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This page details one or more prototype versions of Bayonetta.

The Bayonetta First Climax Demo was first released on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network in Japan on October 8, 2009, and internationally on December 3, 2009. It allows the player to experience the first half-hour or so of Bayonetta with limited weapons and techniques.

In the Xbox 360 version, you can choose to play the Tutorial, the "The Witch Hunts" chapter (called "The Falling Clock Tower" in this demo), and Chapter I. The demo ends just before the Chapter I QTE where the Beloved throws the bridge. The PlayStation 3 version does not contain the "The Falling Clock Tower" chapter, but instead allows you to play through the end of Chapter I and fight Ancient Jeanne.

To do:
  • See if the PS3 version has any more differences, particularly in the sound files.
  • Check the May 24, 2009 prototype. It seems very similar, if not identical to the final. It also contains debug symbols in the file bayonet.pdb.

To Be Continued Video

The demo displays a short teaser video after the results screen. Only the audio remains in the final version, in ra20.dat.

The file that contains the textures for this video and the results screen, result890.idd, also has some images that go unused. Many of these are later seen in the final version's credits.

result890.idd contains an unused tagline for the demo, as well-- "Foreplay" instead of "First Climax".

Bayonetta Demo ToBeContinued texture4.png

Unused Files

bg0070, bg0071, and bg0072.dat are models of a simple sphere with a vertically-flipped test texture. These files are absent from the final version.

(Source: Rikan)