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Prerelease:The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (Windows)/Base Game

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After the release and success of the original Binding of Isaac, lead developer Edmund McMillen was approached by the CEO of Nicalis, Tyrone Rodriguez, who previously ported Cave Story and VVVVVV to consoles, offering to port the game to consoles. McMillen was interested and ultimately accepted the offer, but due to the game being made in Adobe Flash, the game had to be remade from the ground up in order to include additional content and fix additional bugs found since release. This would later become The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, which was announced on November 2012.

Artstyle Poll

Tboir artstylepoll1.jpg Tboir artstylepoll2.jpg Tboir artstylepoll3.jpg Tboir artstylepoll4.png

Shortly after the announcement, a blog post was made on the official Nicalis blog on November 30th, 2012, allowing fans to vote for the artstyle of the remake via a SurveyMonkey poll, with 4 mock-ups of potential artstyles. While the fourth one was technically chosen, the final game would end up looking radically different.

(Source: blog.nicalis.com)

Tboir oldstyle1.jpg Tboir oldstyle2.png

Interestingly, some more mock-ups of the fourth artstyle was made, suggesting that this concept went a bit further on than the others even before the survey.

Tboir olddesigncomparison.jpg

In a tweet made by Tyrone Rodriquez on August 27th, 2014, an image of a comparison between Isaac's new and old design was posted. Notably, this newer Isaac still has some slight differences from his appearance in the final game, namely the lack of teeth and a slightly different skin tone.

(Source: Tyrone Rodriguez)

Tumblr Blog

Leading up to release, a Tumblr blog was opened which detailed various new additions to the game, such as music and items. Several of these posts contain early concepts and assets which were changed in the final game.

The Binding of Isaac Rebirth 2014 Q&A!

Tboir earlybloodshoteye.gif

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/77761867219/the-binding-of-isaac-rebirth-2014-qa

At the end of the very first post detailing Rebirth, an gif depicting an early version of the Bloodshot eye can be found at the very bottom. They are orange-colored compared to the final's red colaration.

February 25th, 2014

Tboir earlychocomilk.gif

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/77772231397/binding-of-isaac-rebirth-item-test-alpha

This gif depicts the effects of homing shots, max range, and what appears to be the Chocolate Milk item. Unfinished coding aside, the Cellar's appearance is very different, being slightly more saturated and brownish compared to the final. The appearance of the doors are also quite different. The spider enemy also appears to be red in color instead of black, though this could be a graphical glitch relating to enemies flashing red when taking damage.

The 1st Rebirth Item visual tease!

Tboir littleplanetconceptart.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/79945027194/the-1st-rebirth-item-visual-tease

Early concept art for the Tiny Planet item, drawn by Edmund himself. Blurred out are what appear to be concept art for the Mom's Perfume, Monstro's Lung, Abaddon, and Stopwatch items as well.

Tboir momsperfume.png

Concept art for the Mom's Perfume item would later be revealed in the post Isaac, The Gathering!

Tboir monstroslungconcept.jpg

Additionally, the full art for Monstro's Lung would be revealed in the post Monstro’s Lung Has Entered the Basement!

Meet the Nest

Tboir thenestconceptart.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/81368988026/meet-the-nest

Concept art for the Nest enemy. The other enemies blurred out are too hard to properly make out.

The Champion Belt!

Tboir championbelt.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/82063413793/the-champion-belt

More item concept art, this time of the Champion Belt. Once again, the nearby items are too blurry to make out.

Tboir championenemies.jpg

Concept art depicting champion versions of the aforementioned Nest enemy were also posted, as was early gameplay footage depicting champion Horfs.

A new item has appeared in the basement!

Tboir ludovicoconcept.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/83478798987/a-new-item-has-appeared-in-the-basement

Yet more concept art, this time of the item The Ludovico Technique.

Meet the Bony!

Tboir bonyconcept.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/84188046989/meet-the-bony

A design document for the Bony enemy, with some parts of its bio being censored. What appears to be a screenshot of the Bony in an early version of the Caves can also be seen, using the same assets as the original Flash game as a placeholder.

