South Park: The Fractured But Whole
South Park: The Fractured But Whole |
Developer: Ubisoft San Francisco
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This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. |
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: There are quite a few curse words and raunchy scenarios. This is a South Park game, after all! |
The sequel to South Park: The Stick of Truth, this time starring the kids as superheroes striving to earn billions of dollars on their franchise. The game is notable for its departure from the traditional role-playing style of the previous game in favor of a more strategic grid-based style for combat.
Prerelease Info |
Unused Graphics Fidget Spinners and a TON of placeholders. |
Unused Areas Places even Fastpass can't take you to. |
Unused Cutscenes Silent sketch slideshows. |
Unused Powers A lot of stuff here. |
Unused Missions FIND MOSQUITOǃ |
Unused Combatants Ubisoft REALLY likes the Chaos Minions. |
Unused Menus "I love tumblr fanart of us" |
Unused Audio "You've made a lot of enemies in this town New Kid." |
Unused Items Urine. |
Internal Project Name
The game's internal name is Camel, given by the directory going by the name and many other references in the directory in files.
Unused Status Effects
This effect was overhauled into Boost!. It is not exactly known what Energized did, but the E3 version of Speedster's power2 mentions applying it to allies.
This icon isn't related to a cut status effect, but instead a cut feature where this icon would pop up above a defeated enemy.
Most likely an early version of Attack Up.
This effect would have most likely made an opponent skip their turn. It could be an early version of Chilled.
Rage Meter Lock
This status effect would stop the Ultimate meter from charging. It was going to be applied by Mintberry Crunch's ultimate for 1 round.
Enemy Thorn
An unfinished status effect that uses Burning as a placeholder, meant to appear in Bring the Crunch. It would have most likely been a Buff that would reflect some damage back on to the attacking ally.
An unfinished status effect that uses Bleeding as a placeholder, meant to appear in Bring the Crunch. It would have most likely been a Buff that would reflect some damage back on to the attacking enemy.
A status effect that would've been applied by Professor Chaos's 2nd power, known as Impending Boom originally.
Most likely an early version of Defense Down.
Most likely an early version of either Chilled or Slow.
Unused Buddy Powers
A Buddy Power for Mysterion. Mysterion would use his ghost form to possess Randy, who the player could then control. Given the fact that Randy is the only character with a "possessed" variation, it was most likely cut very early.
Coon Rope
A Buddy Power for The Coon, which appears to have been cut even earlier than Mysterion's. It only has 1 .mpower file with barely anything in it.
Hero DNA
The Hero DNA App would've allowed you to increase/decrease the game's difficulty using varions modifiers. Playing on higher difficulties would reward you with better loot. The menu itself is sadly very unfinished: only the Difficulty can be changed.
The descriptions and names for some of the modifiers can be found scattered throughout the files:
Judging by the descriptions, Auras were going to trigger at the start of turns.
[Chill Nearby Enemies]: At the beginning of each turn, all nearby enemies are chilled Your BO Hurts: At the beginning of each turn, all nearby enemies and allies are damaged Firestarter: At the beginning of each turn, ignite a random enemy and ally on fire. (or yourself) [Firestarter]: At the start of your turn randomly set someone on fire (ally or foe) PCP BO: At the beginning of each turn, shield nearby allies. Allies not near take damage instead Frigid Air: Enemies have a 25% chance of becoming chilled when they are damaged Psychic Overload: Enemies have a 50% chance to start combat with a random debuff Perfumed BO: "At the beginning of each turn, you and all nearby allies are healed"
As the name suggets, Triggers were meant to activate on certain events, such as hitting an enemy, getting hit, getting defeated etc.
Mind Melder: Whenever a buddy receives a buff or debuff, you receive it as well Ethereal: Whenever you are damaged, you turn invisible Secret Static: Whenever an adjacent enemy damages you, they become shocked Jesus: When you die, Revive and Heal all other Allies Safety Shield: Get fully shielded when you hit low life (25% - once per battle) Example Vampire Grandma: Whenever an enemy goes below 250 life, heal for 50
Consumable would modify the Consumable items in some way.
