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Proto:Meteos Wars/Text Differences

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Meteos Wars.


  • All mentions of the word "Matchmaking VS" in the English text strings were originally translated as "Matching VS". This also applies to the Japanese, Chinese and Korean text strings.
  • All mentions of "Sliding" Meteos in the English text were originally that of "Swapping" Meteos. Curiously, this does not apply to other languages' strings, which still retain the old wording even in the final game, even more so in Japanese, Chinese and Korean, which still use the old English strings.
  • Nearly all mentions of global highscore "rankings" or of a "ranking system" are changed to "leaderboards". This applies to all languages except French, as listed below. The Italian strings also have changes, but they are not consistent.
    • German: Rangliste -> Bestenliste
    • Italian: Classifiche -> Classifiche / Classifica / Classificha / Classificazione
    • Portuguese: Classificações -> Classificação
    • Spanish: Clasificaciones -> Marcador
    • Chinese: 排名系統 -> 排行榜
    • Korean: 랭킹 -> 순위표
  • All mentions of the word "Meteos" are not capitalized in the Italian strings.


C_Menu::MainMenu (Main Menu)

  • In the Italian text, the string "Partita giocatore singolo", which refers to the Single Player Mode, was originally translated as "Partita in singolo".
  • In the German text, the Quick Match string ("Schnelles Spiel") originally left the last word untranslated in English.
  • In the Spanish text, the TrueSkill rankings menu string originally translated "Clasificaciones" as "Rango".

C_Menu::Help&OptionsMenu (Help & Options Menu)

  • In the German text, the strings "Zubehör" and "Mitwirkende", which refer to the accessory and credits menus, were originally left untranslated in French ("Accessoires") and English ("Credits"), respectively.
  • In the Portuguese text, the string "Ficha Técnica", which refers to the game's credits, was originally translated as simply "Créditos".
  • In the English text, the strings "Bombs", "Controls" and "Techniques", which refer to the sections in the How to Play mode, were originally translated as "Bomb", "How to Control" and "Technique".

C_Menu::Select (Planet Select Menu)

  • In the English text, the hardest CPU level, "Insane", was originally translated as "Insanity". Likewise, in the French text, "Folie", which also refers to the hardest CPU level, was originally translated as "Indécent".

C_Menu::Lobby (Online Lobby)

  • In the French text, the string "Recherche d'un adversaire en cours...", which is seen while searcing for an opponent, was originally translated as "Matchmaking en cours".

C_Menu::MyData (My Data)

  • In the English text, the string "Overall Data", which appears at the top of the My Data menu, was originally written as "Data composite". In addition to this, "Number of Ignitions" was originally written as "Number ignited".
  • In the German text, the words "Angriffsspiele", "Herausforderungsspiele" and "Missionsmodusspiele", which refer to the Attack, Challenge and Mission Modes, respectively, were originally written as "Angriff-Spiele", "Herausforderungs-Spiele" and "Missionsmodus-Spiele"
  • In the Italian text, the word "giocate" in the counter of Attack/Challenge/Mission games played was originally "disputate".

C_Menu::Controls (Controls)

  • In the English text, the string "Speed-up" was originally written as "Accelerator speed", which might indicate that proper graphics for this gimmick were meant to reappear.


C_Game::PauseMenu (Pause Menu)

  • Both Player 1 and 2 have separate strings for Pausing. This applies to all languages.
  • In the German strings, the word "wechseln", which refers to the action of sliding Meteos in a certain direction, was originally "tauschen".

C_Game::Settings (In-Game Settings)

  • In the German strings, the word "Soundeffekte" was originally written as simply "SE".

C_Game::Game (In-Game)

  • In the English strings, the string "GAME FINISHED", which appears when completing the 100-Meteo Attack mode, was originally "GAME SET". Curiously, in the French text, this string was, originally, erroneously translated as "PERDU !" (You lost!), which was corrected to "TERMINÉ !" (Finished!) in the final release.

C_Game::Result (Results)

  • In the French text, the line "Survie", which refers to the Challenge Attack modes, was originally "Attaque défi".

C_Game::Continue (Continue)

  • In the English text, one of the Korean text strings ("다시 플레이하시겠습니까?") is erroneously used for the "Battle again?" text in the prototype.
  • In the French text, the continue string ("Recommencer la bataille?") is much simpler ("Continuer ?").

