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Proto:Monster House (PlayStation 2, GameCube)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Monster House (PlayStation 2, GameCube).

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Some big differences from the final build.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Found on the disc of the (final build) game's files contains an earlier build of Monster House (STREAM.DAT is the .zip file containing this build).

Dummy File

The said .psd file exported to .png image.

Exclusively found in this build (doesn't exist in the final version), is a Photoshop project file (MOVIES/DUMMY.FIL). Rename extension to .psd and then open in Photoshop/GIMP. This file contains a concept document of the game.

Debug Cheats

This build includes enabled debug cheats.

Level Select

Mnstrhse-debug-level-cheat-ss1.png Mnstrhse-debug-level-cheat-ss2.png

You can select any level you want with this debug cheat. (Also includes an unused level called Proto in this level select menu.)

The below mentioned cheats are found when the game is paused.


Refills your health.


Refills the water gun.

Remove Addon

To do:
Find out what this cheat does.

Unsure what this does.

Addon 1

Does not work.

Addon 2

Does not work.

Free Cam

Lets you take the camera wherever you feel.


  • Left Stick: Rotate Camera.
  • Right Stick: Move Camera Left/Right/Forward/Backwards.


Hides this debug cheat menu. (And does freeze the game for some reason.)

Show/Hide Hud

Toggles HUD on/off.

Show Position

Shows XYZ coordinates of where your character is located. (Doesn't work, shows 0 as xyz values displayed)

Show/Hide Hotspot

Same thing as Show Position, still broken though.