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Proto:Frogger (1997)/E3 Build

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Frogger (1997).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

The first build this page documents was built on June 12th 1997, with the intention of using that build at E3 1997. However, due to bugs another build was made the next day (June 13th), and the "updated" version is what was playable at E3.

General Build Notes

  • Completing a level will start the next level with 3 lives.
  • The level select screen seems buggy. Entering & exiting it a few times can cause a crash.
  • Frogger's superjump is extremely powerful in this build, it's able to climb seemingly infinite heights, such as climbing parts of the ledges in Boulder Alley, or skipping stairs in Webs Cavern)
  • Many animations such as drowning animations do not exist yet, or do not play in certain situations.
  • Pausing the game works, but seems to lag when unpausing.
  • High score functionality is not present. Completing a level will not ask for initials, nor are any scores displayed anywhere. The "View Highscores" menu does bring up the level select, but it does not actually show any scores.
  • Cheats do not appear to be present, but pressing both L1 and R1 will still turn the background purple.

Build Differences

  • There's a memory leak in the June 12th build, which eventually results in a crash when idling on the main menu for too long. The main menu runs normally in the updated June 13th version
  • In the June 12th build, the fourth retro levels has the frogs floating in the sky. They can still be collected with super hop.


Boot Screen
  • Upon bootup, the antipiracy screen is displayed, before playing the fmv sequences.
  • Upon bootup, the above screen will display for a second before disappearing and loading the main menu..

Intro Sequence

  • First, the Hasbro FMV is played, without sound.
  • Then, the Millenium Interactive video is played. This video is not present in the final game.
  • Finally, a crude updated Frogger intro FMV plays.

There's new additions to this one that weren't in the previous build, including clips of the retro level music, and added shots of Frogger hopping through traffic and across the water.

This FMV sequence does not resemble the FMV intro seen in the final game, which was created by Hasbro.

Main Menu

E3 Final
Frogger1997-june13psx-MainMenu.png FROGGERPSXUSA-title screen.png
  • The main menu plays demos. Unlike other builds, demos are loaded immediately. This is likely because the previous build didn't have anything displayed on the main menu, and it would be bad to present that at E3.

Also unlike the previous build, the demos actually work.

Options Menu

Prototype Final
Frogger1997-june19psx-OptionsScreen.png FROGGERPSXUSA-options menu.png
  • This options screen can be seen in this build too.

Level Select

Prototype Final
Frogger1997-june13psx-LevelSelect.png FROGGERPSXUSA-level select.png
  • Many of the levels on the level stack are locked/unplayable. Most of these levels have not been started and are not present in the game files, but some are present and can be loaded with other means.
  • To unlock four other levels, highlight "Start" and press instead of . The levels unlocked are: Peli's Island, Reservoir Frogs, Airshow Antics, and Webs Cavern. It's unclear why
  • The background used in this version is the background used on the final PSX version for the "View High Scores" option, and on the "Low poly mode" in the retail PC version.

Continue Screen

Upon getting a "Game Over", a continue screen is displayed. Selecting both "Yes" or letting the timer run out will restart the level. However, selecting "No" will bring the player back to the level select..

Ruins Zone

The Ruins zone is present on the level stack. None of its levels are present in the game files, and they all use the placeholder level preview.

Ruins Zone Level Stack Art

Race Mode (Multiplayer)

Prototype Final
Frogger1997-june19psx-MultiplayerFrogSelect.png FROGGERPSXUSA-race screen.png
  • All four frogs use the same model with no lighting, and their croak ball is expanded.
  • An absent player is referred to as a "Slave".
  • Multiplayer can be played with only one player. However, there is only one map available, and it is a singleplayer retro level. The file loaded is the same as singleplayer.

Music Differences

  • The music in the level VOL1 (Scorching Switches) volcano zone is an early version, lacking all the industrial/blacksmith sound samples that are present in the final version.

Early HUD

This is the first build to feature the baby frog sprites that would be used in the final game.

However, since the in-game frog models featured in this version still share the color differences of earlier builds, there are also a couple of differences here in the coloration of the sprites compared to what is seen in the final game:

  • In place of the orange frog is a yellow frog, and the orange frog here takes the place of the purple frog from the final
  • Although the blue frog model in this version is cyan like in the final game, it's sprite still has the dark blue coloration of earlier builds
Frogger1997-june19psx-yellowfrog.png Frogger1997-june19psx-orangefrogcomparison.png Frogger1997-june19psx-darkbluefrog.png
The Yellow frog The Orange frog for comparison The Dark Blue frog sprite


The levels in this build are very similar to Build 01, and the maps have primarily been documented on that page instead of this one.

