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Proto:Minecraft: Java Edition/Classic/Survival Test

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Minecraft: Java Edition/Classic.

To do:
The information on the page is enormously out-of-date. Page should probably be re-written from the ground-up.

Survival Test was a test for the survival game mode of Minecraft was at first released to premium members during the Classic phase of development. Since this version of Minecraft is incredibly old, there are significant changes between this version and the current version of the game.


Survival Test Current Version
MCSurvivalTest-InGame.png MCLatest-ForComparing-InGame.png

The following is a non-exhaustive list of differences between the two versions in-game:

  • Survival Test does not have hunger or experience.
  • Survival Test does not have proper lighting.
  • Survival Test has an oddly rotated hand for empty inventory slots.
  • Survival Test has a score system, and your score is shown on the top right corner of the screen.
  • Survival Test shows its version at the top left corner of the screen without the need of pressing a button.
  • The grass blocks in Survival Test are always lime green, since it lacks biomes.
  • You start with 10 TNT blocks in the 9th hotbar slot.
  • Arrows show as plain text (on the right of the hearts), not an inventory item.

Pause Menu

Survival Test Current Version
MCSurvivalTest-PauseScreen.png MCLatest-ForComparison-PauseScreen.png

The following is a non-exhaustive list of differences between the two versions pause menus:

  • It appears you could load a world in-game without having to go to the title screen. Oh wait, there isn't one in Survival Test.
  • It also appears you could create a new world in-game without having to go to the non-existent title screen.
  • There isn't an option to save and quit to the title screen, since Survival Test doesn't have a title screen.
  • The M in "Game menu" and G in "Back to game" aren't capitalized in Survival Test.
  • There isn't an option to open the game to LAN in Survival Test.
  • The pause menu has a semi-transparent blue gradient as the background.
  • The "Back to game" is placed at the bottom rather than the top.

Options Menu

Survival Test Current Version
MCSurvivalTest-OptionsScreen.png MCLatest-ForComparing-OptionsMenu.png

The following is a non-exhaustive list of differences between the two versions options menus:

  • The Music and Sound options are not in a separate menu in Survival Test.
  • There is not an option to change the field of view (FOV) in Survival Test.
  • Snooper Settings, Chat Settings, Resource Packs, Language, and Skin Customization are all not in Survival Test.
  • The graphics options are all in a separate menu in the current version.
  • There is an option to show the FPS in Survival Test.
  • There is an option to limit the framerate in Survival Test.
  • The option to invert the mouse and the controls are in separate menus in Survival Test.
  • The controls button is larger in Survival Test.
  • Like the Pause Menu, the Options Menu also has the semi-transparent blue gradient background in Survival Test

Controls Menu

Survival Test Current Version
MCSurvivalTest-ControlsScreen.png MCLatest-ForComparing-ControlsScreen.png

The following is a non-exhaustive list of differences between the two versions controls menus:

  • Like the Pause Menu and Options Menu, the semi-transparent blue gradient is the background in Survival Test.
  • You can't reset your keybinds back to default settings in Survival Test.
  • The auto-jump feature doesn't exist in Survival Test.
  • You can't adjust the mouse sensitivity in Survival Test.
  • Touchscreen Mode does not exist in Survival Test.
  • Rather than a bunch of buttons, each keybind is in a list in the current version.

Death Screen

Survival Test Current Version
MCSurvivalTest-DeathScreen.png MCLatest-ForComparing-DeathScreen.png

The following is a non-exhaustive list of differences between the two versions death screens:

  • If you die, your only options are to make a new world or to load a saved one. This function is in the current version, except it is only active if you have Hardcore set as the gamemode.
  • Instead of "You died!", in Survival Test the death title is "Game over!"
  • The death message does not show in Survival Test.
  • In the background, the game will continue to zoom to the right in Survival Test.

Create World Screen

Survival Test Current Version
MCSurvivalTest-GenerateWorld.png MCLatest-ForComparing-NewWorldScreen.png

The following is a non-exhaustive list of differences between the two versions world creation menus:

  • In Survival Test you can select how big you want your world to be. That's all you can change.
  • Like in the Controls Menu, Options Menu, and Pause Menu, the background is a semi-transparent blue gradient in Survival Test.

Load World Screen

Survival Test Current Version
MCSurvivalTest-Loadscreen.png MCLatest-ForComparing-SelectWorldScreen.png

The following is a non-exhaustive list of differences between the two versions world selection menus:

  • Yes, you can load a world while you are in-game.
  • Like the other menus, the background is the semi-transparent blue gradient in Survival Test.
  • According to the "<html>" and what the Save Screen says, it may have been possible to save your worlds online, but the ability to use that feature is definitely defunct.
  • If you click the "Load file" button, you will get a "browse" pop-up that allows you to select a world manually.

Save World Screen

"Premium only! Purchase the game to be able to save your levels online."

This one is interesting. While the "saving online" function isn't in the current version, it appears that when this was first released, you could save your worlds online if you bought the game. If you click the "Save file" button, you will get a "browse" pop-up that allows you to save your world in a specific location and load it in the future.