We love Cheesy Poofs: Heal potions also apply shields
There are also several other categories that don't seem to appear in the menu:
Upon an ally being defeated, Battlecry would most likely give certain boosts to the New Kid.
Battle Cry: When an ally dies, gain an extra turn (once per ally)
Challenges would activate certain conditions that would make battles harder.
[Death Explode]: When you die, you explode - Killing everyone (and losing the battle) [Heal Enemies when Hit]: Whenever an enemy damages you, they heal [You must move]: Every turn you don't move to a different cell, you take X damage. [Self Random Debuff]: At the beginning of your turn, you receive a random debuff [Teleport]: At the beginning of your turn you teleport next to a random enemy [max range 6] Conscientious Objector: Whenever an enemy dies, you become grossed out Basic Challenge 1: Enemies deal 25% more damage. Basic Challenge 2: Enemies deal 50% more damage. Basic Challenge 3: Enemies deal 100% more damage. Basic Challenge 4: Enemies deal 100% more damage. Enemies take 50% less damage. Basic Challenge 5: Enemies deal 50% more damage. Enemies take 50% less damage. Basic Challenge 6: Enemies deal 75% more damage. Enemies take 55% less damage. Basic Challenge 7: Enemies deal 100% more damage. Enemies take 60% less damage. Basic Challenge 8: Enemies deal 125% more damage. Enemies take 65% less damage. Basic Challenge 9: Enemies deal 150% more damage. Enemies take 70% less damage. Basic Challenge 10: Enemies deal 200% more damage. Enemies take 75% less damage. Basic Helper 1: Enemies take 25% more damage. Basic Helper 2: Enemies take 50% more damage. Basic Helper 3: Enemies take 100% more damage. Basic Helper 4: Enemies deal 50% less damage. Enemies take 200% more damage. Basic Helper 5: Enemies deal 50% less damage. Enemies take 50% more damage. Basic Helper 6: Enemies deal 55% less damage. Enemies take 75% more damage. Basic Helper 7: Enemies deal 60% less damage. Enemies take 100% more damage. Basic Helper 8: Enemies deal 65% less damage. Enemies take 125% more damage. Basic Helper 9: Enemies deal 70% less damage. Enemies take 150% more damage. Basic Helper 10:Enemies deal 75% less damage. Enemies take 200% more damage.
A category that would buff the cut Assemble, Repeat and Skip Timefarts. A name and description for the Skip Timefart doesn't seem to exists, however a script file does. It's called herodna_timefart_repeatencumbers.mskillscriptgraph, which means it was most likely going to give Slow to the targeted enemy.
Assemble++: When you timefart assemble, clear all debuffs from all allies Skip++: Your power cooldowns are refreshed whenever you timefart skip [Timefarts Heal]: Allies affected by timefarts are healed
The category for these next few modifiers is unknown.
Distracting BO: All Enemies deal 10% less damage Festering BO: All Enemies take 10% more damage Fastidious: Your heals and shields are 25% more potent on allies with debuffs Hypersensitivity: "While low health (<25%), you take and deal 50% more damage" Magnetic Masochism: Whenever an enemy takes damage, you also take 25% of that damage. Placeholder DNA: This DNA does nothing Example - Copy Status Effect: Copy Status Effect Example Counter Damage: "Whenever an enemy takes damage, you also take 25% of that damage." [Team Stat Boost]: Your highest team stat is increased by [25%] (and bonus can exceed caps) [+1 Speed]: You and all allies gain 1 speed
Unused Classes
Several assets for an unused class named Mystic can be found in the files. Given its semi-complete state and its appearance in an early cutscene, it's safe to say that it was cut late in development.
Class description: The Mystic calls on the farts of the Ancient Ones to Gross Out foes and heal allies.
