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Prerelease:The Simpsons Wrestling

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for The Simpsons Wrestling.

The Simpsons Wrestling began development in early 2000. It was released in April 2001.

E3 2000 Footage

Remember when YT had a little indifferent face when a video went down? TCRF remembers.
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This is footage of the game from E3 2000. This is a very early build of the game. It has a staggering amount of differences when compared to the final game.

  • There is an Itchy and Scratchy arena present at various points in the video.
  • There is no TAUNT text above the character icons present throughout the video.
  • There is no round trophy icons present throughout the video.
  • There are no background characters on the Power Plant arena at 0:36.
  • There is a text bubble present in the Moe's Tavern arena at 0:37.
  • There are placeholder sound effects used randomly during the video.
  • There is a text bubble present in the C.Montgomery Burns arena at 0:40.
  • The Spaceship arena had a different design at 0:42.
  • There is a text bubble present in the Krustylu Studios arena at 0:50.
  • The original 3D character select screen is visible from 1:00 to 1:02.
  • The original logo can be seen at 1:17.

(Source: JeuxVideo Continue)

E3 2000 Footage 2

This is more E3 2000 Footage for the game. This has a lot more intriguing differences than the first video.

  • There are no character introduction taunts.
  • The versus text is a different colour.
  • The TAUNT text is absent.
  • There are no round trophy icons.
  • There are no power ups.
  • You could win by knockout as opposed to being pinned in the final game.

(Source: JeuxVideo Continue)


Simpsons Wrestling Prerelease School.jpg

A screenshot depicts gameplay in an arena based on Springfield Elementary School, which is in the files of the final game but unused. A notable difference from the final game's version is that the Mathemagician from the episode "Grade School Confidential" is stood behind Martin instead of Miss Hoover.