South Park: The Fractured But Whole/Unused Combatants
This is a sub-page of South Park: The Fractured But Whole.
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: A fully naked old woman. |
- 1 Allies
- 2 Enemies
- 2.1 chr_backstory01_bruiser_mystic
- 2.2 chr_morgan_freeman_phase1
- 2.3 chr_morgan_freeman_phase2
- 2.4 chr_pepperminthippo_stripperp
- 2.5 chr_pepperminthippo_stripperq
- 2.6 chr_pepperminthippo_stripperr
- 2.7 chr_placeholder_cop_hooker
- 2.8 chr_placeholder_enemy
- 2.9 chr_placeholder_morgan_freeman
- 2.10 chr_placeholder_vip_john
- 2.11 chr_shubniggurath_combat
- 2.12 combat_butters_thug_b
- 2.13 combat_chaos_dog_a
- 2.14 combat_chaos_mexican_d
- 2.15 combat_chaos_mexican_e
- 2.16 combat_chaos_mexican_tank_b
- 2.17 combat_chaos_mexicanballtosser_a
- 2.18 combat_chaos_thug_a
- 2.19 combat_npc_chr_bucadefaggocinichefa
- 2.20 combat_npc_chr_bucadefaggocinichefc
- 2.21 combat_npc_chr_bucadefaggocinichefd
- 2.22 combat_npc_chr_bucadefaggociniheadchef
- 2.23 combat_npc_chr_temp_shubvictim
- 2.24 combat_placeholder_training_dummy
- 2.25 lt_6thgraders_rogue_01
- 2.26 lt_6thgraders_rogue_02
- 2.27 lt_6thgraders_rogue_03
- 2.28 lt_6thgraders_russian_bruiser_01
- 2.29 lt_6thgraders_russian_bruiser_02
- 2.30 lt_6thgraders_russian_grenadier_01
- 2.31 lt_6thgraders_russian_grenadier_02
- 2.32 lt_6thgraders_russian_priest_01
- 2.33 lt_6thgraders_russian_wizard_01
- 2.34 lt_6thgraders_russian_wizard_02
- 2.35 lt_6thgraders_wizard
- 2.36 lt_6thgraders_wizard_02
- 2.37 lt_6thgraders_wizard_03
- 2.38 lt_bums_bruiser_03
- 2.39 lt_bums_exploder_01
- 2.40 lt_bums_exploder_02
- 2.41 lt_bums_exploder_03
- 2.42 lt_bums_rogue_01
- 2.43 lt_bums_rogue_02
- 2.44 lt_bums_swarmer_03
- 2.45 lt_bums_swarmer_03
- 2.46 lt_cityninjas_rogue_01
- 2.47 lt_cityninjas_rogue_02
- 2.48 lt_cityninjas_rogue_03
- 2.49 lt_cityninjas_rusher_01
- 2.50 lt_cityninjas_rusher_02
- 2.51 lt_cityninjas_rusher_03
- 2.52 lt_cityninjas_swarmer_01
- 2.53 lt_cityninjas_swarmer_02
- 2.54 lt_cityninjas_swarmer_03
- 2.55 lt_cityninjas_swarmer_04
- 2.56 lt_cityninjas_wizard_01
- 2.57 lt_cityninjas_wizard_02
- 2.58 lt_cityninjas_wizard_03
- 2.59 lt_cops_peashooter_01
- 2.60 lt_cops_peashooter_02
- 2.61 lt_cops_peashooter_03
- 2.62 lt_cops_peashooter_04
- 2.63 lt_cops_rogue_01
- 2.64 lt_cops_rogue_02
- 2.65 lt_cops_rogue_03
- 2.66 lt_crabpeople_bruiser02
- 2.67 lt_crabpeople_bruiser03
- 2.68 lt_crabpeople_king_priest01
- 2.69 lt_crabpeople_rogue01
- 2.70 lt_crabpeople_rogue02
- 2.71 lt_crabpeople_rogue03
- 2.72 lt_crabpeople_swarmer02
- 2.73 lt_crabpeople_swarmer03
- 2.74 lt_crabpeople_swarmer04
- 2.75 lt_crabpeople_warlock02
- 2.76 lt_crabpeople_warlock03
- 2.77 lt_mephisto_grenadier_01
- 2.78 lt_mephisto_grenadier_02
- 2.79 lt_mephisto_grenadier_03
- 2.80 lt_mephisto_rogue_01
- 2.81 lt_mephisto_swarmer_01
- 2.82 lt_mephisto_swarmer_02