Suburb Levels (SUB)

SUB2 (Pelis Island)

This one is mostly the same as the previous builds except for a couple of minor differences:

  • Blue cars replace the green trucks of the level in this build
  • For some reason the pelican cannot be hopped onto

Gameshark Code:

Unlock SUB2 (June 12th build)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000000
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000001

Unlock SUB2 (June 13th build)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000000
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000001

SUB4 (Spinning Lillies)

  • The level has not yet been given a sunset appearance, aesthetically looking almost identical to SUB1 aside from a few darkened tiles on the spawning island. (In the first build they are reddish, and in the updated build they are pitch black).
  • Some tiny enemy is following a path right in front of spawn location, as well as the island across from it and will kill Frogger. This may explain why the starting island has so much unused space in the final.
  • All vehicles on this level are the beta light blue car model.
  • No dog huts exist near the road.
  • The Pelican flight paths to get to the red frog are different, where you have to hop directly from one to the other, as the tree platform between them was not integrated yet

Gameshark Code:

Unlock SUB4 (June 12th build)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000000
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000003

Unlock SUB4 (June 13th build)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000000
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000003

Original Levels (ORG)

  • The obstacles that are on the other side of the river are both the later unused nettles, and the officially used thorn spikes behind them, matching the footage from E3.
  • Blue cars use a color scheme close to what is seen in the retail Windows build under low poly mode.
  • The lady frog uses the different model that the other baby frogs have, and is a brighter shade of pink. It also has an animation for repositioning itself, rather than snapping in place onto Frogger's back
  • In some levels it can be seen that one of the snakes will glitch in various ways, like to become humorously stretched out or even giant
FileFrogger1997-june13psx-GIANTSNAKE.png FileFrogger1997-june13psx-stretchysnake.png FileFrogger1997-june13psx-snakeglitched.png
The snake as a giant That thin line is the snake Another snake glitch

Sky Levels (SKY)

The sky levels featured here are the same as in the previous PSX Alpha build, except in this build they replaced the black rideable birds with rideable ducks.

  • The green balloons still have their early unique shape, but this time having a proper green texture that seems to have a reflective effect. They rotate in place until hopped onto

Gameshark Code:

Unlock SKY5 (June 12th version)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000003
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000004

Unlock SKY5 (June 13th version)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000003
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000004

Desert Levels (DES)

The two fully-developed desert levels featured here are the same as in the previous PSX Alpha build, except this is when they replaced the black rideable birds with the pelicans featured in other levels for consistency


The same as Cactus Point except for two differences:

Frogger1997-june19psx-des5-starting-area.png Frogger1997-june19psx-des5-randomboulder.png
It starts you in the bison runway without any bison in sight A random boulder instead falls down from the sky from the right

Gameshark Code:

Unlock DES5 (June 12th build)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000006
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000004

Unlock DES5 (June 13th build)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000006
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000004

Cave Levels (CAV)

CAV3 (Test Map)


CAV5 (Test Map)


Other Level Codes

Gameshark Code:

Unlock SWP2 (June 12th version)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000002
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000001

Unlock SWP2 (June 13th version)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000002
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000001

Unlock SWP3 (June 12th version)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000002
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000002

Unlock SWP3 (June 13th version)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000002
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000002

Unlock SWP4 (June 12th version)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000002
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000003

Unlock SWP4 (June 13th version)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000002
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000003

Unlock SWP5 (June 12th version)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000002
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000004

Unlock SWP5 (June 13th version)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000002
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000004

Unlock CAV2 (June 12th version)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000007
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000001

Unlock CAV2 (June 13th version)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000007
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000001

Unlock CAV4 (June 12th version)
D0092038 00000001
300921F4 00000007
D0092038 00000001
300921C4 00000003

Unlock CAV4 (June 13th version)
D0092138 00000001
300922F4 00000007
D0092138 00000001
300922C4 00000003


Gameplay of the first E3 build (before the later version that was bug fixed) that shows the updated intro, all of the full-fledged levels, and the interesting test maps