Proto:Neon White
This page details one or more prototype versions of Neon White.
The Neon White Demo was made available during Steam NextFest for a limited time on February 21st 2022, predating the final game by about 4 months.
This build of the game plays practically identically to the final version up until the second mission. The first level of Mission 2, "Take Flight", is absent with the level "Godspeed" taking its place. On completing the level "Thrasher" in Mission 2, a unique cutscene with Mikey plays where he explains the demo is almost over and states that he has "pulled some strings", warning that the remaining levels come from later in the game. True to his word, the last stretch of the demo features an assortment of levels out of order. On completion of the mission, an end-of-demo splashscreen is shown though the player is still allowed to replay the available levels after.
To do:
Level Order
The level ordering is changed specifically for the demo. The level ordering is identical to the final game (except for the level "Take Flight" being absent in Mission 2) up until after Mission 2's "Thrasher" at which point the ordering diverges to include levels from later in the game.
Mission-Level (Demo) | Demo Level | Corresponding Level in Final | Mission-Level (Demo Level in Final) |
2-5 | Lower Heaven - Guardian | Lower Heaven - Outstretched | 3-1 |
2-6 | Lower Heaven - Jumper | Lower Heaven - Smackdown | 3-3 |
2-7 | Hanging Gardens - Hanging Gardens | Lower Heaven - Catwalk | 6-1 |
2-8 | Heaven's Edge - Barrage | Lower Heaven - Fastlane | 9-6 |
2-9 | Heaven's Edge - Streak | Lower Heaven - Distinguish | 8-9 |
Oddly, while "Barrage" is still assigned to Heaven's Edge, its district name displays as blank. This may be a bug.
Relationship System
Some tweaks have been made to the character relationship thresholds and level gifts to make it impossible to go beyond the first gift reward of any character except Red. Each character now requires a minimum of 2 gifts to unlock one reward and there are always just enough gifts that the player is always 1 short of unlocking the second (third in Red's case). For most characters this means that they have 3 gifts total in the demo. The two exceptions are Violet who has 4 gifts, meaning her first reward costs a whopping 3 gifts to unlock and Red, whose second reward is obtainable, meaning she has a total of 5 gifts. Her third reward also requires 4 gifts, leaving you two short (including the insight reward from beating her sidequest) of unlocking her third.
While the gifts assigned to each level remain the same for all of Mission 1, Mission 2's level gifts start differing from the final game starting with level 4. Coincidentally, this is also the point when the demo starts giving you levels from later in the game.
Level name | Character gift (Demo) | Character gift (Final) |
Guardian | Mikey | Violet |
Jumper | Raz | Mikey |
Hanging Gardens | Violet | Violet |
Barrage | Mikey | Yellow |
Streak | Red | Violet |
To do: Check if there's any tracks in the files that don't have IDs either. |
Possibly the most striking part of this demo is its featuring of both early versions of existing tracks as well as music that can't be found anywhere in the final game or its files. Some of these cut tracks take the place of different tracks in the final game and some of them go completely unused even in the demo.
Tracks used in the demo
Unless explicitly noted otherwise, almost all tracks in the final game were renamed so that their filenames match their internal IDs. In the demo, the filenames generally appear to be raw export names.
Music ID | Filename (Demo) | Official Track name | Track (Demo) | Track (Final) | Notes |
MUSIC_STORY_RAVE | neon whiiiiiiite 4 B | N/A | Same as demo | The title screen was given a dedicated track ("Fade to White", MUSIC_STORY_TITLE) in the final game. This track remains in the files of the final game and was renamed like the others but goes unused. | |
MUSIC_SUNSTROKE | music_sunstroke | N/A | N/A | Played during the intro. The final game still calls on MUSIC_SUNSTROKE during this part but the actual audio file for this track ID has been reassigned to MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_THIRDTEMPLE_EXPLORATION, "Holy Ground". | |
MUSIC_STORY_DARK_TWIST | mgpanic4ever30b 1 | Dark Twist | Plays when White is given his mask. The track was not replaced in the final game but the demo uses an early version with harsher mixing and a slightly different arrangement. The final version is also slightly longer to accommodate some drums fading in at the end to help the track loop. | ||
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_GLASSOCEAN | neon white level music 19c | Glass Ocean | Plays in Mission 1. Was kept in the final though the demo version is clearly less finished and features different mixing as well as a drastically differing arrangement. As with many early tracks, the demo version lacks the vocal samples. It's also almost 2 minutes shorter than the final version. | ||
MUSIC_PLAYER | music_player | N/A | N/A | This unusually named track is used when you complete a level and will loop for the entire completion animation until the end screen and leaderboard are shown. This was replaced in the final game by a non-looping musical jingle which changes depending on if you got a normal medal, a gold or above, or a new personal best. | |
MUSIC_YELLOW | music_yellow | N/A | N/A | Serves as Yellow's theme in the demo, though it is clearly an entirely different track. The final game still uses the ID MUSIC_YELLOW to reference Yellow's theme though the actual filename for the final track is MUSIC_STORY_YELLOW for consistency with other tracks. | |
MUSIC_STORY_EXCURSION | neon white level music 15b | Millenium Escalator | Used in some story cutscenes. It was shortened from almost 6.5 minutes to a bit over 5 minutes for the final game, alongside the mixing and arrangement changes universal to pretty much every track. Interestingly though, the filename implies it was originally composed as a level track rather than a story track. This isn't the only instance of a level track being repurposed for story music. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_HEIST | mg2018 320 | N/A | N/A | A track whose ID doesn't even exist in the final game. This track plays in place of Red's theme during the Mission 1 ending cutscene. Its name seems to tie it to something else, suggesting it may actually be used there as a placeholder. | |