C_Game::Achievements (Achievement)

  • The achievement get string was slightly altered in the English, Portuguese and Japanese strings:
Sep 11 Proto Final
Well done!

achievement attained!
Well done!

Bem conseguido!

Feito atingido!
Bem conseguido!



  • All mentions of "x games played" in the English strings were originally written as simply "x plays".
  • The "Coiled snake" accessory in the English text was originally written as "Coily snake".
  • In the English text, the achievement description "Unlock x planets" was originally written as "Unlock x planets for use".

C_Game::End (Last Ending)

  • In the Italian strings, the last ending text was slightly rewritten:
Sep 11 Proto Final
Vittoria! Un successo sfolgorante!
Questo mondo, che somiglia al pianeta Meteo,
non è un nemico, forse perché
è nato da una nuova civiltà.
Del resto, qualsiasi miracolo è possibile
nelle immensità dello spazio.
Per le civiltà sopravvissute alla
minaccia del pianeta Meteo, questo non è
affatto un problema.
Essendo nate nelle vastità del cosmo,
è solo un altro passo nel lungo
cammino dell'evoluzione.
Vittoria! Un successo sfolgorante!
Questo pianeta, che somiglia a Meteo,
non è un nemico, forse perché
è nato da una nuova civiltà.
Del resto, qualsiasi miracolo è possibile
nelle immensità dello spazio.
Per le civiltà sopravvissute alla
minaccia del pianeta Meteo, questo non è
affatto un problema.
Per quelle nate nelle vastità del cosmo,
è solo un altro passo nel lungo
cammino dell'evoluzione.


C_Caption::MainMenu (Main Menu Descriptions)

  • The descriptions for the Player Matches in all strings were rewritten to be more detailed. A few of the Ranked Match descriptions were rewritten as well.
Sep 11 Proto Final
Scores will appear on leaderboard
Scores will not appear on leaderboard
Results will appear on the leaderboards
Results will not appear on the TrueSkill™ rank leaderboards
Les scores apparaîtront au classement
Les scores n'apparaîtront pas au classement
Les scores apparaîtront au Classement
Les scores ne seront pas au Classement TrueSkill™
Punkte erscheinen nicht in Bestenlisten
Ergebnis erscheint nicht in TrueSkill™-Einstufung-Bestenliste
I punteggi compariranno in classifica
I punteggi non compariranno in classifica
I punteggi compariranno in Classifica
Risultati non inseriti nella Classifica TrueSkill™
As pontuações não aparecerão nas classificações
A classificação TrueSkill™ não mostra resultados
Las puntuaciones no aparecerán en el marcador.
Los resultados no aparecerán en el marcador TrueSkill™.
ランク マッチ:結果がランキングに反映されます
プレイヤー マッチ:結果はランキングに反映されません
ランク マッチ:結果がランキングに反映
プレイヤー マッチ:TrueSkill™ランキングに結果は反映されない
玩家配對:結果將不會顯示於TrueSkill™ 排行榜
플레이어 매치:점수가 순위표에 나타나지 않을 것입니다.
플레이어 매치: 결과는 TrueSkill™ 순위표에 나타나지 않을 것입니다.
  • In the Japanese, Chinese and Korean strings, the Quick and Custom Match descriptions have the mode name on the side, which doesn't happen in the prototype.
Sep 11 Proto Final
クイック マッチ:自動で対戦相手を探す
カスタム マッチ:条件を設定して、対戦相手を探す
무작위로 상대 찾기
본인의 입맛대로 상대를 찾으세요!
퀵 매치:무작위로 상대 찾기
조건 매치:본인의 입맛대로 상대를 찾으세요!
  • The English description for the Achievements menu originally had the "View" in "View your Achievements" as "Check". This also happens with the My Data menu's description strings. The Japanese descriptions for this and the Help/Options menu were also changed:
Sep 11 Proto Final
遊び方 & オプション

C_Caption::Help&Options (Help & Options Menu Descriptions)

