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Proto:Five Laps at Freddy's/Demo/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Five Laps at Freddy's/Demo.

To do:
  • MidnightMotoristThumbnail and SinkholeThumbnail.

FLaF Early Logo.png

An unused logo for the demo that refers to it as Five Laps at Freddy's: GLITCHED CIRCUIT.

Character Icons

Locked Menu Icons

T_SelectFreddy_Locked T_SelectBonnie_Locked T_SelectChica_Locked T_SelectFoxy_Locked
FLAF Demo LockedCharacterIcons Freddy.png FLAF Demo LockedCharacterIcons Bonnie.png FLAF Demo LockedCharacterIcons Chica.png FLAF Demo LockedCharacterIcons Foxy.png
T_SelectPuppet_Locked T_SelectMangle_Locked T_SelectBB_Locked T_SelectSpringtrap_Locked
FLAF Demo LockedCharacterIcons Puppet.png FLAF Demo LockedCharacterIcons Mangle.png FLAF Demo LockedCharacterIcons BB.png FLAF Demo LockedCharacterIcons Springtrap.png

Despite the fact that every character in the demo is unlocked from the get-go, darkened versions of their menu icons that are meant to be used when they're locked do exist.

Placeholder Gameplay Icons

FreddyIcon BonnieIcon ChicaIcon FoxyIcon
FLaF FreddyIcon.png FLaF BonnieIcon.png FLaF ChicaIcon.png FLaF FoxyIcon.png
PuppetIcon SpringtrapIcon CircusBabyIcon RoxanneIcon
FLaF PuppetIcon.png FLaF SpringtrapIcon.png FLaF CircusBabyIcon.png FLaF RoxanneIcon.png

Early sketches of eight character icons were left over in the files, including two characters that are not present in the demo: Circus Baby and Roxanne Wolf.

Early Gameplay Icons

There are various early HUD icons for the game's characters. The final icons depict characters in very different poses, and they only have a neutral emotion and a blinking emotion, compared to the four emotions found unused.


FreddyNeutral freddyblink FreddyHappy FreddyShocked freddyfear freddyblinkscared
FLaF FreddyNeutral.png FLaF freddyblink.png FLaF FreddyHappy.png FLaF FreddyShocked.png FLaF freddyfear.png FLaF freddyblinkscared.png


bonnie1 bonnieblink bonnie2 bonnie3 bonnie4 bonnieblinkscared
FLaF bonnie1.png FLaF bonnieblink.png FLaF bonnie2.png FLaF bonnie3.png FLaF bonnie4.png FLaF bonnieblinkscared.png


ChicaNeutral chicablink ChicaHappy ChicaShocked chicafear chicablinkscared
FLaF ChicaNeutral.png FLaF chicablink.png FLaF ChicaHappy.png FLaF ChicaShocked.png FLaF chicafear.png FLaF chicablinkscared.png


foxy1 foxyblink foxy2 foxy3 foxy4 foxyblinkscared
FLaF foxy1.png FLaF foxyblink.png FLaF foxy2.png FLaF foxy3.png FLaF foxy4.png FLaF foxyblinkscared.png

Alternate Foxy

FoxyNeutral FoxyHappy
FLaF FoxyNeutral.png FLaF FoxyHappy.png

Interestingly, there are two additional icons for Foxy that feature an earlier design for him, which lacks the bandana he wears in the final demo.


puppet1 puppet2 puppet3 puppet4 puppet5 puppet6
FLaFDemo puppet1.png FLaFDemo puppet2.png FLaFDemo puppet3.png FLaFDemo puppet4.png FLaFDemo puppet5.png FLaFDemo puppet6.png


mangle1 mangle2 mangle3 mangle4 mangle5 mangle6
FLaFDemo mangle1.png FLaFDemo mangle2.png FLaFDemo mangle3.png FLaFDemo mangle4.png FLaFDemo mangle5.png FLaFDemo mangle6.png

Balloon Boy

bb1 bb2 bb3 bb4 bb5 bb6
FLaFDemo bb1.png FLaFDemo bb2.png FLaFDemo bb3.png FLaFDemo bb4.png FLaFDemo bb5.png FLaFDemo bb6.png


sping1 sping2 sping3 sping4 sping5
FLaFDemo sping1.png FLaFDemo sping2.png FLaFDemo sping3.png FLaFDemo sping4.png FLaFDemo sping5.png

Kart Icons

DefaultKart_Locked CupKart_Locked MidnightMotor_Locked
FLaF Ico DefaultKart Locked.png FLaF Ico CupKart Locked.png FLaF MidnightMotor Locked.png
BoxKart_Locked CaptainFoxysRevenge_Locked CakeCruiser_Locked
FLaF Ico BoxKart Locked.png FLaF Ico CaptainFoxysRevenge Locked.png FLaF Ico CakeCruiser Locked.png
DefaultKart_Unlocked CupKart_Unlocked MidnightMotor_Unlocked
FLaF Ico DefaultKart Unlocked.png FLaF Ico CupKart Unlocked.png FLaF Ico MidnightMotor Unlocked.png
BoxKart_Unlocked CaptainFoxysRevenge_Unlocked CakeCruiser_Unlocked
FLaF Ico BoxKart Unlocked.png FLaF Ico CaptainFoxysRevenge Unlocked.png FLaF Ico CakeCruiser Unlocked.png

There are unused wireframe versions of the icons for not only the Standard Kart, CupKart and Midnight Motor, but also three additional karts that aren't featured in the demo: the Box Kart, Captain Foxy's Revenge and the Cake Cruiser.

Item Icons

Temporary Early Final
FLaF TemporaryCupcakeTexture.png FLaF CupcakeTexture.png Cupcake.png
FLaF TemporaryFazerblasterTexture.png FLaF FazblasterTexture.png Fazblaster.png
FLaF TempSecurityDoorIcon.png FLaF door.png FLaF security door.png
FLaFDemo TempControlledShock.png FLaF shock.png Controlled shock.png

Temporary icons for several items, as well as early icons that show them in a slightly different art style.

Ammo Ammo Bar
FLaF fazer ammo.png FLaF TemporaryAmmoBar.png

Really basic placeholder graphics for the Fazblaster item. The existence of an ammo bar suggests that this item originally functioned differently than it does in this demo.

Present Icons

present_1 present_2 present_3
FLaF present 1.png FLaF present 2.png FLaF present 3.png
openpresent1 openpresent_2 openpresent_3
FLaF openpresent1.png FLaF openpresent 2.png FLaF openpresent 3.png

UI icons for the presents being opened. These appear to reveal that there were originally different colors of boxes that could be obtained, perhaps denoting the rarity of items that could be obtained.

giftbox_1 GettingItem
FLaF giftbox 1.png FLaF GettingItem.png

There is also another present graphic in a slightly different style, as well as a placeholder graphic presumably for the item roulette.

Bear Endo Icon

FLaF EndoIcons Bear.png

In addition to the Wolf Endo present in the demo, there is an icon left over for a Bear Endo as well.

Test Zone Thumbnail

FlaF TestZoneThumbnail.png

The thumbnail for a testing map called "Test Zone" remains in the files.