A gif of the Bony enemy in action was also posted. From here, the look of the recharge bar for active items was originally colored white instead of green, and it also had the text 'READY' displayed in front of the item when fully charged.

Picking up where we left off…

Tboir pickupconcept.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/85597605034/picking-up-where-we-left-off

Concept art for various pick-ups, including black hearts, lil batteries, key rings, and bomb rocks. Note that bomb rocks are described to have a 50% chance to drop a bomb when exploding, which never happens in the final game.

SPOILER ALERT! You Unlocked Eden!

Tboir edenconceptart.png

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/86958618769/spoiler-alert-you-unlocked-eden

Concept art of Eden. From here, their eyes appear to be colored black instead of being commonly depicted as white. In the post, Eden Tokens are also described as 'mom kill points'.

Taste the Sodden Hollow!

Tboir caves.gif

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/87661256114/taste-the-sodden-hollow

An early version of the Caves. Compared to the final, it is much darker (similar to the Curse of Darkness effect), and lacks the bluish tint found in the final game, though it was stated to be added in the future.

Ill show you my Dingle!

Tboir dingle.gif

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/88344465539/ill-show-you-my-dingle

An early version of the Dingle boss, depicting unfinished behavior. Most notably, he originally performed his dash attack after summoning the two Dip enemies instead of using the projectile attack, and his projectiles are regular blood shots instead of the brown-colored projectiles used in the final game. He is also shown to be fought in a regular Caves room, when he is only fought in the Basement and Cellar floors in the boss room, though he may have been spawned in there for testing/demonstration reasons.

Tboir pooperconceptart.jpg

Concept art for Dingle was also shown off, where he and the Dip enemies were called Pooper and Lil Pooper respectively.

Be careful.. i don’t wanna lose this baby…

Tboir babyconcept.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/89016610314/be-careful-i-dont-wanna-lose-this-baby

Concept art for a few of the Co-Op babies.

(insert size matters joke here)

Tboir pinearlyfight.gif

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/90431619124/insert-size-matters-joke-here

This appears to be an unused room consisting of a fight between 2 Pin bosses in the Basement floor, with the room itself consisting of a few pits near the walls. The icon for the Mr. Boom icon is also different, being grey in color and having void, black eyes.

Trinkets and Worms and Maps… oh my?

Tboir trinketconceptart.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/91805830134/trinkets-and-worms-and-maps-oh-my

Concept art for the Worm trinkets, with the visible ones being the Wiggle Worm and Ring Worm trinkets.

The Jar has appeared in the basement!

Tboir thejarconcept.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/92472291189/the-jar-has-appeared-in-the-basement

Concept art for the Jar item.

The Devil’s in the Details

Tboi starterdeckconceptart.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/93833427084/the-devils-in-the-details

Concept art for the Starter Deck item.

Tboir earlytime.gif

Some early footage of the Starter Deck in action was also shown off, revealing the time, which was originally located in the bottom left corner instead of the top of the screen.

Tboir earlymenu.gif

An early version of the main menu was also shown, with some sticky notes being found in the background that were toned down for the final game. Some debug text that states a041 Aug 1 2014 can also be found in the top right corner.

I have Worms!

Tboir roundworm.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/94477363909/i-have-worms

Concept art for the Round Worm enemy, which appear a bit more chubbier and shorter than the ones found in the final game.

9 lives?

Tboir guppyscollar.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/95782104184/9-lives

Yet more item concept art, this time for the Guppy's Collar item, with a description stating that text that says 'Fate Chosen' would appear upon being revived by the item, which never happens in the final game.

Its keeps going.. and going.. and going

Tboir aaabattery.jpg

Link: https://bindingofisaac.com/post/101122037969/its-keeps-going-and-going-and-going

Concept depicting the AAA Battery trinket. Broken Remote, Purple Heart, Broken Magnet, Rosary Bead, and Cartridge appear but are blurred.