  • In the English text, the string "Bomb frequency setting" was originally written as "Bomb frequency settings".
  • In the German text, the descriptions of the Bombs (Bomben) and Planet Impact (Planetenkollision) How to Play sections originally didn't have "Anleitung:" before them. Additionally, the Audio setting/Credits menu descriptions are slightly different as well; in the former, the word "Audioeinstellungen" was originally spelled as "Soundeinstellungen", and in the latter, the word "Credits" was also left as-is in the prototype rather than being translated to "Mitwirkende".
  • The Handicap setting description in the German (Anleitung: Steuerung) and Italian (Istruzioni - Comandi) languages are swapped in the prototype. Additionally, in the Portuguese strings, "Instruções" is misspelled as "Intruções", and "Controlos" uses the alternative word "Comandos".
  • The control and sound setting descriptions in the Japanese strings are slightly different:
Sep 11 Proto Final

C_Caption::Accessorize (Accessory Descriptions)

  • In the English text, "accessories" were originally referred to as "accessory decorations".

C_Caption::Controls (Control Descriptions)

  • In the English text, the string "Set cursor speed" was changed to "Change cursor speed" to be more consistent with the other strings in the menu.

C_Caption::Settings (Setting Descriptions)

  • In the English text, "Meteo slide speed" was originally written as "Meteo movement speed".
  • In all languages, the description for the music volume changing option was changed:
Sep 11 Proto Final
Change volume settings
Change music volume
Modifier les paramètres du son
Modifier le volume de la musique
Lautstärke ändern
Musiklautstärke ändern
Modifica le impostazioni del volume
Regola il volume della musica
Alterar as definições de volume
Alterar o volume da música
Cambiar configuración del volumen
Cambiar volumen de música
볼륨 설정 변경
음악 볼륨 변경

C_Caption::Pause (Pause Descriptions)

  • The "Resume" option's description was slightly reworded in the English, Japanese and Korean strings:
Sep 11 Proto Final
Go back to the game.
Return to the game.
게임으로 돌아갑니다.
게임 계속하기

C_Caption::End (Quit Game Descriptions)

  • Two of the strings here were slightly changed in the English and Japanese text, too.
Sep 11 Proto Final
End the game and return to Planet Select.
End the game and return to the main menu.
Quit game and return to Planet Select.
Quit game and return to the Main Menu.


C_Warning::Pause (Pause Menu Messages)

  • The title of the message which advertises the full version of the game was slightly rewritten. This applies to all languages except Korean.
Sep 11 Proto Final
Unlock the full game!
Unlock Full Game
Déverrouillez le jeu complet !
Déverrouiller le jeu complet !
Schalte das vollständige Spiel frei!
Vollständiges Spiel freischalten
Sblocca il gioco completo!
Sblocca gioco completo !
Desbloqueia a jogo completo!
Desbloquear Jogo Completo
¡Desbloquea el juego completo!
Desbloquear Jogo Completo!
  • The English and Italian strings reword some of the features promoted in the full version advertisement message:
Sep 11 Proto Final
- Singleplayer mode
- More achievements to obtain
- Single Player mode
- Achievements to obtain
- Modalità in singolo
- Modalità giocatore singolo
  • The "Unsaved data" message was reworded. This applies to all languages.
Sep 11 Proto Final
End game and return to the Main Menu screen.
Is this okay?
End game and return to the Main Menu.
Unsaved data will be lost. Proceed?
Quitter la partie et retourner au choix des planètesÿ?
Quitter la partie et retourner au menu principalÿ?
Quitter la partie et retourner au choix des planètes.
Les données non sauvegardées seront perdues. Continuer ?
Quitter la partie et retourner au menu principal.
Les données non sauvegardées seront perdues. Continuer ?
Nicht gespeicherte Spieldaten gehen verloren. Fortfahren?
Va bene?
I dati non salvati andranno persi. OK?
Terminar o jogo e regressar ao ecrã do Menu Principal.
Pode ser?
Terminar o jogo e regressar ao menu principal.
Os dados não guardados perder-se-ão. Prosseguir?
¿De acuerdo?
Los datos no guardados se perderán. ¿Aceptar?
게임을 끝내고 메인 메뉴 화면으로 돌아갑니다.
게임을 끝내고 메인 메뉴로 돌아갑니다.
저장되지 않은 데이터는 잃게 됩니다. 계속할까요?
  • The "Confirm to delete data" text in the German strings is also different.
Sep 11 Proto Final
Bist du dir sicher, dass du löschen willst?
Die Daten wirklich löschen?