MUSIC_STORY_MISCHIEF | mgpanic4ever45 | Completely Clueless | This story track had its mixing updated and was truncated heavily for use in the final game. In the demo, it's also used for the end-of-demo splashscreen. | ||
MUSIC_JINGLE_MISSION_COMPLETE | music_ripper | N/A | N/A | The unusually named "ripper" track was replaced by the final game's "Mission Complete (Not Bad for a Dead Guy)". Since the "Mission Complete" vocal is part of the music in the final game, it's absent from the demo. | |
MUSIC_STORY_PARK | mg2018 104 B 3 | N/A | N/A | This energetic track that plays in the park in the demo was completely replaced by "Pearly Gate Promenade" in the final game. This this track was also released on Machine Girl's (now deleted) Patreon as "mg2018 104 B 3 VOCAL PROJECT b" where it is shorter with different mixing and, true to its name, featuring vocals. | |
MUSIC_STORY_SERMON | mgpanic4ever69 | Sermon | While it is clear that the final sermon track is an updated version of the original, it's barely even the same track anymore. The choir from the original track was made higher quality and then the entire rest of the track was gutted with the choir part being extended and played with, turning an action track into a slower paced story track. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_GREEN | 2021 good actually 58b 1 | Mechanical Halo (Green's Theme) | The usual mixing and arrangement tweaks have been made to Green's theme. The track was also shortened and had its final sections reworked. | ||
MUSIC_NEXTEPISODE | music_nextepisode | N/A | N/A | The episode intro music was replaced by a different, more aggressive jingle in the final game though is about the same length and shares some elements. | |
MUSIC_STORY_MAP | rave track thing fuck 3 2020 b | N/A | N/A | The music played on the Central Heaven map is yet another completely replaced track, having been swapped out with "Peace of Mind". | |
MUSIC_STORY_WASH | mg2020 18 | Dispatch | What would become "Dispatch" remains fairly similar to its final counterpart though as with many tracks had the start chopped off so it gets straight to the point. A section near the end was also completely reworked. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_BRIEFING | neon white level music 20 | Heaven Central Authority (Mikey's Theme) | Mikey's theme was cleaned up, tweaked, truncated, the works. This is another case where the most notable thing about this track is that its filename designates it as a level theme. This is unusual given that its slow nature really doesn't fit the game's levels. Probably why it was used for something else. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_SILLY | mgpanic4ever67 | Squirt of Lemon (Raz's Theme) | Raz's theme received a complete overhaul in its mixing and was also extensively rearranged to be more engaging. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_GRIME | twenny twenny shit 4 | Neon Bar | Not only did the Neon Bar theme lose almost an entire minute of runtime but the original version (presumably pulled from Machine Girl's backlog of unfinished tracks like the majority of the game's OST) actually had lyrics before it was adapted for the game. | ||
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_SIDEQUEST_RED | neon whiiiiiiite | Hellion | Despite where it's being used, this track is actually an early version of "Hellion", which would go on to replace "neon white level music 7e" as the first Hanging Gardens track. The final track is significantly longer and more fleshed out, having been extended significantly and having vocal samples added. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_HOTEL | 2021 good actually 66 | Suncoast Suite | "Suncoast Suite"'s original version was much longer. Not much changed outside of the mixing and editing the track to be shorter. | ||
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_LOWERHEAVEN_A | mg2019 15 | Virtual Paradise | What became "Virtual Paradise" had its tempo massively increased and had much of its downtime cut, practically halving its length. The mixing was also greatly improved and like various other tracks it lacks the later-recorded vocal samples. | ||
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_LOWERHEAVEN_B | mg2018 68 2020 | Vainglorious Chorus | Vainglorious Chorus didn't change much overall besides mixing and percussion changes. It even still has the primary vocal sample heard throughout the track. Notably though the ending of the track is considerably different. The final version extended the track, with the earlier version lacking the "bruh" section the track is known for. | ||
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_HANGINGGARDENS_A | neon white level music 7e | N/A | N/A | This track ended up being replaced by "Hellion" in the final soundtrack. This track was at one point released on Machine Girl's Patreon page under the same name. The Patreon version appears to be the full uncut version of the track featuring over a minute of extra music at the start and a significantly longer outro, with the demo version having seemingly been trimmed from the full thing. | |
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_HEAVENSEDGE_B | 2021 good actually 95d | The World to Come | The track that became "The World to Come" had a few seconds removed from the intro for pacing and is lacking all of its vocal samples in the demo. | ||
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_HEAVENSEDGE_A | neon white level music 5 f | House of Cards | "House of Cards" didn't change much besides the usual mixing tweaks and missing vocal samples. |
Tracks not used in the demo
Just as many tracks were replaced or swapped around, the demo's files and data contains many tracks that remain completely unused for one reason or another. Almost any track in this list that has a filename starting with "music_" was completely scrubbed from the final game, having both files and even their internal music IDs removed. With one exception.
