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Tomodachi Collection

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Title Screen

Tomodachi Collection

Developer: Nintendo SPD Group No. 1
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Released in JP: June 18, 2009

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: There's some more interesting stuff in Scn\Scene.

Tomodachi Collection is a Japan-exclusive DS game wherein the player creates Mii characters to live on an island together, so they could watch the Miis interact with others. It was one of the few DS games to include the use of Mii avatars outside of the original Wii console, although Miis could be transferred from the user's Wii.

A sequel, Tomodachi Life, was released internationally for the 3DS, although an English fan translation is available for this game.

Or perhaps it's better known for being part of the initial game selection for the Nintendo Music mobile application...



Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Graphics

Dummy Font (Cmn\Font\DummyFont_LZ.bin)

Tomodachi-Collection-DummyFont LZ.bin.png

A white "て (Te)" on a pink background. It isn't seen anywhere in the game and, as its name suggests, was used as a dummy file for testing.

Placeholder News Image (News)


A placeholder background for a Mii News event, seen in many files in the folder News. This is mostly seen starting from file news161.bin.

Early Apartment Box (Scn\Map\SceneMap2WndApart_LZ.bin)


An early version of the Apartment box shown in the main island menu, there isn't any text on it.

Early Job Tester Box (Scn\Map\SceneMap2WndRightjob_LZ.bin)


An early version of the Job Tester text box shown in the main island menu. The text literally translates to "Right Job Diagnosis".

Unused "Majority Hall" Location Box (Scn\Map\SceneMap2WndVote_LZ.bin)


An unused island location on the map, which has a text box not shown on the main island menu. The text translates to "Majority Hall"

Early Job Tester (Scn\Scene\SceneRightJob_LZ.bin)



Seems that the Job Tester would've been placed at the apartment. (Could be the inside of the Unused Job Diagnosis Building)



A table. Although this file also contains the hand animation seen in the final Job Tester, this table isn't seen at all.

Faces (Scn\Scene\SceneTestG3Sprite_LZ.bin)

Hey! Whatcha lookin' at?

Four faces, all of them of different colors.

Jet Coaster (Scn\Scene\SceneTestNg28_LZ.bin)


An obvious stock image of people on a jet coaster ride.

Tree Dream? (Scn\Scene\SceneTestNg52_LZ.bin)



A crudely drawn image of a tree.



A bookshelf. Its palette is the same as the tree's.


Animation Image Description
A crudely drawn balloon. The only proper animation in the file.
book TomodachiCDS-SceneTestNg52-book.png A book.
orange TomodachiCDS-SceneTestNg52-orange.png An orange.

Christmas Tree Dream? (Scn\Scene\SceneTestNg58_LZ.bin)



A crudely drawn image of a Christmas tree.


star Image Description
star TomodachiCDS-SceneTestNg58-starA.png A star. The only proper animation in the file.
bell TomodachiCDS-SceneTestNg58-bell.png A bell.
A sock.
ball0 TomodachiCDS-SceneTestNg58-ball1.png A blue ball decoration.
ball1 TomodachiCDS-SceneTestNg58-ball2.png A purple ball decoration.

Hand (Scn\Scene\SceneTestNg66_LZ.bin)


A hand, noticeably cut from a stock image.

Early Vacation (Scn\Scene\SceneTestNg75_LZ.bin)

Filename Image Description
Airplane TomodachiCDS-75 airplane.png An early version of the airplane image shown during the beginning of a vacation.
BG_Camera TomodachiCDS-75 camera.png A very early version of the camera picture seen at the bottom screen.
BG0_ TomodachiCDS-75 bg0 .png An obviously stock picture of the Gizah Pyramids.
BG0 TomodachiCDS-75 bg0.png An early version of one of the pictures shown during the Spain vacation event.
BG1 TomodachiCDS-75 bg1.png An early version of one of the pictures shown during the Spain vacation event.
BG2 TomodachiCDS-75 bg2.png An early version of one of the pictures shown during the Spain vacation event.
BG_Oki_0 TomodachiCDS-75 bgOki0.png A picture meant to be displayed during the Okinawa vacation event. It does not have a final counterpart.
BG_Oki_1 TomodachiCDS-75 bgOki1.png A picture meant to be displayed during the Okinawa vacation event. It does not have a final counterpart.
BG_Oki_2 TomodachiCDS-75 bgOki2.png An early version of one of the pictures shown during the Okinawa vacation event.