C_HowToPlay::Instruction (How to Play)

  • Some of the How to Play lines across the English, French and Italian strings were slightly reworded. In addition, all mentions of the word "schicke" in the German strings were originally "schick".
Sep 11 Proto Final
Occasional time bombs -
Send them to your enemy!
Time bombs will explode!
Send them to your enemy!
Déplacez Meteos
vers haut ou bas...
Déplacez les Meteos
vers le haut/ bas…
Les enchaîner pour
de grosses attaques
Enchaînez-les pour
de grosses attaques!
Matière noire
sur ennemi. Même si
déviée, diminue sa
puissance d'attaque.
Matière noire lancée
sur l'ennemi. Même si
déviée, elle diminue sa
puissance d'attaque.
Ondes EM pour envoyer
+ de Meteos et en
recevoir moins.
Ondes EM pour envoyer
plus de Meteos, et en
recevoir moins.
Lasers détruisant les
Meteos qui tombent,
vous protégeant ainsi
d'une attaque.
Lasers détruisant les
Meteos qui tombent,
vous protégeant ainsi
d'une attaque ennemie.
Missile de Meteos !
Lancer des Meteos qui
ne tombent pas droit,
générant le chaos.
Missile de Meteos !
Lance des Meteos qui
ne tombent pas droit,
générant le chaos.
Vertikal aufreihen
für die Megazündung!
Più meteos, più peso!
Allineali in
verticale per una
potente accensione!
Più Meteos, più peso!

C_HowToPlay::Tutorial (Tutorial)

  • Likewise, some of the tutorial text lines in the French, Portuguese and Chinese strings were also changed.
Sep 11 Proto Final
Amorcez autre gros bloc
au-dessous de celui-ci !
Amorcez un autre gros bloc
au-dessous de celui-ci !
Les Meteos lancés
changés en cendres
et moins puissants.
Les Meteos lancés,
changés en cendres,
sont moins puissants.
Si vous déplacez un Meteo
tout en haut du bloc, vous
pourrez le propulser !
Si vous déplacez un Meteo
au sommet du bloc, vous
pourrez le propulser !
Déplacez Meteos
avec le stick droit.
Déplacez Meteos avec
le stick analogique droit.
Move o cursor com
o manípulo esquerdo.
Meteos acima e abaixo 
com o manípulo direito.
Move o cursor com o 
manípulo analógico esquerdo.
Meteos acima e abaixo 
com o manípulo analógico direito.
  • One of the Step Jump lines in the German ("Führe Meteo auf Masse nach oben zum Schießen!") and Italian ("Se sposti in su un Meteo in cima alla massa, puoi spararlo!") are swapped. Two of the Secondary Ignition lines in the Italian strings ("Usa Meteos orizzontali e un'accensione secondaria verticale per farli volare!" and "Inizia allineando 4 o 5 Meteos in orizzontale!") also erroneously use the German strings ("Starte Meteos horizontal und eine zweite, vertikale Zündung lässt sie fliegen!" and "Starten mit 4 od. 5 Meteos in horizontaler Reihe!"). The opposite happens in the German strings, but this was not corrected in the final game.

C_Prolog::Prolog (Prologue)

