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Proto:High Seas Havoc

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Notes: Much of this info was taken straight from the Hidden Palace page. Please document more here.

This page details one or more prototype versions of High Seas Havoc.

Captain lang prototype title screen.png

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

An early prototype of High Seas Havoc.

Download.png Download High Seas Havoc (early prototype)
File: High Seas Havoc (Early Prototype).bin (2 MB) (info)

General changes

  • The game's internal header refers to 1992, but it is not certain that this is the year this build was made, as the title screen uses the final date of 1993.
  • Many palettes for characters, including the player's, are different and generally brighter.
  • Stages don't have an introductory screen.
  • Holding C will allow the player to float in air.
  • Most levels are empty and devoid of any objects, with incomplete assets showing up every so often.
  • Most levels also are mute. Only a few tracks are available in the game's sound test.
  • Any level bosses are static and do not move or hurt the player.
  • There is a weird bug where some objects don't appear unless you go offscreen and return to the same point.

Unused Graphics

HighSeasHavocProto GHZ Platform.png
For whatever reason, the platform graphic from Sonic the Hedgehog's Green Hill Zone is loaded into VRAM in various stages.

Graphical Differences

Proto Final
Captain lang prototype title screen.png High Seas Havoc Genesis-title.png

By far the most noticeable difference is that Havoc is blue in the prototype as opposed to dark purple; this was presumably changed to make his resemblance to a certain blue hedgehog a bit less obvious. This appears to have been a rather late change, as the Japanese box art depicts him in the prototype's shade of blue. His expression was also changed to a less determined one, and his feet were made more defined.

Proto Final
HSH early Lang jump sprites.png HSH Final Lang jump sprites.png
Proto Final
HSH early lang falling.png HSH final lang falling.png
Proto Final
HSH lang early skidding sprite.png HSH lang final skidding sprite.png

Havoc's jumping and falling sprites were redrawn quite a bit.

Stage Differences

To do:
Include more stage differences, and more specific layout-focused ones too.

Cape Sealph

Proto Final
HSH Cape Sealph start proto.png HSH Cape Sealph start final.png

The starting area is a bit different, it features a goal, spring, treasure, and gems in the very start. The background is slightly lower and the dirt is slightly smaller in the prototype.

Proto Final
HSH cape sealph proto.png HSH cape sealph final.png

These mushrooms in the prototype are nowhere to be seen in the final game.

Pirate Ship

Proto Final
HSH Pirate Ship proto.png HSH Pirate Ship final.png

Once again the starting area is different, this time featuring a platform in the prototype that moves up and down.

Proto Final
HSH Bernardo boss 1 proto.png HSH Bernardo boss 1 final.png

Bernardo's palette is completely different, though it looks rather sloppy compared to the final game. As stated before, the battle itself hasn't been implemented.

HSH prototype Pirate ship pause bug.png

Featured in this level is a bug: when pausing the game, the underwater palette will cover up the entire stage. In the final game this has been fixed.

Otarucean 2

Proto Final
HSH Otarucean 2 start proto.png HSH Otarucean 2 start final.png

In the prototype you start a bit further in the level than in the final, other then that this stage is quite empty. Strangely enough there are sometimes objects from Cape Sealph.

Burning Hamlet 1

Proto Final
HSH Burning Hamlet Proto Background.png HSH Burning Hamlet final Background.png

The prototype features a much rougher background, lacking details on the flames and featuring fewer, less detailed buildings. Other than the background, the level itself is very unfinished lacking the whole chase part.

Mt. Chester 1

Proto Final
HSH early Mt. Chester background.png HSH final My. Chester background.png

The background has the aurora spanning the entire screen in the prototype, along with clouds underneath them that were replaced with a gradient in the final game. The palette cycle is also quite different.

Sound Differences

Proto Final

The Deck Battle is in a different key, slower, and has a different opening.

Proto Final

Cold Paradise has different instrumentation.