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Proto:Duke Nukem 3D (PC)/v1.0

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Duke Nukem 3D (PC).

D3d10 titlescreen.png

Duke Nukem 3D 1.0 is the first official shareware version of Duke Nukem 3D released by 3D Realms. It was sent out to the world on January 29th, 1996. While much closer to the final game than 0.99 is, there are still some minor differences.


0.99 Leftovers

This prototype still contains code for the Snake Head enemy, the DUMMYDUKE bosses, BOSS3, and Flamethrower. Ammo pickups for the Shrinker also gives 1 round of Shrinker ammo, like in 0.99.

Crosshair and Mouse Aiming

The ability to activate the crosshair and mouse aiming are still not in this version of the game.



The RPG still does only 120 damage instead of 140. Oddly, the Pipebomb has had its damage values bumped to its final number.



D3d099 2000.png

The Pigcop has 120 health instead of the final's 100.



The Battlelord now has his final amount of health.


Both DUMMYDUKES now have 1,500 HP in 1.0. 0.99 gave the regular-sized one 1,000 HP, while the larger one had 2,000 HP.


BOSS3 still uses the 0.99 Battlelord's health.


Help screen

The help screen has several differences.

  • The Flamethrower is called "Laser".
  • The quick key for Steroids is missing.
  • The keys for enabling the crosshair and mouse aiming are missing.
  • The Inventory and Misc Keys sections have been reversed.
  • "See "DN3DHELP.EXE" for help" replaces "All keys in this screen are defaults" message in the final game.
  • The "Default Keys" message at the upper right-hand corner of the screen is missing in 1.0.
Prototype Final
D3d10 2445.png D3dfinal help.png

Title Screen Background

The title screen background is similar to the one in 0.99, but has Duke's mouth fixed.

Prototype Final
D3d10 titlebackground.png D3d titlebackground.png


The rocket fired by the RPG uses the final's colors, but is still tilted, like the 0.99 design is.

Prototype Final
D3d10 2605.png D3d 2605.png
Prototype Final
D3d10 2606.png D3d 2606.png
Prototype Final
D3d10 2607.png D3d 2607.png
Prototype Final
D3d10 2608.png D3d 2608.png
Prototype Final
D3d10 2609.png D3d 2609.png
Prototype Final
D3d10 2610.png D3d 2610.png
Prototype Final
D3d10 2611.png D3d 2611.png

Shareware Sell Screenshot Differences

The images used to sell the game in the shareware version of the game contain earlier versions of levels seen in the final game.

Screen 1

The first screen contains two different levels.

The first level is an early version of the outside tram section in Warp Factor (E2L3). The middle area the player spawns in is closer to the center of the map in the screenshot than it is in the final game. The window and the part of the middle area that can be seen through it are completely different as well. The outside portions use a completely different texture. A "Tiberus Station" sign can be seen hanging above the tram dock, which was removed in the final game. The tram itself has yellow textures on it, while the final one has a lot more gray on it. The dock itself has a Protozoid Slimer, which doesn't exist in the final version of the level. There's a spaceshut inside the dock, which suggests the player could go outside with the train.

The second level, despite having a generic resemblance to several used levels, such as the large circular areas in E2L1, doesn't seem to actually match any of the levels in the final game.

The screen mentions a "Laser Gun" which is missing in the full version of the game. It's unknown if it's referring to the Laser Chainsaw (which was turned into a Flamethrower, and later into the Freezer), or another scrapped weapon.

Shareware sell slide Final
D3d 3291.png D3d sharewareshot2.png

Screen 2

Screen 2 appears to show an early version of the lit large room near the end of the final's Spaceport (E2L1) level.

The most noticeable difference is that it uses the moon sky texture instead of the space sky texture. The central shaft can be accessed from any side, while the final only has part of it open. The shaft also has a different texture and is rounded instead of square. The crate to the right of the shaft is missing, but that might be because the screenshot was angled in a way to hide it. The right side looks completely different; it looks more like a ledge than the wall with windows the final Spaceport has.

Interestingly, a preview screenshot, dated August 1995, also shows a similar area to the one seen in the shareware sell screen. This shot gives a glimpse of the right side of the room, showing it as a more open version of the final's right side area.

Shareware sell slide Final
D3d 3290.png D3d sharewareshot1.png
Shareware sell slide August 1995 preview image
D3d 3290.png D3d prereleaseD3d30.png