- 2.83 lt_mephisto_swarmer_03
- 2.84 lt_mephisto_swarmer_04
- 2.85 lt_mephisto_swarmer_05
- 2.86 lt_mephisto_swarmer_06
- 2.87 lt_mephisto_swarmer_07
- 2.88 lt_oldpeople_bruiser_01
- 2.89 lt_oldpeople_bruiser_02
- 2.90 lt_oldpeople_bruiser_03
- 2.91 lt_oldpeople_grenadier_01
- 2.92 lt_oldpeople_peashooter_01
- 2.93 lt_oldpeople_peashooter_02
- 2.94 lt_oldpeople_peashooter_03
- 2.95 lt_oldpeople_peashooter_04
- 2.96 lt_oldpeople_priest_01
- 2.97 lt_oldpeople_priest_02
- 2.98 lt_oldpeople_priest_03
- 2.99 lt_oldpeople_rusher_01
- 2.100 lt_oldpeople_swarmer_01
- 2.101 lt_oldpeople_wizard_01
- 2.102 lt_oldpeople_wizard_02
- 2.103 lt_oldpeople_wizard_03
- 2.104 lt_raisins_rusher_01
- 2.105 lt_raisins_rusher_02
- 2.106 lt_raisins_rusher_03
- 2.107 mm12_bums_swarmer_03
- 2.108 mm12_bums_swarmer_04
- 2.109 mm12_bums_swarmer_05
- 2.110 mm12_lavacombat_rogue01
- 2.111 mm12_lavacombat_rogue02
- 2.112 mm12_megamexican_rogue01
- 2.113 mm12_megamexican_rogue02
- 2.114 mm12_megamexican_swarmer01
- 2.115 mm12_megamexican_swarmer02
- 2.116 mm12_megamexican_swarmer03
- 2.117 mm12_megamexican_swarmer04
- 2.118 mm12_methlab_grenadier_02
- 2.119 mm12_methlab_wizard_03
- 2.120 mm12_ustorit_ambush_rogue_01
- 2.121 mm12_ustorit_ambush_rogue_02
- 2.122 mm12_ustorit_ambush_wizard02
- 2.123 mm12_ustorit_stealth_watcher_a
- 2.124 mm12_ustorit_stealth_watcher_b
- 2.125 mm12_ustorit_stealth_watcher_c
- 2.126 mm15_ape_priest_archetype
- 2.127 mm15_ape_priest02_archetype
- 2.128 mm15_explodingpigs_couple
- 2.129 mm16_6thgraderstealthcombat_electricpylon_01
- 2.130 mm16_basement_bruiser01
- 2.131 mm16_basement_bruiser02
- 2.132 mm16_basement_bruiser03
- 2.133 mm16_basement_bruiser04
- 2.134 mm16_civilwar3_mysterion
- 2.135 mm16_civilwar3_tupperware
- 2.136 mm16_civilwar3_toolshed
- 2.137 mm16_civilwar3_wondertweek
- 2.138 mm16_cokedcops_rogue_archetype
- 2.139 mm16_cokedcops_rogue03
- 2.140 mm16_cokedcops_wiazard01
- 2.141 mm16_cokedcops_wiazard02
- 2.142 mm16_cokedcops_wiazard03
- 2.143 mm16_cokedcops_wiazard04
- 2.144 mm16_cokedcops_wizard_archetype
- 2.145 mm16_shub_bruiser_archetype
- 2.146 mm16_superaltkite_boss
- 2.147 mm16_wizard_archetype
- 2.148 mm16_wizard01
- 2.149 mm17_christmascritters_altar1
- 2.150 mm17_christmascritters_altar2
- 2.151 mm17_fateful_night_speedster
- 2.152 mm17_santa_candy_2
- 2.153 mm17_santa_rioter
- 2.154 mm17_stickoftruth_jimmy
- 2.155 mm19_explosive_mine
- 2.156 mm19_explosive_mine_02
- 2.157 mm19_explosive_mine_03
- 2.158 mm19_explosive_mine_04
- 2.159 mm19_explosive_mine_05
- 2.160 mm19_explosive_mine_06
- 2.161 mm19_rabbi
- 2.162 mm22_genderselection_shakenbeer
- 2.163 mm24_raisonrevenge_warlock01
- 2.164 mm28_buttersdad_cell_1
- 2.165 mm28_buttersdad_cell_2
- 2.166 mm28_buttersdad_cell_3
- 2.167 mm28_buttersdad_cell_4
- 2.168 sm09_jimbo_cat_swarmer
- 2.169 sm14_kylehasidicjews
