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Prerelease:SD Snatcher

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for SD Snatcher.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

Early Screenshots

Early screenshots of SD Snatcher displayed in magazine articles and ads feature a completely different UI and screen layout from the final retail version.

SD Snatcher Early Syd Garden.jpg

Different UI

Early versions of the game have the inventory count for weapons and health items displayed in a sidebar on the right side. In the finished version of the game, the sidebar is removed and inventory count is moved to a submenu that is displayed and overlaid over the main game when opened.

In exchange, the overworld area of the screen is increased. In addition, the overview area features a different border with a more intricate biomechanical look that recalls the Snatchers, which is changed to a more plain blue border in the finished game.

SD Snatcher Early Chibi Gillian.jpg

The chibi portrait of Gillian in the lower-left corner next to the player health info is also drawn quite differently from the final version, shown with narrow pupils and holding a gun upright in his right hand as opposed to the default stance in the final version.

Location Layout

As shown in the preview image above, the castle at Syd Garden has two separate fountains in the front of it, while the final game merges the fountains together.