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South Park: The Fractured But Whole/Unused Powers

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This is a sub-page of South Park: The Fractured But Whole.

A ton of early/unused powers can be found in the files.

New Kid and Allies



The New Kid's 3rd King power, it would have been used in the tutorial before being replaced by Punch and Fart. The power has the same animation as Royal Fisting but functions differently:

  • Has 3 range and is selectable
  • Has a 3x3 damage radius
  • Doesn't knock back enemies
  • No camera zoom-in when the power is used
  • Uses a temporary AOE icon
  • Does not have a damage range preview icon
  • Detailed description: "Throws a bomb that damages all enemies caught in the blast."
  • File name: pwr_intro_power3


TFBW king power1.png
Battle description: "Unleash a rightous meteor shower"
Description: "The King unleashes a righteous meteor shower upon would-be usurpers."
The New Kid's 1st King power, it is equipped in power slot 1 by default. It would have been used in the tutorial before being replaced by Punch and Fart.
The power is used as a base for Almighty King Douchebag's Pyroclasm. There are a few differences compared to the boss version.

  • Has no cooldown, boss version is set to 2
  • Classification is Consumable, boss version is set to None
  • Tuning has "myIsDirectionSelectable FALSE", boss version does not have this
  • Primary stats are set to 2.0, boss version is set to -1.#QNAN
  • Has different Evaluation Data

Shitghost's Attack

The Mystic's Ultimate would summon an ally named Shitghost. Its power is still left in the files. It does 80 damage, inflicts Grossed Out and has a 5x5 range.

Heroic Bite

This power belongs to the New Kid's dog, a cut character who has no other leftover assets in the files except his power and his tuning, aside from this power. It has a 3x3 range, does 150 damage, has a 1 turn cooldown. Strangely, using this power will also damage and knock back its user.


An unused power for Almighty King Douchebag. There's next to no information about this power, since it uses a generic power template. However it does have its own tuning, showing how it would have possibly worked.

The power has 100 range and is set to only be able to target allies, it is also set to reduce the user's shields by 1.

Make It Rain

This power would have been used in the fight against the Pimp and his Hoes, it is still functional and only lacks an icon and descriptions.
The animation has The New Kid throw cash on an ally or enemy, healing them and giving Attack Up.

  • 200 base healing
  • 5 range
  • 1 turn cooldown
  • Can target allies and enemies.
  • Gives Attack Up
  • Internal name: sm22_mc_power2_makeitrain


Swarmer Melee "Priest Shield"
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png

These abilities were supposed to be used in an otherwise unused side-quest called "Token Quest." The side-quest was about the New Kid interrupting a date with Nichole and Tolkien, which leads to an altercation with Nichole. In battle, she would use the staff of Buca De Faggoncini. Her powers seem to be early, as they use the same generic grid layouts. When accessing this mission in the final game, Nichole doesn't spawn in, meaning she was cut early in development.



TFBW-Kyle power1.png

This power is supposed to be used by High Jew Elf Kyle in the fight against The King, however the AI always prioritzes Rain of Arrows.

  • 200 damage
  • Hits for 3 tiles infront of the user
  • 1 tile knockback

The preview icon and animation for this power show it to hit both directions like Toolshed's Double Screw, but the power is made to only hit infront.

Stay Cool

An unused power for Morgan Freeman which is basically the same as his Glistening Freckles ability, but it Chills the target instead of Charming them.

Vampire Kids

"Feed, Per Se." (Generic) Trill Beatdown (Bruiser) "Attack, Per Se." (Wizard) Priest Heal (Priest) Swarmer Melee (Swarmer) "Drink Clamato" (Swarmer/Karen McCormick)
TFBW Vampkids bite.png
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png
TFBW Vampkids wizard power2.png TFBW Vampkids priest power2.png TFBW Vampkids swarmer power1.png TFBW Vampkids swarmer power1.png

Most of these work very similar way to the generic powers found throughout the base game's enemy classes. The "Drink Clamato" power though seems to have been for the swarmer enemies and uses the same animation as when Karen McCormick was supposed to drink it. Mike Makowski also seems to be based on the wizard class as by him having the same abilities. The Unknown Black Vampire also seems to only ever feature the Bruiser ability.

Jewish People/Rabbis

Grenadier ST Lob (Grenadier) "Swarmer Melee (Swarmer)"
TFBW Rabbi power3.png TFBW Rabbi power1.png

From what we can tell the Jewish Grenadiers would've had the ability to throw dreidels and bottles as projectiles. As from their AI behavior they could detonate explosive (throwable and suicidal,) block enemies, heal allies and act as peashooters. They also would've appeared in the removed mission, which you must meet with Human Kite to see Human Kite From An Alternative Universe's meeting at The Community Center.


Blocker Melee Blocker Block
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png

Mimsy would've appeared in Side Missions 38, 51 and 63. Mimsy's purpose in missions 38 and 51 are unknown, as they only have temporary descriptions. Mission 63 though makes it seem that he was part of an early version of the "Gotta Go Fast" main quest, originally "Jimmy's Loyalty," where we likely would've had to fight him. He doesn't have icons, a grid nor an AI. Both Mimsy and Nathan did resurface in the Bring the Crunch DLC.


Swarmer Melee
TFBW Mysterion bloodcontract.png

Likely another super early submission labeled as 9 in the game's code. This mission was called "Jimbo's Faction" and had two parts. This bears a striking resemblance to the "Big Game Huntin' with Jimbo" side-quest from Stick of Truth. After each cutscene, a PETA member would've appeared in Jimbo's Store (using The Peppermint Hippo's strippers as temporary models.) The first of the mission part would've had us collect cats (Swarmer-based enemies using temp versions of the Chaos Minions. The second part of the quest involved catching an ass creature that escaped from Mephesto's Lab at Stark's Pond, then returning it to Jimbo.