geve me more info.

The first of these threads is perhaps the most interesting, as it suggests a gameplay mechanic where the player's umbrella could be stolen. In addition, Tyrone's last post in that thread made mention of "fast dinosaurs", which could very well be referring to the unused NPC "Goldrush" that resembles a dinosaur in its unit type image. It probably appeared in Stage 5, since Tyrone posted the tweet mentioning it at 1:59 A.M. CST, four minutes after he posted that he had beaten Stage 4.