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Proto:Beetlejuice (NES)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Beetlejuice (NES).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

A prototype of Beetlejuice provided to Hidden Palace by Armageddon Potato.


  • The Geffen credit was separated into two lines and the year was added. Rare's credit went from yellow to white.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Copyright.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Copyright.PNG
  • Beetlejuice himself and the pause menu use a red color scheme instead of the final yellow.
  • Every instance of Beetlejuice talking has his sprite and the text positioned slightly lower than in the final.


Two of the scares are different in this build. They function exactly the same as their final counterparts.

  • The Frankenstein scare was replaced by the Medusa Head in the final game. Also of note is that the help vouchers are referred to as player credits and some of the shops had their color schemes altered as well.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Shop.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Shop.PNG
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Franky1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Franky2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Franky3.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Franky4.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Medusa1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Medusa2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Medusa3.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Medusa4.PNG
  • The Egyptian Mummy scare was replaced by the Umbrella Head in the final game.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Shop2.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Shop2.PNG
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Mummy1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Mummy2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Mummy3.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Mummy4.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Mummy5.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Umbrella1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Umbrella2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Umbrella3.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Umbrella4.PNG

Cut Level

After beating the first boss, instead of being shown a brief cutscene of the Maitland's car in the river, you are instead taken to a bonus level which was entirely cut from the final game. Cars and the bottom of the screen are lethal to the touch, as are the bikes if touched head on. Walking into the bikes from the side grants you extra scares. The level scrolls automatically until the covered bridge is reached.

BeetlejuiceNES Proto BonusMap.png
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Bonus.png

Characters & Pickups

  • Barbara Maitland's sprite was touched up a bit.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Barb.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Barb.PNG
  • As was Lydia Deetz's sprite.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Lyd.PNG
BeetlejuiceNES Lyd.PNG
  • In the top down levels, enemies sometimes drop bugs you can pick up. In the prototype, there are three kinds while the final only has one. The final game seems to load some of the proto bugs into memory during these levels, at least partially.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto PickupBug1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto PickupBug2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto PickupBug3.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto PickupBug4.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto PickupBug5.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto PickupBug6.PNG
BeetlejuiceNES PickupBug1.PNG
BeetlejuiceNES PickupBug2.PNG

Enemies & Bosses

  • The big un-stompable bugs were some kind of spiked creature that resembles a hedgehog.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Spiky1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Spiky2.PNG BeetlejuiceNES BigBug1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES BigBug2.PNG
  • The fly enemy used to be a bat.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Bat1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Bat2.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Fly1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Fly2.PNG
  • The first boss was originally some sort of toothy monster, before being replaced by Otho.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto ToothyProj.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Toothy2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Toothy1.PNG BeetlejuiceNES OthoSpray.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Otho2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Otho1.PNG
  • The second boss was initially a squid monster, before being replaced by a football player. Unlike the final boss, you have to jump and hit the squid's eye to hurt it.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto SquidProj.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Proto Squid1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Squid2.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Football.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Footballer1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Footballer2.PNG
  • The sandworms head was redrawn.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Sandworm1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Sandworm2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Sandworm3.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Sandworm1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Sandworm2.PNG



  • Instead of picking up the Book for the Recently Deceased, you picked up the Spook Scroll which told you a password with which to access the shops.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Scroll.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Book.PNG
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Scroll2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Scroll2-1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Scroll3.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Proto Scroll4.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Book2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Book2-1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Book3.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Book4.PNG
  • All of the underground areas have had their color schemes altered, including ones in later levels. For example the first three as seen here.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Underground1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Underground2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES Underground3.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Underground1.PNGBeetlejuiceNES FinalUnderground2.PNGBeetlejuiceNES FinalUnderground3.PNG


  • The water was green and the background appears to be a starry sky. Most notably, the covered bridge and the Maitlands' car also appear in the background at the start of the level.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto RiverStart.PNG BeetlejuiceNES RiverStart.PNG
  • These green tiles were removed from the upper parts of the stage. More color changes are also apparent throughout the level (doors, grates, tentacle monsters etc.)
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto River2.PNG BeetlejuiceNES River2.PNG


  • Slight change to the text when interacting with the paper roll in the bathroom.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto PaperRoll.PNG BeetlejuiceNES PaperRoll.PNG


  • Crosses were removed from the background.
Proto Final
BeetlejuiceNES Proto Crosses.PNG BeetlejuiceNES Crosses.PNG