- 2.170 sm19_shadyacres_blocker_archetype_c
- 2.171 sm19_shadyacres_grenadier_archetype_d
- 2.172 sm19_shadyacres_swarmer_archetype_c
- 2.173 sm23_jimbo2_badger
- 2.174 sm34_buca_waiterb_wizard
- 2.175 sm34_bucachefa_wizard
- 2.176 sm34_bucachefc_wizard
- 2.177 sm34_bucachefd_bruiser
- 2.178 sm34_bucaheadchef_priest
- 2.179 sm34_bucca_waitera_wizard
- 2.180 sm42_securityguard_bruiser02
- 2.181 Vampire Kids
- 2.182 sm69_mrs_cartman_priest02
- 2.183 sm69_mrs_cartman_tutoring_bruiser01
- 2.184 sm69_mrs_chartman_tutoring_rogue01
- 2.185 sm69_mrs_chartman_tutoring_rogue02
- 2.186 Temporary Enemies
- 2.187 dlc1_vampkids_generalmanager
- 2.188 dlc1_vampkids_priest_04
- 2.189 dlc3_burial_grounds_explosives
- 2.190 dlc3_monsters_alien_02
- 2.191 dlc3_monsters_biker
- 2.192 dlc3_monsters_bruiser_05
- 2.193 dlc3_monsters_kryptonites
- 2.194 dlc3_monsters_mimsy_helmet
- 2.195 dlc3_monsters_nathan_helmet
- 2.196 dlc3_monsters_swarmer_01
- 2.197 dlc3_monsters_timmy_brain
- 2.198 dlc3_monsters_warlock_01
- 2.199 dlc3_monsters_wizard_piercing_04
- 2.200 dr_randyredwinedrunk
- 2.201 dr_sm01_craigcat_bruiser01
- 2.202 lt_6thgraders_priest_02.mnpc
Doctor Timothy
Doctor Timothy was going to be an unlockable ally before being reserved for an NPC role in the final game. Most of his powers are fully functional, except his ultimate, which has no animation. Interestingly, his character sheet can still be obtained in the final, but it cannot be viewed.
Doctor Timothy Character Sheet Alias: Timothy “Timmy“ Burch Class: Psychic Race/Ethnicity: Post-human Sex/Gender: Straight Cis Male Alignment: Lawful Religion: Transhumanism Power Source: The mind Kryptonite: Stairs
"As mastermind and leader of The Freedom Pals, Doctor Timothy relies on his impressive mental powers to control the field of battle – and dominate the psyches of his foes."
Psychic Scream: This blast of pure psychic energy damages and knocks back all enemies in a row. Mind Rape: Doctor Timothy fucks an enemy's mind, Charming the foe and convincing them to temporarily change allegiance. Brain Bomb: The Doctor stupifies his enemies. All foes in the affected zone are Confused. The Timmy Whisperer: Doctor Timothy, in full recruitment mode, damages and Charms multiple foes from range.
"The Doctor controls the battle with multiple Charm moves and Ego Whip, which inflicts Confused. Keep him safe and use Psychic Scream to knock back encroaching foes."
A blue recolor of the placeholder enemy. It can only use items. There is a power for it in the files under the name placeholder_buddy_power1, however it's exactly the same as the placeholder enemy's power.
A scientist that was supposed to fight alongside you somehwere in Mephesto's Lab. It uses the model of one of the early Mexican Chaos Minions. Its only power is called "Scientist Kick", which doesn't do any damage.