1st power: Fragrant Violation
Description: The Mystic cups a noxious fart and lobs it onto unfortunate foes for damage, Gross Out, and chance of pink-eye infection.
Short description: Broken wind that inflicts Gross Out.
2nd power: Power Word: Fart
Description: A phantom fart that appears behind a nearby enemy, pulling the victim to the Mystic's side and dealing damage.
Short description: Teleporting fart pushes a foe toward you
3rd power: Probiotic Portal
Description: Rip an anal fissure in fart-time and swap places with any target. Foes take damage and gain Gross Out. Allies are healed and cleansed.
Short description: Heal an ally or Gross Out a foe.
4th power: Golgothan
Description: Your greatest trick. Summon an excremental to fight by your side. This shit demon Grosses Out enemies and ultimately explodes in a filth shower.
Short description: Summon a shit demon to battle.
Present in camel/ui/temp assets/power selection are 3 ability icons for an entity called "shitghost" who would be summoned via the Mystic class' super.
The Mystic class can also be seen in an early cutscene.
Demon Child/Netherborn
Several assets and early cinematic-based gameplay also hint that this class was cut last minute. The costume design went to the Mummy set and was reworked into the one from From Dusk till Casa Bonita.
Class Description: "For heroes with an affinity for black eyeliner, the Netherborn deals damage and potent debuffs, like Charm and Lifesteal."
Short Description: "Netherborn class, dealing damage and potent debuffs."
Power 1: Bewitched Beckoning
Description: Pull an enemy to your side and whisper sweet eldritch hexes into their ear. Inflicts damage and Charm.
Short Description: Pull a foe to your side and Charm
Power 2: Life Hack
Description: "The Netherborn dabbles in blood magic, damaging a nearby enemy and inflicting lifesteal."
Short Description: "Weird trick inflicts damage and lifesteal."
Power 3: Hands of the Hoar
Description: "Call in a favor from the netherworld as the undead claw at your enemy, dealing damage and inflicting Chilled. Now we're square, Pazuzu!"
Description 2: "Call in a favor from the netherworld as unholy tendrils grasp and pull your enemy, dealing damage and inflicting Chilled. Now we're square, Pazuzu!"
Short Description: "Unholy tendrils pull and Chill your foe."
Power 4: Vile Transfusion
Description: "When only the most potent blood magic will do, Vile Transfusion damages your foes and fully heals all allies."
Short Description: "Heal your friends and damage your foes."
Unused Coonstagram Users
Billy Turner
Despite being mentioned by The Coon in one of the cutscenes, Bill(y) Turner never appears anywhere in the game.
Filmore's Parents
Similarly to Billy Turner, Filmore's parents don't appear anywhere in the game.
Heidi Turner
While Heidi does appear in the game as a random overworld NPC, she never appears on Coonstagram.
Kevin McCormick
Kenny's older brother Kevin can never be selfied with at any point of the game.
Despite this, there are 2 hashtags related to him:
#WaffleHouse #FancyFeast
Randy's friend Nelson can be seen in the Peppermint Hippo, but can't be interacted with.
New Kid's Parents
Unlike most characters on this list, both of them have unique lines for taking selfies.
Temp Poster
Exactly as the name states, a temporary user, who strangely uses the timeline portrait of one of the Cops as their profile picture.
The past version of the New Kid, who was obviously meant to follow you after taking a selfie with the intruders near the end of the game.
Bradley Biggle
Bradley was meant to appear in the Casa Bonita DLC next to the fountain. He can be seen in an unused Coonstagram selfie, and also has quite a few unique voicelines for interacting with the player.
Unused Minigames
Shooting Range
To do: Textures and voicelines for the minigame. |
In the files, some references for a cut shooting range minigame can be found. The minigame itself would've taken place in The Thin White Line segment of the game, after defeating Jared. In the minigame, you had to shoot random people on the street. Two icons (one for ammo and one for lives) and items relating to this minigame were left in the files. These two items are; tickets, for entering the minigame, and a key, which would've been obtained after completing the minigame. An icon for a trophy also exists, which would have been an artifact. Interestingly, the song that plays inside Bijou Theater was supposed to be used for this minigame.
