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Prerelease:Smash Hit

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Smash Hit.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Document version 0.9.0 and add more press things, also I think those should go on the Proto page

Pre-Alpha videos

Five videos have released on the internet containing the earliest builds of Smash Hit before 0.1.

January 2013 Builds

2 January 2013 9 January 2013 18 January 2013
This is the first known build. It seems to use almost no textures, excluding test ones from Granny Smith. The walls now have a tile texture, and the floors are reflective. The player can now move side to side at a fixed position. Some walls are also colored. Glass has been updated to look like glass, and the sandstone-like material can now be broken.

February 2013 Builds

At the start, a very early main menu can be seen along with an early Mediocre logo. This is the only build (not including the VR version) where there is a reticle on the screen, though it is not at all functional. A score will now appear after breaking an obstacle. The standstone-like material can't be broken anymore, and there appear to be doors for the first time. The extra balls power-up now has a texture, and the extra life power-up is seen for the first time.

March 2013 Builds

The reticle has been removed, but the HUD has been redesigned with a new font, ball count, life count, score and pause menu. The levels are now curved. An early version of the diamond power-up can be seen, which gives the player 3000 points. There also appears to be a new texture for the tiles.

Late 2013 - Early 2014 Trailers

2013-12-12 2014-01-14

In December 2013 and January 2014, Mediocre released two trailers, aside from the CGI announcement trailer.


As the oldest version after being officially announced, this version has not only graphic design but also gameplay differences:

  • Instead of having distance be the score, the score is instead based on how many crystals where smashed.
  • The HUD is completely redesigned from the previous versions, featuring the ball count at the centre-bottom and score at the centre-top.
  • Both the music and the visual appear to give a more neutral and less-upbeat feeling, closer to resembling the ascetic of the final game.
  • Crystals now give 100 score, but are still not used for gaining balls, a function which is instead reserved for 10 ball powerups.
  • The glass in the starting room is coloured blue whereas it is black in all known later versions.
  • The streak multiplier was represented by a number with an 'x' after rather than an array of balls indicating the streak level.
  • The music used for the start goes unused in later releases until it was repurposed for a track in Zen mode.


The gameplay of this version is basically the same as the final, except for power-ups being used automatically and not stored. The graphics are slightly different, with the background of the circle seen after breaking a crystal being much darker, the time slow HUD element lacking the clock face, and there being a lack of coloured borders around the screen while power-ups are in use.

While the first room is basically the same as the final - the exceptions being the different music, ball frenzy power-up and extra crystals at the tail segment - the second room is considerably different. The shape of the hammers is more boxy instead of cylindrical, and there is a slomo power-up present. In addition to this, near the end of the trailer, vertical crankshafts can be seen which are not present in the final version of the stage.