While Santa does appear in the game, this unused version does not. His faction is set to "Player" but according to his description (temp_enemy_archetype_basic_bruiser Name), this was most likely the enemy version of Santa that you were meant to fight after defeating the Christmas Critters. He has an unused power called "pwr_mm17_santa_santa_melee_v2", which behaves exactly like his final power.
Nichole was meant to appear in the unused "sm34_token_loyalty" mission, where she would have been a one-off ally, like Santa. She bas a broken Melee power and a power that gives Attack Up to the target. She has unique animations for both powers, and even has some voicelines for getting hit/hitting an enemy.
An unused version of the Alpha Intruder with a different tuning, meant for the backstory for the scrapped Mystic class.
An unused version of Morgan Freeman with only 1 power, the Million Dollar Bitchslap. The name suggests that he would've started out with 1 power and gained more during his other phases.
Another unused version of Morgan Freeman. It's exactly the same as the other version, except he now also has the Fart Sensei power.
A stripper with a completely unused design. Her combat model doesn't have any animations, and is seen in a sitting position. She has two powers (both of them being unused)ː Exotic Attack and Thunder Down Under. Due to the lack of animations, none of the powers actually do anything.
An unused version of the stripper Trixie. She only has the unused Exotic Attack power.
An unused version of the stripper Paris. She has two powersː Thunder Down Under and Exotic attack.
An unused Hooker enemy. Uses the same model and power as the placeholder enemy and uses the voicelines for one of the Cops.
A placeholder enemy with a broken AoE power that only affects 1 target.
Yet another unused Morgan Freeman variation, which, interestingly enough, uses the timeline portrait for the cut enemy Wesley. Like the phase 1 variant, he only has the Million Dollar Bitchslap power.
Another enemy that uses the placeholder model. This one has no powers, and uses the voicelines for the VIP John Roger.
An early version of Shub Niggurath, who behaves completely differently. This version is always above ground and can be attacked directly. It has three powers, all of them being unfinishedː Tentacle Whip, Consuming Darkness and Dark Caress.
Interestingly, she has animations for being targeted, getting hit and defeated.
An unused version of a Chaos Minion, using the placeholder enemy model. It has one power, an early version of the Disc Throw power.
An early version of the Chaos Canine enemy...or at least what's left of it. For some reason (most likely due to removed files), only its head shows up in-game. It has no powers.
An early version of one of the Mexican Chaos Minions, who uses the same model as the Scientist.
Another early version of one of the Mexican Chaos Minions. His animations are completely different from the final version.
ANOTHER early Chaos Minion, this time the Mecha Minion. The name seems to suggest that there were originally more variations.
An early version of the Mexican Ball Tosser Minion.
The last of the early Chaos Minions. Interestingly, this model was actually used as the base for the placeholder enemy model.
The Sous Chef with two unused powersː pwr_com_kitchenattack and pwr_com_kitchenthrow.
The Line Chef with the same unused powers as the aforementioned chef.
The Prep Cook with the same unused powers as the other two chefs.
The Head Chef, who, unlike the rest of the chefs, doesn't have any powers.
An enemy that was meant to appear in the Shub Niggurath fight. The enemy itself uses the stripper Trixie's powers and model as a placeholder.
Uses the model of the combat_chaos_thug_a enemy. It has no powers, and a surprising 99999 HPǃ
An unused 6th Grader Assassin, meant for overworld fights. It has 2 powersː pwr_LT_6thgraders_rogue_melee and pwr_lt_6thgraders_rogue_melee_grossed.
A copy of lt_6thgraders_rogue_01 but with a different model.
A copy of lt_6thgraders_rogue_01 but with a different model.
The first in the series of 6th Graders labeled "Russians". They all have unique sound banks, however they don't have any voicelines. The Bruisers have two powersː Titty Twister and Haymaker.
Same as lt_6thgraders_russian_bruiser_01 but with a different model.
Russian 6th Grader Grenadiers. Interestingly, their Piss Balloon power behaves differently; instead of it being a Telegraphed attack, the balloon gets thrown immediately. The projectile for the balloon is also smaller.
Same as lt_6thgraders_russian_grenadier_01, except this one uses a unique design never seen anywhere else in the game.
A Priest that has two powersː a simple melee attack and a heal that's marked as an offensive power for some reason.
