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Prerelease:Tomodachi Collection

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This page details pre-release information and/or media for Tomodachi Collection.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
Only known footage of Otona no Onna no Uranai Techou in action.

Tomodachi Collection was heavily inspired by Tottoko Hamtaro: Tomodachi Daisakusen Dechu (とっとこハム太郎 ともだち大作戦でちゅ, Hamtaro: Operation Friend), a Game Boy Color game where you enter data about you, your friends, and your family, and the game will tell information, like divinating your fortune or what Ham-Ham you're most like. Occasionally, Hamtaro would stop and speak with you, the player.

This, in turn, inspired an unreleased game called Otona no Onna no Uranai Techou (大人のオンナの占い手帳, Fortune-Telling Notebook for Adult Women.) In Otona, you would enter your name and birthday, similar to the Hamtaro game, but at some point in development they thought to add exaggerated cartoon faces. From there, the team decided if they were going to add faces, they might as well make them 3D, and so they developed a 3D Portrait Tool.

When Yoshio Sakamoto showed the tool off to Satoru Iwata, Iwata showed it to Shigeru Miyamoto in turn, and this 3D Portrait Tool inspired Miis as we know them.

From there, with the team focusing more on social interaction and simulation, Otona happily turned into the Tomodachi Collection we have today.

It's assumed that the original idea for Otona became DS Uranai Seikatsu (DS占い生活, DS Divination Life.)

(Source: Iwata Asks (in Japanese))