Music ID | Filename (Demo) | Official Track name | Track (Demo) | Track (Final) | Notes |
MUSIC_AFTERHOURS MUSIC_TITLE_CARD MUSIC_OUTRO_CARD | music_afterhours | N/A | N/A | A relaxed track that's not referenced by anything, though the sound file is also attached to the IDs "MUSIC_TITLE_CARD" and "MUSIC_OUTRO_CARD" which are equally unreferenced. | |
MUSIC_ALICEMACHINE | music_alicemachine | N/A | N/A | This track isn't too far off from the final game's music style, referenced by the metadata of around 26 cut levels. | |
MUSIC_ANGLEZ | music_anglez | N/A | N/A | A vocal track that feels incredibly out of place here. The vocals themself originate from 91Vocals' "Vocal Hooks: Pink Label" library. The track doesn't seem made to loop but the only place it's referenced is in the metadata for a level called GRID_BOSS_SANDBOX (titled "Fight Neon Green"). It's not clear if its usage here is indicative of its purpose or just happenstance. | |
MUSIC_BACKHAUS | music_backhaus | N/A | N/A | Another track that isn't referenced by anything outside of having an entry in the game's audio ID table. | |
MUSIC_BEAUTIFULPEOPLE | music_beautifulpeople | N/A | N/A | This track is actually used as the default for new leveldata objects and so it is referenced by a whopping 88 early and cut levels, including those which are presumably amongst the earliest made such as "Deckbuilder". | |
MUSIC_NOCTURNE_OP27 | music_chopin_nocturne_op27 | N/A | N/A | Exactly what it says on the tin, smothered in reverb. Technically used as part of the ambience for Heaven_Environment, which is used by a few nonexistent levels. This environment is used on the hub screen, but this track is always immediately overriden and can't be heard. | |
MUSIC_CHORUS | music_chorus | N/A | N/A | A track with no references, so what it could've been for is unknowable. The loop isn't very good. | |
MUSIC_DRESSAGE | music_dressage | N/A | N/A | An energetic but unusually melancholy track referenced by the leveldata of 2 cut levels, GRID_DISTRICT ("Mock") and GRID_FORCE ("Force"). | |
MUSIC_FULLON | music_fullon | N/A | N/A | An incredibly dramatic track. Fittingly so, seeing as how in the demo it's assigned to the leveldata of the final boss. It's replaced by "Hand of God" in the final game. | |
MUSIC_GREEN | music_green | N/A | N/A | While none of Green's "sidequests" are playable or present in the demo, this track is assigned to all of their leveldata assets. Was replaced by "False Witness" which instead has the ID of MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_SIDEQUEST_GREEN. Given that Yellow's theme is MUSIC_YELLOW this could have been Green's theme at some point, but at least by the time of the demo build Green's actual theme is already using the final ID of "MUSIC_STORY_GREEN". | |
MUSIC_HORIZON | music_horizon | N/A | N/A | Yet another mystery track with nothing referencing it. | |
MUSIC_HOSTAGE | music_hostage | N/A | N/A | A pleasant track that doesn't loop properly. Referenced in the leveldata of 5 cut levels. | |
MUSIC_JUNEASE | music_junease | N/A | N/A | An incredibly somber piano track. Unsurprising - while the level doesn't exist in the demo, the demo's leveldata for "Sacrifice" has this track assigned. This would be replaced with "Light in the Fog Part 2", a variation on Red's final theme. | |
MUSIC_LOUNGE | music_lounge | N/A | N/A | A particularly seedy sounding track assigned to the unused "Weapon Shop" location. | |
MUSIC_MASKZAP | music_maskzap | N/A | N/A | While nothing references it, the ID and filename of this make it clear that this creepy track was originally used for the cutscene of the mask attaching itself to White's face. Replaced by "Dark Twist" in the final game. | |
MUSIC_LACRIMOSA | music_mozart_lacrimosa | N/A | N/A | Similar to Nocturne Op. 27, it's exactly what it says. Unlike Nocturne though, this isn't referenced by anything. | |
MUSIC_SECRETSHOP | music_secretshop | N/A | N/A | No doubt intended for use in the incredibly elusive cut "Secret Shop". Strangely, while two locations use the "Secret Shop" background, the weapons shop uses MUSIC_LOUNGE and the "Sidequest Shop" has no music assigned even in the demo, leaving this track unreferenced. | |
MUSIC_STORY_HORN | music_shofar | N/A | Same as final | This is the only track whose filename starts with "music_" that survived into the final game, where it's briefly heard during one of the game's final cutscenes. It went completely unchanged. It's not referenced by anything in the demo and is impossible to hear on account of this cutscene not even existing in the game's script in this build. | |