Uses the model of one of the the regular 6th Grader Peashooters. It has two powersː Snipe (known as Russian Loogie in the power's file), which has a placeholder range and power icon, and Booger Fling.
Same as lt_6thgraders_russian_wizard_01 but with a different model.
Early version of the 6th Grader Needlers, which only has 1 powerː pwr_lt_6thgraders_wizard_lob_min_grossed. Uses the model of one of the the regular 6th Grader Peashooters.
Same as lt_6thgraders_wizard but with a different model.
Same as lt_6thgraders_wizard but with a different model.
A Bum that was meant to appear in one of the overworld fights. While the design for the enemy itself is used, the enemy itself isn't.
An Exploder variation of the Bums. It's unknown if they were going to be actual people or the Chemical Barrels that can be seen in the fight against the Meth Heads. Trying to load the enemy crashes the game, since it has no model assigned to it.
Same as lt_bums_exploder_01.
Same as lt_bums_exploder_01.
An Assassin variation of the Bums. Uses the placeholder enemy model and placeholder Assassin power.
Same as lt_bums_rogue_01.
Same as mm12_bums_swarmer_03, but with very low stats.
Same as mm12_bums_swarmer_04, but with very low stats.
An Assassin variation of the City Ninjas. It only has one power, Whirlwind, which is exactly the same as the final version of the power, except it does less damage.
Same as lt_cityninjas_rogue_01.
Same as lt_cityninjas_rogue_01.
A Rusher variation for the City Ninjas. It has two powersː Melee and Rush. While the melee power doesn't have an animation, the rush power doesǃ The ninja lifts up his sword and runs through the targets, then slams down his sword, which was most likely going to knock back the target.
Same as lt_cityninjas_rusher_01.
Same as lt_cityninjas_rusher_01.
A Swarmer variation of the City Ninjas. It has one power, a melee power with the name Whirlwind. It has no animation.
Same as lt_cityninjas_swarmer_01.
Same as lt_cityninjas_swarmer_01.
Same as lt_cityninjas_swarmer_01.
A Sniper variation of the Ciy Ninjas. It's an exact copy of the used version of the enemy that appears in "The Invitation" mission.
Same as lt_cityninjas_wizard_01.
Same as lt_cityninjas_wizard_01.
A Peashooter variation of the Crooked Cops. It uses the placeholder enemy model and Peashooter power.
Same as lt_cops_peashooter_01. Has a different voice bank compared to the first one.
Same as lt_cops_peashooter_01.
Same as lt_cops_peashooter_02.
An Assassin variation of the Crooked Cops. It's actually one of the dogs from the Security Guard fightǃ It has a unique power with different stats.
Same as lt_cops_rogue_01 but with a different model.
Same as lt_cops_rogue_01 but with a different model.
A Crab Person Bruiser in the D-Mobile outfit who, for some reason, was meant to appear in the overworld. It has the same power as the used Bruiser.
Same as lt_crabpeople_bruiser02.
An unused version of King Crab that was also going to appear in the overworld. Interestingly, he has a unique animation for using his unused Telegraphed healing power; he starts jumping up and down constantly. Sadly though, the game softlocks after he tries to execute the power.
An Assassin variation of the Crab People. It uses a placeholder model and has a unique power, which is also unused.
Same as lt_crabpeople_rogue01.
Same as lt_crabpeople_rogue01.
A Swarmer variation of the Crab People. It once again has the D-Mobile outfit.
Same as lt_crabpeople_swarmer02.
Same as lt_crabpeople_swarmer02.
A Warlock variation of the Crab People. It has a placeholder model and a placeholder power that inflicts Burning.
Same as lt_crabpeople_warlock03.
A Mutant Sixth Grader that was meant to appear in the overworld, most likely the Many Assed Sixth Grader Porcupine. It uses a placeholder model and two placeholder powers.
Same as lt_mephisto_grenadier_01.
Same as lt_mephisto_grenadier_01.
Another Mutant Sixth Grader that was meant to appear in the overworld, most likely the Many Assed Sixth Grader Honey Badger. It uses a placeholder model and one placeholder power.
An Ass Creature that was going to appear in the overworld, most likely the Many Assed Cats. Strangely, it uses an otherwise unused power for one of the Bums.
Same as lt_mephisto_swarmer_01.