  • More rewording. Many mentions of the word "Meteo" which don't refer to Planet Meteo in the prototype were changed to the plural form "Meteos" in the English strings, too, as well as changing the word "copy" to "mimic".
Sep 11 Proto Final
This fusion caused a fierce genetic change, the planet 
multiplying and producing a boundless supply of solid 
materials which tore free of the planet's pull and scattered
out into the vast galaxy as falling meteors - "Meteos." And 
the planet continued to pump them out endlessly.
This fusion caused a fierce genetic change. The planet 
multiplied and produced a boundless supply of solid 
materials which tore free of the planet's pull and scattered
out into the vast galaxy as falling meteors - "Meteos." And 
the planet continued to pump them out endlessly.
Then, several worlds hit upon a discovery.
Then, several worlds stumbled upon a discovery.
The deadly spawn traveled through subspace at 
faster-than-light speeds. They would slow, swarm 
and attack any resistance. Many planets fell.
The deadly spawn traveled through space at 
faster-than-light speeds. They would slow, swarm 
and attack any resistance. Many planets fell.
The Ark, too, could now speed through subspace.
The Ark, too, could now speed through space.
Così i pianeti che lottavano disperatamente per sopravvivere
si diressero verso il mondo responsabile di tutto.
Così i pianeti che lottavano disperatamente per sopravvivere
si diressero verso il reale responsabile di tutto.
Dopo la distruzione del mondo nemico, questi pianeti
avrebbero potuto fondersi con i meteos dispersi e iniziare
a ricostruirsi.
Con la distruzione del mondo nemico, questi pianeti
avrebbero potuto fondersi con i Meteos dispersi e iniziare
a ricostruirsi.
El planeta 
se multiplicó y empezó a producir una reserva infinita 
de materiales sólidos que se liberaron de su atracción
y se diseminaron por la galaxia como meteoritos o 
El planeta 
se multiplicó y empezó a producir una reserva infinita 
de materiales sólidos que se liberaron de su atracción
y se esparcieron por la galaxia como meteoritos o 
Sometido a este ataque continuo de Meteos, 
el Universo pronto se vio reducido a un erial de 
planetas en ruinas.
Sometido a este ataque continuo de Meteos, 
el Universo pronto se vio reducido a un innumerable conjunto
de planetas en ruinas.
El furioso planeta que los originaba
debía ser eliminado de raíz antes de que
todo el Universo se convirtiera en un erial.
El furioso planeta que los originaba
debía ser eliminado de raíz antes de que
todo el Universo se convirtiera en un desierto.
Para detener la orgía de destrucción del planeta Meteo, 
una pequeña civilización se embarcó en la batalla más 
épica de todos los tiempos.
Para detener las ansias destructivas del planeta Meteo, 
una pequeña civilización se embarcó en la batalla más 
épica de todos los tiempos.
Estas hordas letales viajaban por el subespacio a velocidad 
superlumínica. Entonces, aminoraban el paso, se hacinaban 
y atacaban sin más. Muchos planetas cayeron.
Estas tropas letales viajaban por el subespacio a velocidad 
superlumínica. Entonces, aminoraban el paso, se agrupaban 
y atacaban sin más. Muchos planetas cayeron.

C_Select&Planets (Planet Descriptions)

Sep 11 Proto Final
The timid Forters—renowned
jumpers—live in the deep
surface cracks of this liquid-
and plant-free planet.
The timid Forters are renowned
jumpers that live in the deep
surface cracks of this liquid
and plant-free planet.
  • Grannest/Smogor's brand new planet description was also slightly reworded.
Sep 11 Proto Final
The natives abandoned this
polluted planet for space.
The Grannestians are
machines who await their
masters' return.
The natives abandoned this
polluted planet to live in
space. The Grannestians are
machines who await their
masters' return.
  • Boggob/Perilia and Lumious' planet descriptions were reworded in the Spanish strings.
Sep 11 Proto Final
Planeta cubierto por una
jungla. Sus habitantes tienen
que luchar para sobrevivir
en un mundo de predadores.
Los guerreros de este 
selvático planeta tienen que
luchar para sobrevivir 
en un  mundo de predadores.
Mundo de oscuridad y de luz.
Los nativos pasan la
vida flotando y tocando
al son de la luz del planeta,
una luz con canción.
Mundo de oscuridad y de luz.
Los nativos pasan la vida
vagando y tocando al son de
la luz del planeta, una luz
con canción.

C_Credit::Credit (Credits)

  • Director Hideki Anbo's name is misspelled as "Hideaki Anbo" in the prototype.
  • Osamu Kodera is credited as Technical Support in the final game and Technical Programmer in the prototype.
  • "Sound Creators" is misspelled as "Sound Creaters" in the prototype.
  • There's an additional Sound Engineer section in the prototype which credits no people. It was removed in the final game.
  • Reo Yonaga is not listed in the Special Thanks section.
  • Mitsuaki Ushijima, who is credited for creating the game's website, is not listed in the prototype.
  • Tetsuya Mizuguchi was moved from the Producers to the Executive Producers section in the final game.

DLC Content

  • In the Japanese, Chinese and Korean strings in the early Galaxy Pack data, Hotted and Yooj are still referred to under their original names, which are Heatheads (ヒートヘッズ) and Hugy (ヒュージィ), respectively. This also extends to the planets' decorations.
  • All Planet Impacts for the DLC planets are listed as being Armageddon, even though it is not necessarily the case.
  • Text data for the four new planets (Darthvega, Hanihula, Gelyer and Ranbarumba) does not exist yet.