MUSIC_STUMPER | music_stumper | N/A | N/A | A music of unknown purpose that, like many others, is not referenced. | |
MUSIC_TOUCHINGUP | music_touchingup | N/A | N/A | An incredibly harsh and loud track that thankfully goes unreferenced. | |
MUSIC_WONDER | music_wonder | N/A | N/A | This track is only referenced in a debug conversation where it's used to test the music system. | |
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_SIDEQUEST_VIOLET | neon white level music 29 | N/A | N/A | While none of Violet's sidequests are in the demo, there's still a track assigned for use in them. While fittingly psychotic, this track was replaced by "Rigged Game" in the final build. | |
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_SIDEQUEST_YELLOW | neon white level music 27c | Angel's Peak | Much like Violet, Yellow also has music assigned to his sidequests that can't be heard in the demo. Unlike Violet, Yellow's early sidequest theme is an early version of the final track "Angel's Peak". The arrangement and mixing was tweaked and some new layers have been added in the final version. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_HEAVENLY_DELIGHT | neon white level music 16 | Heavenly Delight | For whatever reason, Heavenly Delights aren't available in the demo even though the player can earn a ticket for one. The music is still in the files though, in a pre-final state. The demo version is longer, has different percussion and instrumentation, has no vocal samples, and seems to be a raw export that has not yet been cut to loop. Interestingly, the filename reveals that this was once again originally composed as a level theme before being repurposed. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_RUMORS | 2021 good actually 96 | Rumors | "Rumors" is in the files but goes unused due to no scenes in the demo using it. For the final game, it was shortened and had the mixing reeled in somewhat. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_DESPAIR | mgpanic4ever60 | Burden | The original version of "Burden" took far too long to get to the meat of the track so it was massively shortened, simplified and reworked. While the lead instrument seems to be the same, the melody appears to be completely new for the final version. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_MYSTERY | patreon shit 4 | Out of Bounds | The final version of "Out of Bounds" is less than half the length of the original track. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_RIVAL | mg2019 175 | N/A | N/A | This track isn't used in the demo and ended up being replaced with "Rude Interlude". | |
MUSIC_STORY_DARK_DEEDS | mg2019 alpha 13 | Be Not Afraid | The demo's version of "Be Not Afraid" has different mixing and is significantly longer. It's also not cut to loop. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_FUN | mg2019 82 2020 | N/A | N/A | This track isn't used in the demo and this music ID doesn't even exist in the final game. | |
MUSIC_STORY_FUNKY | aug 2021 5 | N/A | N/A | This ostensibly "funky" track isn't used at any point in the demo and was removed completely alongside its music ID in the final game. | |
MUSIC_STORY_WTF | mgpanic4ever8 | WTF | The final version of "WTF" is a smaller slice taken from the longer original version. As usual, the mixing was cleaned up. | ||
MUSIC_STORY_MEMORY MUSIC_STORY_MEMORY_SERIOUS | mg2019 alpha 3 | Apples & Honey | The track that became "Apples & Honey" is never played in the demo but the version of it that remains in the files is very different. One of many Machine Girl backlog tracks that was repurposed, the track had to be heavily simplified and made less energetic to fit the required vibe of the final. Additionally, despite having a separate ID, the ID of "MUSIC_STORY_MEMORY_SERIOUS" that is used for "Stained Glass" in the final game just refers to the same audio file as "MUSIC_STORY_MEMORY", likely a placeholder. |
Orphaned Audio IDs
Some Audio IDs in the demo exist but have no audio file to go with them. Listed are all the audio IDs that have no assigned AudioClip as well as which track would be assigned to each ID in the final game.
Music ID | Final Track |
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_BOSS_B | The Wicked Heart |
MUSIC_GAMEPLAY_APOCALYPSE | Thousand Pound Butterfly |