Same as lt_mephisto_swarmer_01.
Same as lt_mephisto_swarmer_01.
Same as lt_mephisto_swarmer_01.
Same as lt_mephisto_swarmer_01.
Same as lt_mephisto_swarmer_01.
An unused version of one of the Ol' Blockers that was meant to appear in the overworld. Alongside a simple melee power, he has an unused self-shielding power.
A less-finished version of lt_oldpeople_bruiser_01. It has the same powers, but uses a placeholder model.
Same as lt_oldpeople_bruiser_02.
An Old Woman, who was made using the 6th Grader Grenadier as a base. Interestingly, one of the powers reveal an unused power animation; she lights a used diaper on fire, then throws it at you.
A Peashooter variation of the Old People. Has a placeholder model and power.
Same as lt_oldpeople_peashooter_01.
Same as lt_oldpeople_peashooter_01.
Same as lt_oldpeople_peashooter_01.
A Priest variation of the Old People. Uses a placeholder model and two placeholder powers, a ranged power and a heal.
Same as lt_oldpeople_priest_01.
Same as lt_oldpeople_priest_01.
A Rusher variation of the Old People. It has two powers, Melee and Rush. The Rush power reveals an unused animation; the Old Woman starts slowly moving towards the target, and then comes to a stop once she reaches them.
A Swarmer variation of the Old People, that's actually just a copy of lt_oldpeople_bruiser_01.
A Wizard variation of the Old People. Uses a placeholder model and has 2 powersː a normal ranged power and another ranged power that inflicts Chilled.
Same as lt_oldpeople_wizard_01.
Same as lt_oldpeople_wizard_01.
A Rusher variation of the Raisins Girl. Since they don't have a rush animation, the power softlocks the game.
Same as lt_raisins_rusher_01 but with a different model.
Same as lt_raisins_rusher_01 but with Lexus' model.
A 3rd design for the Bum Swarmers that doesn't appear anywhere in the game.
A 4th design for the Bum Swarmers that doesn't appear anywhere in the game.
A 5th Bum that was meant to appear in "The Hunder Hand of Chaos" mission. It has a placeholder model.
An Assassin variation for the Mexican Chaos Minions. It's fully functional, however there's nothing special about it.
Same as mm12_lavacombat_rogue01 but with a different model.
An Assassin Chaos Minion that was meant to appear in the fight against the Mecha Minion Chaos Supreme. It's possible that they were removed due to difficulty concerns. It uses a placeholder power and model.
Same as mm12_megamexican_rogue01.
Same as the last enemies, except this one's a Swarmer and is less finished than the other enemies. Once again, it uses the placeholder model and has no powers.
Same as mm12_megamexican_swarmer01.
Same as mm12_megamexican_swarmer01.
Same as mm12_megamexican_swarmer01.
An alternate version of the Meth Head Grenadier with a design that doesn't apper anywhere in the game.
An alternate version of the Meth Head Wizard with a design that doesn't appear anywhere in the game.
An early version of the Chaos Dog that appears in "The Hundred Hands of Chaos" mission, where the Chaos Minions ambush you. The final version of the dogs are Swarmers, not Assassins. Also for some reason, its faction is listed as "6th Grader".
Same as mm12_ustorit_ambush_rogue_01 but with a different model.
An unused design for the Mexican Ball Tosser Minions.
A...very strange enemy with an even stranger name. It's a Mexican Chaos Minion holding a shovel facing right. His attack animation works perfectly.
Despite sharing the same name, this variation isn't holding a shovel. Has the same power and tuning as mm12_ustorit_stealth_watcher_a.
Same as mm12_ustorit_stealth_watcher_b but with a different model.
A Mutant 6th Grader Priest with a completely unused designǃ It has two powers, a simple melee attack and a healing power that has a unique icon. They also have a 3rd power which is extremely unfinished, called "Scientist Focus". According to an unused animation, he would throw a syringe that would give Attack Up to the target.
Same as mm15_ape_priest_archetype but with a different model.
According to the name, this enemy would've been two Mutant Sixth Graders fused together, who would use a power called "Mate", and summon a bunch of Many Assed Sixth Grader Pigs... It's probably for the better that this enemy was cut.
