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This page details one or more prototype versions of Guimo.

Cactus 2.0!
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To do:
This only covers Beta Version 1.1, but there's also Beta versions 1.0 and 1.2. We've got to crack the .jbc format to make progress with this article.

A few testing versions of Guimo were released to the public. One of these versions can be downloaded here.

General Differences

  • The Jack in the Box Computing logo is a flat vector with some text laid over it rather than a raytraced logo.
  • The voice-overs played when selecting options from the main menu lack echoes.
  • The main menu is shown over the title screen, rather than its own screen.
  • Guimo's armor lacks detail, being a mere gradient. His weapon is also different and slightly more blue.
  • The game uses the death animations for the enemies rather than have them vanish into a bunch of particles.
  • The levels lack any names and have a "testing level" string below the name of the level.
Prototypes Final
Guimo-Proto-title.png Guimo (DOS)-title.png

The title screen logo is 2D in the prototypes.

Prototypes Final
Guimo-Proto-setup.png Guimo-final-setup.png

The setup menu uses a barebones raytraced image rather than a screenshot of a PCB. The health meter is also visible here.