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Proto:Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories/May 29, 2005/Character Models

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories/May 29, 2005.

And you were just a scroll away from scaring everyone shitless, being fired, and possibly being arrested too...
Oh wow. Sometimes, you have no idea how morbid the things in these pages can be.
This page contains content that is not safe for life, whether it be you or anyone in proximity to you.
Such as: Fairly gruesome model(s) of a corpse with a gunshot wound.
To do:
  • Confirm which build the early models last appear in

At this point, the game appears to have been in somewhat of a transitionary period. For one, only a handful of cutscene models are present at this time, and those that are often show drastic changes between their in-game counterparts.

Toni Cipriani

Case in point. Toni's final look was pretty much nailed down by now, but a handful of models were yet to be replaced, allowing us to see how he evolved over time.


Toni in the Leone Suit, and the only model of Toni in this particular style. Its hard to say which one was first, this or CSTESTER.

May 29 (player2) May 29-Final (Unused) (CSTESTER) Final (csplayer)
GTA-LCS player2May.png GTA-LCS CSTESTER.png GTA-LCS csplayerFin.png


An early version of the in-game model of the Chauffeur outfit. The main difference here is the hat, which appears to have been copied from the chauffeur pedestrian model.

May 29/July 26 Final
GTA-LCS toni d1May.png GTA-LCS ChaufFinal.png


An early version of the in-game version of the Overalls outfit, uses CSTESTER as its basis.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS toni e1May.png GTA-LCS csplayer5Fin.png


An early version of the in-game model of the Tux outfit, which itself is mostly identical to the final texture wise, but it again using CSTESTER as the basis. Cutscene model featuring Toni's final appearance is already in place.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS toni f1May.png GTA-LCS csplayer6Fin.png


An early version of the Avenging Angels outfit, with the main difference being the red beret. This change also applies to the cutscene model (which is not in this build, but would be added by the next) and the Avenging Angels pedestrians.

May 29/July 26 Final
GTA-LCS toni g1May.png GTA-LCS AvengingAngelFinal.png


An early version of the in-game model of the Hero Garb outfit. Once again, based on the CSTESTER model. The design would be finalized not long after this build, as it is already fully implemented in the July build. A cutscene model of this early version, updated for Toni's final model, was left unused in the final game.

May 29 (toni_k1) Final (CSPlayer11, unused) Final (CSPlr11, used)
GTA-LCS toni k1May.png GTA-LCS CSPlayer11.png GTA-LCS CSPlr11.png


An early version of the in-game model of the Dragon outfit. One last appearance of the CSTESTER model.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS toni l1May.png GTA-LCS csplayer12Fin.png

Salvatore Leone

Earlier version of Salvatore's in-game model, with a cutscene version appearing in the following build before being finalized. Features slightly different face textures, a tie matching his suit and different hands.

May 29/July 26 Final
GTA-LCS sal 01May.png GTA-LCS Sal01Fin.png

Vincenzo Cilli

  • The in-game model of Vinnie was entirely different, with an almost cartoonish aesthetic.
May 29 Final
GTA-LCS vinc 01May.png GTA-LCS csvincFin.png
  • Meanwhile, the cutscene model was near final. Changes were made to the hairline and he was given more clean shaven look. The early texture also appeared a little less compressed, as seen around his tie.
May 29 Final
GTA-LCS vinc csvincMay.png GTA-LCS csvincFin.png
  • The model itself has one slight difference when compared to the final, that is the right upper eyelid being a little droopy on the early model.

GTA-LCS csvinc closeup.png

Donald Love

Another instance of cutscene and in-game models showing different designs, though less extreme. The cutscene model (cslove) appears to take more after Love's appearance in GTA III while the in-game model (love_01) leans more towards his younger version from Vice City.

May 29 (cslove) May 29 (love_01) Final (cslove)
GTA-LCS csloveMay.png GTA-LCS love01May.png GTA-LCS csloveFinal.png


Early in-game model for a bankrupt Donald, generally much worse for wear. Like the above in-game model, this one leans more into his younger look.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS hobo 01May.png GTA-LCS DonBumFin.png

Avery Carrington

  • Avery Carrington has a completely different model, looking appropriately older, given the game takes place 12 years after his appearance in Vice City. The official artwork actually depicts this older model. The final game uses a copy of his model from that game.
Artwork May 29-Sep 1 Final
GTA-LCS AveryArt.png GTA-LCS AverySep.png GTA-LCS AveryFinal.png

Mayor Miles O'Donovan

O'Donovan had an entirely different, almost cartoonish, design.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS donovanMay.png GTA-LCS donovanFin.png

Leon McAffrey

The early cutscene (csmac) and in-game (mcaffry) models of Leon McAffrey show two drastically different designs. Oddly, the cutscene model has a much blockier head, much like the models from GTA III, while the in-game model has a face texture not too dissimilar to the pedestrians. By late July, both models would be near finalized.