An enemy version of the Electric Pylons that appear in the Mutant Sixth Grader fight in Mephesto's Lab. It only has one power, based on the power that Shub's Egg has; it knocks back targets in a cross, while applying Shocked.
An unused version of a Riot Cop that was going to appear in either the fight against Shub-Niggurath, or the ground level of the Police Station. Interestingly, his Shield power works differently; instead of using it on himself, he has to use it on an enemy.
Same as mm16_basement_bruiser01 but with a different model.
Same as mm16_basement_bruiser01 but with a different model.
Same as mm16_basement_bruiser01 but with a different model that's not seen anywhere else in the game.
Civil War 3 version of Mysterion, who is never fought. Instead, he's seen in the background watching the fight angrily.
Civil War 3 version of Tupperware, who is never fought. Instead, he's seen in the background watching the fight angrily.
Civil War 3 version of Toolshed, who is never fought. Instead, he's seen in the background watching the fight angrily.
Civil War 3 version of Wonder Tweek, who is never fought. Instead, he's seen in the background watching the fight angrily.
An unfinished Detective Assassin enemy. It has the same powers as the finished versions, but uses a placeholder model.
A completely unused variation of the Detectivesǃ It's Officer Jenkins from the Season 7 episode "Lil' Crime Stoppers". He has the same powers as the other detectives. Besides some glitches with his turning animation, he's fully functionalǃ
A Wizard version of the Crooked Cops. Uses another unused enemy as a base. It has two powers, the Taser and Pepper Spray.
Same as mm16_cokedcops_wiazard01.
Same as mm16_cokedcops_wiazard01.
Same as mm16_cokedcops_wiazard01, except it uses a unique model not seen anywhere else in the game.
Another Wizard Crooked Cop. The four aforementioned enemies use this one as a base.
A Cultist Cop. Has a melee and rush power.
A strange enemy with no powers. It uses the model for Shub-Niggurath, so this is most likely a very early version of the enemy.
YET ANOTHER Wizard Crooked Cop, however this time it has the placeholder model. The powers remain the same as the other ones.
The last Crooked Cop Wizard. Uses mm16_wizard_archetype as a base.
An Altar, meant to appear in the fight against the Woodland Critters. It's supposed to heal and give Attack Up to every enemy on the grid, however the power is unfinished and doesn't do anything.
Another Altar, which bears some resemblance to the one which Rabbity sacrifices himself on in the beginning of the fight. Unlike the other one, this one's power worksǃ
An interesting unused enemy meant to appear near the end of the game, where Mitch Conner sends you back in time. It seems like you could originally choose whether you wanted to fight the burglars or your past self. It also has a unique descriptionǃ
A second version of the Gingerbread Decoy. It has the same stats as the final version, however this version's model is invisible.
A Rioter that was meant to appear in either the Woodland Critters or the scrapped Santa fight. It uses the model of one of the Bum Swarmers. It also has a unique power, though it's unfinished.
Jimmy in his Bard costume from The Stick of Truth, obviously meant to appear in the fight against the boys' past selves. He only has two powers, one that gives Attack Up to an enemy, and a simple heal power. He also has no animations at all.
A strange enemy. It's based on the also unused mm22_genderselection_shakenbeer enemy. It was going to appear somewhere in the second fight against Cousin Kyle.
Same as mm19_explosive_mine.
Same as mm19_explosive_mine.
Same as mm19_explosive_mine.
Same as mm19_explosive_mine.
Same as mm19_explosive_mine.
An unused Rabbi enemy, meant to appear in the aforementioned fight. Interestingly, the enemy was reused for the unused "sm14 kyle mission 2 of 4" mission.
Some sort of explosive beer can? It has a self-destruct power, and it uses the icon of one of the Redneck's powers as its timeline portrait.
Apparently, Mercedes was going to appear in the fight against the Raisins Girl in the alley. Uses the model of another Raisins Girl as a placeholder.
A very interesting enemy. Instead of the Grounded status effect, Butters' Dad's power would've put cages over the targets, which could then be destroyed. It was most likely changed due to difficulty concerns.
Same as mm28_buttersdad_cell_1.
Same as mm28_buttersdad_cell_1.
Same as mm28_buttersdad_cell_1.
