Proto:Duke Nukem Forever/2001/Levels/E3 Maps
This is a sub-page of Proto:Duke Nukem Forever/2001/Levels.
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The "E3 Videos" subfolder contains a litany of maps built for the production of the infamous 2001 E3 trailer. Some, but not all of these have been copied to the Maps folder already.
To do: Add screenshots and further information. Also add videos of the maps in action. |
- 1 AB_Dragon.dnf
- 2 AB_Motorcycle_Jump.dnf
- 3 AB_Motorcycle_Slide.dnf
- 4 AB_Octabrain.dnf
- 5 AB_Pinball.dnf
- 6 AB_Ship.dnf
- 7 AB_Sniper.dnf
- 8 AB_Traffic.dnf
- 9 cw_ghosttown_01_church.dnf
- 10 cw_ghosttown_01_town.dnf
- 11 cw_ghost_!town_inside_shuttle_4.dnf
- 12 cw_lakemead_38_building.dnf
- 13 cw_lakemead_38_jetskis.dnf
- 14 cw_lakemead_38_planes.dnf
- 15 JA_Centrifuge.dnf
- 16 JA_DestroyBuilding.dnf
- 17 JA_DoorBeGone.dnf
- 18 JA_DoorSmash.dnf
- 19 JA_EDFCenter.dnf
- 20 JA_EDFGuardShack.dnf
- 21 JA_GeneralTalk.dnf
- 22 JA_MissileLaunch.dnf
- 23 JA_ThrowBasketBall.dnf
- 24 JA_TwrCrash.dnf
- 25 ks_E3_CasinoGirl.dnf
- 26 ks_E3_CDtray.dnf
- 27 ks_E3_Flashlight.dnf
- 28 ks_E3_LightningTower.dnf
- 29 ks_E3_ManAtDoor.dnf
- 30 ks_E3_RobotThruWall.dnf
- 31 ks_E3_SharksWithLasers.dnf
- 32 ks_E3_ShootWindow.dnf
- 33 ks_E3_SkyPan.dnf
- 34 ks_E3_TollBooth.dnf
- 35 ks_E3_TollBooth-retex.dnf
- 36 ks_E3_TollBoothSkid.dnf
- 37 SC_E3_MineCarRide2.dnf
- 38 SC_E3_StratCombat1.dnf
- 39 SC_E3_StratCombat2.dnf
- 40 SC_E3_StratHallway.dnf
- 41 SC_E3_StratHallway2.dnf
A short combat sequence in what appears to be an earlier version of Forbidden City with missing textures.
A short motorcycle sequence where you drive down a makeshift corridor before attempting a jump off a ramp over a fountain outside of the Matador on the Vegas strip.
A short motorcycle sequence set in a car park outside of the Matador on the Vegas strip, with a truck (lacking most of its collision) for you to try and slide under.
The vignette from the trailer where an Octabrain casually glides through the sewers. There's a lot of random barely-detailed sewer pipe out of shot!
A small room with several arcade games in varying states of completion - three pinball tables (only one of which is really functional) and an air-hockey table you can smack around an 8-ball on.
A working-ish version of the pirate ship duel for the "Booty Island" section of The Plantation.
A small, seemingly broken combat scene outside of a casino with three female EDF troopers standing above the player on a billboard. Using the UnrealEd trigger sprite behind the player causes them to try and aim at the player with some broken(?) laser sights veering off to the left.
A small vignette where you're on a road that cars are cruising down, headlights glaring. Good thing they don't have collision!
A seemingly-broken vignette outside the church in Morningwood with a static decoration of the Sandworm monster. A UnrealEd trigger sprite is near the memorial plaque, but it seemingly does nothing.
A similar, seemingly-broken vignette in the middle of Morningwood with Gus standing next to a static decoration of the Sandworm monster.
A vignette starting in some kind of shuttle station at Hoover Dam. Walking towards the shuttle teleports you into an endlessly looping sequence of the shuttle speeding down a tunnel.
A vignette set in the Lake Mead level, cut down to just the building at the end, with Grabbag kicking in.
A short Lake Mead gameplay sequence, cut down to just the dropship section.
Another short Lake Mead gameplay sequence, cut down to just the jets at the beginning.
