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Prerelease:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt/Removed Non-Contract Monsters

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This is a sub-page of Prerelease:The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

The following monsters were taken from a document called "Monsters and opponents design", created on Jan. 14th, 2014. As the document was deprecated, unless otherwise mentioned, these monsters were marked "REMOVED".


Unlike most of the other monsters in this list, this monster was not marked as removed in the Jan. 2014 document.

Description: Bruxa is a higher vampire, not afraid of the daylight, but feeds during the nights.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Aggressive - chases the opponent and attacks.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Fast attacks - her attacks are fast paced and deal medium damage.

• Scream - she can stun her victims with a scream. Player can protect himself using Heliotrop.
• Drink blood - enabled when a victim is stunned. She grabs an enemy and drink his blood. That action restores Bruxa’s health completely.
• Flash step - Bruxa can charge with a very fast animation and “flash step effect”. That makes her a very dangerous opponent and makes escaping from her almost impossible.

Defence: • Dodge (high chance of dodging the strong attacks). After performing a dodge, she will perform a counterattack immediately.
Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Cutting neck artery (cost: 5 points).


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • Cutting vocal cords - disables the Scream ability (cost: 3 points).
  • Breaking the jaw - disables the Drink Blood attack (cost: 1 point).
  • Cutting ligaments - disables the Flash Step ability (cost: 1 point).

Massive Damage:

  • Piercing heart - instead of killing the creature it just deals high damage (cost: 1 point).
Immunities: Steel, Axii
Vulnerabilities: Silver
Related Items: Potion causing blood toxication that poisons a Vampire, Oil against Vampires

Bruxa were later included in the Blood and Wine expansion.


Description: Shellfish like creature resembling Żyrytwa, but less powerful and a lot smaller. It lives in the water but can go out to the surface.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Aggressive - chases the opponent and attacks.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Fast attacks - when in close range, it attacks with fast paced strikes, dealing medium damage.
Defence: Thick chitin armor - gives Hyphydriae a good armor protection.
Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Piercing book lungs (PL: płucotchawki) - causes the monster to suffocate and die - it still tries to attack for a while, as it doesn’t feel pain (cost: 4 points).


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • None

Massive Damage:

  • Piercing abdominal artery - piercing this artery causes a long term Bleeding effect on Hyphydriae (cost: 1 point).
Immunities: Silver and Aard-like forces, Igni causes minimal damage because the creature lives in shallow water, poisoning and bleeding
Vulnerabilities: Steel, Yrden

Kelpia (Spikesprout)

Description: Creature similar to endregas, but smaller. Lives in forests and pretends to be a plant / hides in grass. It’s small but very fast, resembles a flea with green spikes on its back. Attacks in large groups.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Suicidal - it acts like a bee, while protecting the nest, it tries to perform a suicidal attack.
Special Attacks & Actions: Runs towards target and shoots it’s poisoned spikes when in the attack range (2 meters). The attack tell animation lasts for 1 second. Kepia dies after performing the attack.
Defence: None
Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Tack down with the sword and crush with foot (this is the only vital spot - the creature is too small to have more).


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • None

Massive Damage:

  • None
Immunities: Silver
Vulnerabilities: Steel, Yrden, Aard


Unlike most of the other monsters in this list, this monster was not marked as removed in the Jan. 2014 document.

Description: Owl-like monster of the size of human. Lives in caves or basements. It’s an intelligent monster, but quite vicious. Usually encountered alone, it’s a strong opponent.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Ranged - uses magical attacks
Special Attacks & Actions: • Strong attacks - his attacks are slow paced but deal high damage.

• Jump to the ceiling - Korred can jump to the ceiling of a cave (when fighting in a cave or cellar) and then fall down on his opponent, dealing damage. Player can dodge or use Quen to protect himself. Korred uses this ability to deal damage to opponents blocked by his stone blockades.
• Spawn blockades - Korred can spawn magical stone blockades from the floor of a cave or basement and block movement of his opponent. Player can destroy a blockade by casting Aard two times on it.
• Jump - the monster can jump to different places on the location. The maximum distance of a jump is 10 meters. Korred uses this ability to jump out from blocked areas.

Defence: Dodge - Korred can dodge strong attacks.
Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Piercing both lungs - causes the creature to suffocate and die slowly (cost: 3 points for each lung).


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • Cutting ligaments - disables the Jump to the ceiling, Jump and Dodge abilities (cost: 3 points).