The unused placeholder cat enemy that appears in the unused "sm09_jimbo_faction_01" mission.
These enemies were going to appear in the cut side mission ""sm14 kyle mission 2 of 4" mission, where they would ambush Human Kite and the New Kid. None of them have any voicelines. The Swarmers have a melee power, while the Grenadiers have a lobbed ranged attack where they throw a bottle at the target.
An unused design for the Ol' Blockers.
A...fully naked old woman. According to the combat objective for the unused "sm31_stan_loyalty" mission, she would've been fought somewhere in that mission. Let's move on...
An unused version of a Swarmer Old Woman. While the model itself is the same as the used design, the timeline portrait reveal the original plans for the design.
A Many Assed Sixth Grader Honey Badger, meant to be fought in the unused "sm23_jimbo_faction_02" mission. It has the same powers as the used version.
The Waitress that appears behind the counter in Buca de Faggoncini, meant to appear in the unused "sm34_token_loyalty" mission.
The Sous Chef, also meant to appear in the mission.
The Line Chef, also meant to appear in the mission.
The Prep Cook, also meant to appear in the mission.
The Head Chef, also meant to appear in the mission.
The Waiter who can be seen walking around in the restaurant.
A completely unused design for a second version of the Security Guard Bruiser.
Vampire Kids
The Vamp Kids are cut enemies who would've appeared at the end of the Blue is the New Black mission, and the cut "sm64_recruit_kenny". They would've also followed the New Kid around in the overworld. The overworld, Blue is the New Black and sm64 versions of the enemies are all in the files. Karen McCormick was going to appear as a supportive character for the Vamp Kids, giving them buffs and health. Interestingly the Unnamed Black Vampire includes the original Twilight logo on his shirt and his class is Bruiser. The other classes for the Vamp Kids are Leader, Priest, Swarmer, and Wizard. Strangely, the Blue is the New Black version of Mike uses the model for one of the Wizards, most likely by accident.
An unused version of the Pimp who has the unused "Make it Rain" power. Meant to appear in the unused "sm69_mrs_cartman_faction_3" mission.
An unused version of one of the Ho's. Exactly the same as the used version.
A completely unused design for the Ho's. The Defense Down that appears doesn't actually apply.
Another completely unused design for the Ho's. The Bleeding that appears doesn't actually apply.
Temporary Enemies
There is a placeholder enemy for every single enemy archetype. Since they're exactly the same, they won't be documented.
An unfinished version of Chiquita the Gorilla, who uses a Chaos Kid's model as a placeholder.
A fully functional Vamp Kid Priest with a design not seen anywhere in the game.
An enemy version of the fireworks that can be blown up at the Burial Grounds. It can only be defeated if it uses its self-destruct power, after which it will disappear.
An early version of Zarganor, who uses a blue version of the Visitor's model. Due to the different animations, the game softlocks if he tries to use his power.
An unused enemy called Ghost Biker. His model is invisible and can't be interacted with. He was replaced with Spontaneous Bootay in the final game.
An unfinished 5th deisgn for the Bruiser Monsters. The model is actually a text box which reads "PLEASE DONT USE ME. DELETE ME PLEASE.". His power doesn't work due to mission animations.
Interestingly, the Milk Monster Kryptonites that Zarganor summons all have non-milky variants with exactly 1000 HP. These were likely used as placeholders until the milk designs were finalized.
Despite the name, this version of Mimsy doesn't actually wear a helmet, and for some reason uses Rebecca's timeline portrait.
Same case as Mimsy, except this time he uses a Chaos Kid's portrait.
An unused version of the Swarmer Monsters, using a placeholder model.
A very strange enemy. It's a Chem Barrel from the fight against the Meth Heads, however it can't be defeated.
An unused Warlock monster, who uses the Master Vampire's model. It has two powers, a melee attack and a power called Monster Root, which slows the target.
An unfinished Wizard Monster, who uses the same model as dlc3_monsters_bruiser_05.
A different version of Red Wine Drunk Randy, meant to be used in the Danger Deck. The only difference is that this version has the Wrath of Grapes power, which gives him an extra turn.
Bartles was meant to appear somewhere in the Danger Deck. He's almost fully functional, except for some missing animations.
A Sixth Grader Healer with a different model.