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Proto:Hit the Ice (NES)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Hit the Ice (NES).

A prototype of Hit the Ice was dumped in 2002, and has some minor differences compared to the final ROM that leaked in 2020.

Text Differences

Proto Final
HitTheIce NES Proto (1).png HitTheIce NES Final (1).png

A "would" was added to be gramatically correct.

Proto Final
HitTheIce NES Proto (2).png HitTheIce NES Final (2).png
Proto Final
HitTheIce NES Proto (3).png HitTheIce NES Final (3).png

The text "from him/her" was replaced with "away", since money is being taken from you rather than you taking money from others.

Proto Final
HitTheIce NES Proto (4).png HitTheIce NES Final (4).png

In the prototype, the apple-loving man has slightly different text depending on whether you're carrying one apple or more than one. The final version strangely removes the former.