Massive Damage:

  • Piercing stomach - deals high damage (cost: 2 points).
  • Piercing a lung - deals high damage (cost: 3 points per lung)
Immunities: Silver
Vulnerabilities: Steel

Mantikora (Manticore)

In addition to the description below, the document "W3 Gameplay Backlog - old" features the following comment: "Tail attack as special attack (here, we need to add a knight from the W2 Arena, the one with manticore and he needs to get proper beating)".

Description: Strange, flying creature, mix of lion, bat and scorpion. It attacks from the air and uses its long tail ended with a poison gland to poison the opponents. Mantikora lives in high mountains. It’s strong and demanding opponent, even though it’s not bigger than a lion. Mantikora attacks alone.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Aggressive - chases the opponent and attacks.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Strong attacks - her attacks are slow paced but deal high damage.

• Tail attack - the monster uses it’s tail to hit and poison his opponent. Player can dodge or use Quen to protect himself. Manticora’s poison effect lasts very long. When hit, player will need to use a potion or Heliotrop to get rid of the critical effect.
• Knockdown - Manticora uses her wings to knockdown the opponent. Player has to dodge the attack.
• Tear apart - enabled on knocked down opponents. Monster attacks the opponent with its claws and deals very high damage.
• Aerial bash - the creature flies into air dives down. If player dodges, Manticora hits the ground and is stunned for a short while. Player can see the shadow of the monster before it dives and also Geralt’s witcher medallion vibrates showing danger.
• Jump attack - Manticora can quickly fly to it’s target from a max distance of 15 meters. She hits her opponent with her claws and deals medium damage. Player can cast Quen or dodge to protect himself.

Defence: • Dodge and counterattack - the monster dodges using it’s wings and immediately counterattacks.

• Huge creature - doesn’t play every hit animation. Her attacks aren’t disrupted.

Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Piercing 3 hearts (cost: 3 points for each heart). The hearts are blocked with Rib cage.


  • Crushing ribs - rib cage protects the heart of the monster. Player has to crush its ribs first (cost: 5 points).

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • Crippling one wing - disables the Aerial bash and Knockdown abilities (cost: 2 points).
  • Crippling both wings - disables the Jump attack (cost: 2 points each wing).
  • Piercing the poison gland - disables the Tail attack ability (cost: 2 points).

Massive Damage:

  • None
Immunities: Silver, all witcher signs except for Yrden
Vulnerabilities: Steel, Yrden


Description: Monster living in the forests or in the caves. It attacks in groups up to 4-5 members.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Aggressive - chases the opponent and attacks.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Strong attacks - his attacks are slow paced but deal high damage.

• Charge - he charges and hits the player for high damage. Player can dodge / cast Quen to protect himself.
• Eat a Nekker - if a Nekker is nearby, Ośniak can grab it and feed on it, which restores Ośniak’s health. After feeding (one bite animation) Ośniak throws a dead Nekker (ragdoll) at his enemies. That attack deals small damage, but can stagger the opponent.

Defence: None
Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Opening the belly - makes his intestines fall out (cost: 5 points).


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • Cutting ligaments - disables the charge ability (cost: 2 points).

Massive Damage:

  • None
Immunities: Silver
Vulnerabilities: Steel & all witcher signs


Unlike most of the other monsters in this list, this monster was not present in the Jan. 2014 "Monsters and opponents design" document. It is referenced in the most detail in a document called "W3 Gameplay Backlog - old", in which its design was reported as finished, and it was said to fight with a club and throw balls.

Topielec (Drowned Dead)

Unlike most of the other monsters in this list, this monster was not marked as removed in the Jan. 2014 document.

The information below is shared between Drowners and Drowned Dead.

Description: Lives near the water. Mindless creature that kills humans. They don’t use any sophisticated methods during the fights. Drowned dead is a stronger version of a drowner (more health, higher damage).
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Aggressive, he tries to mindlessly approach his opponent and attack.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Fast attacks - his attacks are fast paced and deal medium damage.

• Jump attack - he can jump from a distance and perform a medium damage attack.

Defence: None
Vital Points: Instant kill (player can choose one of two finishing animations):
  • Piercing brain (cost: 2 points)
  • Piercing heart (cost: 2 points)


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • None

Massive Damage:

  • None
Immunities: Steel, fire spells
Vulnerabilities: Silver, Aard

Drowned Dead were later included in the Blood and Wine expansion.


Description: Humanlike, giant monster living in the forests. Similar to Werewolf. It’s partially made of ice and attacks people tearing out their hearts. Wendigos are afraid of fire.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Aggressive - chases the opponent and attacks.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Strong attacks - his attacks are slow paced but deal high damage.