Driving Minigame?
This might be the strangest minigame out of all of them. The only file for it is an .mcelllogic file, under the name "dlc01 casabonita dancing mini game". However, upon closer inspection, the file seems to contain assets for a "driving minigame". The arcade does have both a DDR-style dance pad and a driving game, so which one this was going to be is a mystery.
A minigame where you had to put a condom on a phalic-shaped wooden object. The condom would have broken if attempted to be put on too fast. This minigame is related to the unused sm31_stan_loyalty side mission.
Morning Pill
A minigame where you choose from a list of baby names. After donig so, the paper slides down. This minigame is related to an unused side mission sm72_stan_loyalty_pt2.
Unused Text
bloomberg_camel.cfg contains some development leftovers.
{ server = "", serverport = 11620, reporterport = 11622, launcher = "tools/bloomberg/Bloomberg.Reporter.Launcher.exe", }
commandlines.txt contains exactly that, a list of commands.
{ localserver = { params_common = { "-startgame", "-synergy", // "-shaderserver", "-noshadersdf", "-noAssetScanner", // "-online", "-noserver", "-join_most_populated_server", }, params_pc = {}, params_ps4 = { "-sdfonly", "-shaderserver", }, params_xboxone = { "-shaderserver", }, proxylist = "(not_used)", proxylist_port = "0", server = "localhost", }, nightly = { params_common = { "-startgame", "-synergy", // "-shaderserver", "-noshadersdf", "-noAssetScanner", "-online", "-noserver", "-join_most_populated_server", "-branch Live", }, params_pc = {}, params_ps4 = { "-sdfonly", }, params_xboxone = {}, proxylist = "", proxylist_port = "51000", server = "", }, live = { params_common = { "-startgame", "-synergy", // "-shaderserver", "-noshadersdf", "-noAssetScanner", "-online", "-noserver", "-join_most_populated_server", "-branch Live", }, params_pc = { "-juneupdate", }, params_ps4 = { "-sdfonly", }, params_xboxone = {}, proxylist = "", proxylist_port = "51000", server = "", }, }
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Leftovers
To do: Document the contents of the folders. |
The folders faceman, modules, shaders, system and textures all seem to be a leftovers from Tom Clancy's The Division 2, which was also made using the Snowdrop engine.
Compilation Logs
The Nintendo Switch version has a few compilation logs for the base game data from internal development.
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Download South Park TFBW (Switch) DLC Compilation Logs
File: (8,675 KB) (info)
The South Park series
| |
Pinball | South Park (Prototype) |
Nintendo 64 | South Park • Chef's Luv Shack • South Park Rally (Prototypes) |
PlayStation | South Park • Chef's Luv Shack (Prototype) • South Park Rally (Prototypes) |
Game Boy Color | South Park |
Windows | South Park • Chef's Luv Shack • South Park Rally (Prototypes) • The Stick of Truth • The Fractured But Whole • Snow Day! |
Dreamcast | Chef's Luv Shack (Prototypes) • South Park Rally (Prototypes) |
Xbox 360 | Let's Go Tower Defense Play! (Prototype) |
PlayStation 4, Xbox One | The Fractured But Whole |
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | Snow Day! |
Nintendo Switch | The Fractured But Whole • Snow Day! |
Adobe Flash | Alien Chase |
Android, iOS | Phone Destroyer |
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- Games released in October
- Games released on October 17
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused characters
- Games with unused code
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused enemies
- Games with unused objects
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused cinematics
- Games with unused items
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused music
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Works In Progress
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- To do
- South Park series
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Games > Games by content > Games with unused code
Games > Games by content > Games with unused enemies
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Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Ubisoft > Games developed by Ubisoft San Francisco
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in October
Games > Games by release date > Games released in October > Games released on October 17
Games > Games by series > South Park series