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Proto:Grand Theft Auto: Vice City/Textures

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment.
Such as: The naked Candy Suxxx images, except in a higher resolution.


ap_billb2, the Dundee wordart was changed. This was possibly because it resembled the logo real-life Dundee based "The Dandy" comics logo, and was changed to avoid any legal complications.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 ap billb2.png GTA-VC Fin ap billb2.png


Used the logo of Mean Street Taxis (Tax_add) from GTA III. Replaced with TaxiCo1_64.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 taxadd.png GTA-VC Fin taxico1.png


One texture was removed, castro_tinsign.

GTA-VC Oct1 castro tinsign.png


One texture was removed, Bow_drug_neon_green, a 64x64 square of pure neon green.


Textures for Café Robina. One texture was removed, cof_edges1, though it also appears elsewhere. Used by a sign which was removed from the final game.


hotring, the Hot Ring logo was redone, possibly due to being a bit too close to the Hot Wheels logo. Besides that, the cars and a portion of the text were recolored.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 hotring.png GTA-VC Fin hotring.png

dt_stadium_long_poster, the Hot Ring logo change applies here too. The same texture is also found in "dt_bloodring.txd" and "dt_dirtrng.txd".

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 stadiumposter.png GTA-VC Fin stadiumposter.png


hos105F was higher resolution.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 hos105F.png GTA-VC Fin hos105F.png


Included 9 more LOD textures in the prototype, otherwise identical.


One texture was swapped.

Proto (lodhnj) Final (lodmea)
GTA-VC Oct1 LODhaitin.png GTA-VC Fin LODhaitin.png


One texture was added for the final game, lod_man_roof, the mansion helipad.


One texture was added for the final game, lod_oview_win.


One texture was added for the final game, malldark_64, a 64x64 texture of the mall doors.


Gash_bag_blue, redone logo.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 gashblue.png GTA-VC Fin gashblue.png

Gash_bag_White, redone logo.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 gashwhite.png GTA-VC Fin gashwhite.png

gunbook1, higher resolution.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 gunbook1.png GTA-VC Fin gunbook1.png

heli_box, higher resolution.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 helibox.png GTA-VC Fin helibox.png

candyposterbig, higher resolution.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 candyposter.png GTA-VC Fin candyposter.png

POLAROID1, while not higher resolution, it is ever so slightly less compressed.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 polaroid1.png GTA-VC Fin polaroid1.png


The three Candy Suxxx polaroid textures were originally within this file. Four new textures took their place; paintingsnew, paintingsnew2, paintingsnewD and paintingsnew2D.

Horse1, higher resolution.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 horse1.png GTA-VC Fin horse1.png

Landscape1, higher resolution.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 landscape1.png GTA-VC Fin landscape1.png


One texture was changed and renamed from collins_10 to collins_69.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 collins10.png GTA-VC Fin collins69.png


One texture was added in for the final game, cl_ashtray.


hotelsigns2, oddly, the same texture is also found in "od_hotels1.txd", but both are the WK Chariot version.

Proto Final
GTA-VC Oct1 hotelsigns2.png GTA-VC Fin hotelsigns2.png