• Charge - creature charges, the target is knocked down if hit. Charge can be dodged. Blocking with Quen saves from damage but not from the knockdown effect. Charge cannot be parried.
• Bite the heart - when a character is knocked down, Wendigo can bite his heart out. It’s a extremely dangerous attack causing instant death effect. The chance for this attack is around 20%. It is very important to not get knocked down by a Wendigo.
• Jump attack - the monster can jump from a distance of 10 - 15 meters and perform an attack. It prevents the player from escaping. Player can dodge or cast Quen to protect himself.

Defence: • Huge creature - Wendigo doesn’t play every hit animation. His attacks cannot be interrupted with normal strikes (player has to use amplified Aard to break incoming attack).

• Very high health regeneration.

Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Piercing the heart - Geralt aims precisely through Wendigos open ribs and strikes the heart (cost: 5 points)


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • Cutting ligaments - disables the Charge and Jump attack abilities (cost: 2 points).
  • Piercing the heart - instead of killing the creature it turns out the health regeneration ability (cost: 2 points).
  • Crushing the jaw - disables the Bite the heart ability (cost: 1 point).

Massive Damage:

  • None
Immunities: Steel, Aard
Vulnerabilities: Silver, Igni

Wicht (Wight)


Unlike most of the other monsters in this list, this monster was not marked as removed in the Jan. 2014 document.

Description: Wicht appears in cemeteries in the warm season, during the day. The creature is aggressive only when someone gets too close to it. They are quite intelligent and can be a demanding opponent when there’s a bigger group of these creatures.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Aggressive, chases the opponent.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Fast attacks - his attacks are fast paced and deal medium damage.

• Jump attack - he can jump / slide from a distance and perform a medium damage attack.

Defence: Etheric creature, doesn’t play most of the hit animations.
Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Soul piercing - the soul of this wraith is in its head. Geralt has to hit the occiput to be able to strike the soul. Player has to get on the back of the monster to be able to use this vital spot (cost: 5 points).


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • None

Massive Damage:

  • None
Immunities: Steel, spells
Vulnerabilities: Silver

Wights were later included in the Blood and Wine expansion.

Wipper (Viper)

Description: Lizard-like monster living in the salt mine in the water.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Aggressive and fast.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Fast attacks - his attacks are fast paced and deal medium damage.

• Venom spit - Wipper can spit with venom which poisons enemies. Player can dodge or use Quen to protect himself.
• Hide - Wipper can hide underwater and appear elsewhere.

Defence: None
Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Decapitation of 5 heads (cost: 1 point per head). If you don’t cut all the heads in one focus execution, they regenerate.
  • Pierce the brain (cost: 5 points)


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • Piercing the venom gland - disables the Venom spit (cost: 1 point)

Massive Damage:

  • None
Immunities: Silver
Vulnerabilities: Steel, Igni

Wisielec (Hanged Man)


In addition to the description below, the document "W3 Gameplay Backlog - old" features the following comment: "Animations similar to those of fogling/drowner, but there's a special attack - throw of hangman's halter".

Description: Lives on the outskirts of the forests. Appears in the evenings and during the nights.
Role in the Group: Individual
Preferred Behavior: Ranged - he tries to throw his rope.
Special Attacks & Actions: • Fast attacks - he moves very slow, but his attacks are fast paced.

• Grab - he tries to grab the opponent and suffocate him. The attack has a tell animation. Player can use Quen or dodge to protect himself. The attack deals percentage damage.
• Rope grab - he can perform the suffocate attack also with his rope from a distance. He takes off the rope from his neck and throws it on the enemy (only human or Geralt). The rope is “alive” and if it hits, it suffocates the enemy for a while, dealing percentage damage. The enemy plays a “choke” animation and cannot perform any action. Player can use Quen or dodge to protect himself. After that the rope dissolves and appears on the neck of the Hanged man again.

Defence: None, but the monster has a lot of health.
Vital Points: Instant kill:
  • Piercing brain - available only when the creature is crawling (cost: 2 points)


  • None

Critical effect/disable ability:

  • Cripple both legs - makes him crawl (cost: 2 points for each leg). Disables the Rope Grab and Grab abilities.
  • Cut the rope - player can cut the rope on the neck of the Hanged man, it disables the Rope Grab ability (cost: 1 point).

Massive Damage:

  • None
Immunities: Steel, fire spells
Vulnerabilities: Silver, Aard