May 29 (csmac) May 29 (mcaffry) Final (csmac)
GTA-LCS csmacMay.png GTA-LCS mcaffryMay.png GTA-LCS McAffreyFin.png

Ray Machowski

Ray had a completely different model, somewhat more closely resembling his appearance in GTA III.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS ray 01May.png GTA-LCS ray 01Fin.png

Ned Burner

Ned Burner got a new pair of hands and little shine on his shoes.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS NedMay.png GTA-LCS NedFinal.png

Oddly, the prototype model had a separate texture for his cigarette, which was later removed.

GTA-LCS NedCig.png

Toshiko Kasen


An early in-game model of Toshiko in her kimono. Had a less detailed head and hands and appeared somewhat thinner. Her kimono was also folded differently, had a bigger belt and she appeared to wear something white underneath it.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS kas 01May.png GTA-LCS kas 01Fin.png


Toshiko as she appears in A Date with Death. Like above, appeared slightly thinner with less detailed head and hands, otherwise similar to her final model.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS wkas 01May.png GTA-LCS wkas 01Fin.png

Kazuki Kasen

  • Completely different appearance, with a lighter blue suit and different shoes. More closely resembling his brother, Kenji Kasen, who appeared in GTA III.
May 29/Jul 26 Final
GTA-LCS KazukiJul.png GTA-LCS KazukiFin.png

Massimo Torini

  • Torini's early model had a slightly smaller head and different body textures.
May 29/July 26 Final
GTA-LCS ToriniJul.png GTA-LCS ToriniFin.png

Mickey Hamfists

  • Mickey Hamfists has a completely different model, more closely resembling his early artwork. His appearance was changed to be more in line with how he looked in GTA III.
Artwork May29-Sep 1 Final
GTA-LCS MickeyArt.png GTA-LCS MickeySep.png GTA-LCS MickeyFinal.png

JD O'Toole

cstool & tool_01

JD O'Toole went through some revisions as well, with his cutscene mode (cstool) sporting a unique design. The in-game model (tool_01) features a completely different face, head shape and thinner arms. This middle design showed up in some of the earliest public screenshots of the game.

May 29 (cstool) May 29 (tool_01) Final (cstool)
GTA-LCS cstoolMay.png GTA-LCS tool 01May.png GTA-LCS JDFin.png


The three alternate models were all built around the in-game model above and feature mostly the same differences.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS csgimpMay.png GTA-LCS csgimpFin.png


May 29 Final
GTA-LCS jdmadeMay.png GTA-LCS jdmadeFin.png


Completely different pose, more leaning back with a less expressive face.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS jdshotMay.png GTA-LCS jdshotFin.png

Maria Latore


The injured cutscene model of Maria, which is the only cutscene model present in this build. Originally had a black eye along with the bloody nose, wore an all black dress, was missing her earrings and much more shading on her skin.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS csmarMay.png GTA-LCS csmarbFin.png


Maria's in-game model. Besides the all black dress and missing earrings, appears fairly close to the final model.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS mar 01May.png GTA-LCS mar 01Fin.png


  • 8-Ball wore an open jacket with a larger collar, and a shirt sporting the logo of his bomb shop. Seems to more closely follow the official artwork.
Artwork May 29 Final
GTA-LCS 8BallArt.png GTA-LCS 8BallSep.png GTA-LCS 8BallFinal.png


  • Miguel was still re-using his GTA III appearance.
May 29-Sep 1 Final
GTA-LCS MiguelSep.png GTA-LCS MiguelFinal.png

Grease Sucho

Used a different texture for his jeans. Face shape was slightly altered, as were his hands.

May 29 Final
GTA-LCS GreaseMay.png GTA-LCS GreaseFinal.png


  • The Deli Assistant who appears in Dead Meat and in the final game, Shop 'til You Strop. Has a slightly different face and hair texture and different shoes.
Jul 26 Final


Wayne's hands were redone and his skin had a slightly more red tone to it.

Jul 26 Final
GTA-LCS WayneMay.png GTA-LCS WayneFin.png