Animation Image Description
Flag0 TomodachiCDS-75 spain.png The flag of Spain.
Flag1 TomodachiCDS-75 japan.png The Japanese flag.
TomodachiCDS-75 end.png
A crudely drawn "End", meant to be displayed at the end of a vacation.
TomodachiCDS-75 nextA.png An early "Next" button.
TomodachiCDS-75 saycheeseA.png An early "Say Cheese" button.
Push TomodachiCDS-75 arrowA.png An arrow.

Layout (Scn\Scene\SceneTestNg97_LZ.bin)

Unassembled Assembled
TomodachiCDS-SceneTestNg97-UNAS.png TomodachiCDS-SceneTestNg97-AS.png

A button layout, possibly related to the Mii News events.

Unused Models/Animations


Two unused models can be found in this file, HUMAN00 and HUMAN01, being early versions of male and female Miis, respectively, along with five unused animations. These models seem to resemble those of Miis seen in Otona no onna no uranai techou, a scrapped project that acted as some sort of "predecessor" to Tomodachi Collection.


TestBody (Scn\Scene\TestBody00Imd_LZ.bin)

Oh my god, someone decapitated Waldo!

Another unused Mii model. Its textures are in a separate bin in Scn/Scene/TestBody00Tex_LZ.bin.

Robot (Scn\Scene\SceneTestG3d_3_LZ.bin)


Inside this file, contains a model named robot_t. It is a placeholder humanoid figure of some sorts. There is also an animation file named T_pose00, although it just simply scrambles the model.

Jar (Scn\Scene\SceneTestG3d_LZ.bin)


Inside this file, contains a model named Glass6. It is a jar with a "grade" label in it.

Town Hall Interior (Mdl\Misc\cityhall_3D_LZ.bin)

Town Hall Interior Full Model
TomodachiCDS Town Hall2.png TomodachiCDS Town Hall Interior2.png

An unused Interior for the Town Hall. Might have worked kind of like the Job Diagnosis but instead a Mii gives you options.

Map (Mdl\Misc\map_ground_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS MapBIG.png

What seems to be an early model for the island map.

Sky (Mdl\Misc\map_sky_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS Sky2.png

Unused SkyBox meant for the early island map.

Ranking Board (Mdl\Misc\map_ranking_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS RankingBoard.gif

Unused Ranking board complete with a bobbing icon animation to match! Seems to relate to the aforementioned map model.

Job Diagnosis (Mdl\Misc\map_rightjob_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS JobDianosis.gif

Unused Job Diagnosis Building with a dude bobbing up and down just like the icon above the ranking board. Also seems to relate to the map model.

Clothing Store (Mdl\Misc\map_shop_costume_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS ClothingStore.gif

Unused Clothing Store Building with a bobbing icon of a shirt and some unknown thing attached to it. Also seems to relate to the map model.

Food Shop (Mdl\Misc\map_shop_item_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS FoodShop.gif

Unused Food Store with a bobbing icon of a cashier. Also seems to relate to the map model.

Interior Shop (Mdl\Misc\map_shop_reform_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS InteriorShop.gif

Unused Interior Shop with a bobbing icon of the Interior icon. Also seems to relate to the map model.

Vote (Mdl\Misc\map_vote_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS Vote.gif

Unused Vote map model. Has tiny Miis waving their arms up and down. Also seems to relate to the map model.

Apartment (Mdl\Map\map2_apart4_3D_LZ.bin)

TomodachiCDS-Unused apartment.png

Unused Apartment model. could have been an early version of the final remodel of the apartment reaching to 100 Miis.

Unused Music

An unused track with the filename SEQ_DRUM_TEST. As its name suggests, it's a test track, which seems to be the same drumbeat as the one used in the level up theme. Used as a placeholder for some songs in the Tomodachi Collection demo.