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Proto:MACE: The Dark Age (Nintendo 64)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of MACE: The Dark Age (Nintendo 64).

To do:
More differences can be found in https://nesworld.com/n64proto-id79-mace.php

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Forestofillusion.com logo.png  This was documented on Forest of Illusion.

A very early prototype of MACE: The Dark Age was released by Forest of Illusion on February 15, 2021.


Stage Differences

General Differences

  • The intro cutscene is completely missing and a gameplay demo is used instead.
Proto Final
MACE TDH Proto Copyright.png MACE TDH Final Copyright.png

The "Licensed by Nintendo" text is missing.

Proto Final
MACE TDH Proto Title.png MACEN64-title.png

The "START" button was originally "PRESS START", "PRACTICE" and "OPTIONS" are missing, and the backdrop is slightly different from the final.

  • The difficulty options are counted in numbers.
  • Continues are simply referred to as coins.
  • The hidden characters are unlocked by default.
  • The game is a lot darker than in the final.
  • The desert level is missing.

Graphical Differences

  • The Executioner is red instead of the final's black.