A usable space training centrifuge (You know, like that one scene in Moonraker) that you can either activate and watch, or ride yourself.
A small vignette in the EDF Command Center that's raining indoors for some reason. Walking near the UnrealEd trigger sprite near the start causes a massive alien ship to show up and waste a building outside the window.
A small combat sequence in the EDF Command Center with a shotgun and pipebombs placed next to the player. Use the pipebomb to destroy the door to the stairs, leading you to an unfinished fire escape with an infected human enemy waiting.
A small vignette outside of Area 51. An infected EDF trooper stands in front of the door to a guardhouse. Use the UnrealEd trigger sprite near your spawn to trigger a scripted sequence that ends with an explosion inside the guardhouse that causes the door to fly forward, pancaking the trooper against the wall. Lovely.
A small vignette in the carpark of the EDF headquarters. A EDF trooper NPC stands in front of you. A message pops up upon level start telling you to hit the Use key. Doing so causes lighting to hit a building in the background and the trooper to crouch and shout "Aaah!"
A small vignette on the runway outside of the EDF Nevada Facility. An EDF trooper stands in front of you. Use the UnrealEd trigger sprite near your spawn causes a jet to speed past and into the facility, the doors in the distance opening to allow it entry.
Two vignettes in the EDF Command Center. Behind the player at spawn is General Graves, who can be used for the "Duke, the situation has deteriorated..." voiceover lines. Ghost upstairs to find a second vignette with some wounded EDF troopers. Use the one leaning against the wall for the infamous "Hey, pal..." dialogue.
A vignette in a missile silo. Walking near the UnrealEd trigger sprite in front of you starts the sequence, including a 60 second countdown.
A basketball court in a gymnasium, with several basketballs to put through hoops and a working scoreboard. You can leave, but doing so tends to crash the game.
A vignette air-traffic control tower being circled by a damaged and distressed stealth bomber.
A vignette in a burning section of the Lady Killer casino with a female NPC in front of you. You can use her multiple times for the different pieces of her "They're everywhere, people are turning into monsters!" speech. Strangely, while not complete by any means, the map is far more finished than what it needed to be, featuring what appears to be an entrance with a shotgun placed nearby, a room on fire placed just out of view, and multiple objects.
A vignette inside of a... CD-ROM drive? Shooting the laser emitter as the startup message requests causes the disc to eject, revealing a giant Dr. Proton using the computer you were inside.
A "Snatcher Ambush Section" sequence in which three infected civillians sneak up on and beat down a civillian with a flashlight in a burning room. Due to later changes to the game the scene will not play out the same as in the E3 trailer
A modified version of the Lady Killer rooftops level where the infected troopers have been replaced with a couple of Octabrains. Press USE to have lightning hit one of the sniper towers!
A short vignette with a security guard holding a door to prevent a Pig Cop from going through. Pressing USE as requested by the startup message triggers the "Man, this thing is really pissed off!" scripted event.
A vignette in the Stratosphere mall where a terminator-style EDF robot smashes through a burning wall and, weirdly insists on doing electricity attacks on a nearby other wall.
A small vignette in the Lady Killer's buffet with a lot of laser tripbombs setup near a shark tank.
A small vignette in a bedroom in the Lady Killer. Walking forward as instructed by the startup text triggers a scripted event where an EDF gunship strafes the window.
A short section of the rooftops outside of Duke's Penthouse in the Lady Killer. Walking forward causes the player to get attached to an invisible path, turning them into a camera showcasing the impressive Vegas skybox.
A short vignette where Duke's in the passenger seat of what can only be described as a pimpmobile as it blasts through a tollbooth and engages in some dangerous driving to avoid EDF hovercars, which proceed to persue.
Presumably the same map as ks_E3_TollBooth, except the scripting's all busted so you have to walk.
The same map geometry as ks_E3_TollBooth, with different scripting and actual gameplay - instead of blasting through the tollbooth, the car skids to a stop in front of it so Duke can shoot at some infected EDF troopers.
A short vignette where you ride a minecart to your death (and an infected trooper's death).
A seemingly empty, isolated section of the Stratosphere mall.
And another.
A short combat encounter against two infected EDF troopers in an isolated section of the corridors of Stratosphere Mall.
Seemingly the same as SC_E3_StratHallway, but without the enemies.