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Prerelease:South Park: The Stick of Truth (Windows)

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for South Park: The Stick of Truth (Windows).

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
Add the content from here.
  • There is some footage of the 2012 THQ builds uploaded on YouTube. They have not been uploaded publicly yet.

South Park: The Stick of Truth is infamous for the number of times it was delayed, partly due to its original publisher, THQ, going bankrupt. As a result, a lot of content featured in early trailers and promotional material didn't make the cut.

Early Builds

To do:
Wouldn't it make more sense to potentially cover these on a Proto page?

Early builds of The Stick of Truth can be found on Hidden Palace:


These old builds have temporary lines voiced by text to speech if they're not voice-acted. Plus, there's plenty of unused side-quests, story elements, locations, as well as a lot of placeholder assets. Build #814 has instructions for how to active debug mode. Said build is the only build that's for the PS3. The rest are for the Xbox 360 and PC. Xbox 360 Builds 895 and 879 are unbootable. However, 896 can be fixed.

Unused Audio

Unused Vampire Kids Quest

The most well known cut quest would've been the South Park Cememtery, later would've changed to Mephesto's Laboratory (South Park Genetic Engineering Ranch) and The Vampire Kids. Under build #814 it would've seem that the Vampire Kids, under a unused leader named "Count Ravyncrowe," would've kidnapped the Goth Kids as prisoners and attempted to brainwash Henrietta to side with them. The player would have to rescue Mike, Pete, and Firkle from imprisonment, and a boss fight with Ravyncrowe would've appeared at the end to help Henrietta. Though in an unfinished state the end would've ended with the player being asked to go with them to the Village Inn in a state before it was ever part of the hub world. An "E3_Cemetery" version would've also existed, though all the rescue elements were removed and the ended would've just been confronting Ravyncrowe.

In all the successor leaked builds the old plot would've been cut, and replaced the cemetery as Mephesto's Lab with Mike Makowski being the leader of the Vampire Kids. After a confrontation boss fight with Makowski, it's revealed that they were trying to protect the town from "deep ones," and could be stopped by summoning H.P. Lovecraft. After this section would let the player visit Perkins' (a hub world version of Village Inn) they would ask the New Kid to do the same as the final game, by getting cigarettes and to look goths, there they would meet behind the school to see if kid could dance goth. Third section would be the player would've visited the Biggle Residence to summon H.P. Lovecraft, after accidentally summoning Michael Jackson into Mike's body. The final section would've taken place at Makowski's backyard, located next to Mr. Slave's House, which the deep ones turn out to be Crab People. There the Goths would unite with the New Kid.

(Source: MIComputerTech)

Unused Ginger Forest

The Ginger Forest would've been the very first level of the game after the player would create their character. It would've had a battle of rescuing Cartman's doll Polly Prissypants. From then he would come across a fortress that the gingers built, along with a giant burning Cartman shrine that they could enter and an underground puzzle passage. During the final section the player would enter into the barn to rescue the doll from decapitation, a boss fight would've also likely happened as well. Under the leaked builds #814 and later this level is playable, but the no NPCs spawn and scripted sequences are completely broken, the models though are still used as placeholders for the hallway monitors and combat stages still exist under build #814.

(Source: MIComputerTech, Roaming Berry)

Unused Battle at Kyle's Backyard

This would've been the earliest revision of the Elven Fortress before it was turned into just a simple capture scene when getting recruits. It's in a similar fashion to that of the battle at the school, but instead you start off on Cartman's side to get the stick and at the end you chose to either fight Cartman or Kyle. Some unused ideas exist in here as well, such as the potato gun launcher to break down the elves' defenses and Ike driving a lawnmower in act of a dragon.

(Source: MIComputerTech, Roaming Berry)


To do:
Find more content in trailers and gameplay videos.
  • Vampire Kids and Crab People were set to be enemies.
  • The Woodland Critters were originally going to be bosses, then summons (or at least, Beary the Bear was.) They would later reappear as bosses in The Fractured But Whole.
  • Mephesto's Lab was going to appear, according to the early map in a trailer.
  • Liane Cartman (Cartman's mother) was originally going to be Cartman's ability: Cartman whines to her, and Liane supplies him and the player with various recovery items. This was scrapped due to being able to abuse it to recover without needing to use the items present in your inventory.
  • The Cleric class was originally going to be in the game, but dummied out in the final. Some remnants are present in the text files.