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Proto:Persona 5/February 25th, 2016

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Persona 5.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.

A build of the Playstation 3 version dating back to February 25, 2016, was dumped on January 18, 2024 following an auction. Though the date written on the disc is February 25, 2016, the build is internally dated to February 26, 2016. This build predates the final Japanese release by under seven months.

As this build is slightly later, few things are changed and finalized, but is still worth covering. ATLUS had also cleaned up their file structures at this point, so there's significantly less leftovers from testing.

To do:
  • Everything....
  • December 2015 build is now dumped, use this page to cover changes between this build and the earlier one, AND move the content present there into that sub-page.
  • Check if any other bosses use different skills, and/or move the ones listed to the Dec 4th page if they're also used there.


Early Resources

Some new songs this time around, but still different.

General Differences

  • The boss fight with Akechi uses Rivers in the Desert as BGM. During both phases, Akechi also uses different skills compared to the final. During the first phase, he uses Megido instead of Megidolaon and also has access to Brain Jack and Deathbound. During his second phase, he has Maragidyne in place of Maragion and also has Mabufudyne and Bloodbath in his skill set. (He still has Ice Boost in his skill set in the final game, but Mabufudyne is missing.) He can freely target anyone when preparing Laevateinn in this build whereas he'll exclusively target Joker with this skill in the final game.
  • During the final phase of the Shadow Shido fight, he'll isolate Joker and fight him one-on-one. He doesn't do this in the final, but Royal later brought this back.
  • When chasing down Ann on 4/14, she's seen leaning against the left side of the orange pillar whereas in the final game she is instead idly standing in front of the green pillar in the Shibuya Underground Subway.
  • Talking to Kamoshida in the real world, after being able to infiltrate his palace, results in his palace security meter going up by 15%.
  • The jail cells across from the underground safe room in Kamoshida's palace are open and can be entered. In each of them sits a volleyball that Joker can inspect.
  • The Shujin Academy school cafeteria can be entered and features several interactable unnamed NPCs.
  • Kamoshida's palace East Building 2nd Floor has a hollowed-out passage underneath the meat kitchen balcony for a shadow to walk in and out of, which was just turned into a wall flush with the balcony in the final game.
  • Archangel is fought in the square room right before the chapel of Kamoshida's palace East Building Annex, rather than inside the chapel in front of Kamoshida's statue. In place of where Archangel is in the final, there is a treasure chest in front of the Kamoshida statue. When opened, this chest spawns Shadows, rather than them suddenly appearing after the boss fight like in the final.
  • Some goat head pull chain switches in Kamoshida's palace lack textures on their backplates, notably the one in the tower and the one with the slot for Kamoshida's medal in the east annex.
  • The big gold statue in Madarame's palace is partially missing textures for the dresses of the girls it depicts.
  • In the scene where Yusuke is about to paint a portrait of Ann before shutting off Madarame's palace lasers, his canvas features a fully painted tree. In the final game, it's a blank canvas.
  • While shutting off Madarame's palace security lasers, Nue is already waiting in his transformed state rather than first taking on the appearance of museum security.
  • The test results on the board at Shujin academy are missing textures.
  • In Madarame's palace, rather than fighting Shiki-Ouji before the security room that needs the Madarame's Feet password, Shiki-Ouji is fought at the very end of the Treasure Hall Lounge, guarding the door leading to the Treasure Hall Gallery. Similar to Archangel and Nue, he is just sitting in his already-transformed state.
  • In Madarame's palace, at the end of the room that isn't on the map (with all the counterfeit Sayuri paintings), there is a half wall in the tall doorway at the end which isn't present in the final.
  • At the very end of Madarame's palace, there is a missing chunk of wall above where the crane control room connects to the catwalks.
  • When stealing Madarame's treasure, the player is loaded into the courtyard rather than the palace entrance.
  • The car Ryuji stops in traffic, when the party is trying to save Makoto from Kaneshiro, has a different texture.
  • Mementos Depths doesn't yet have Freedom and Security playing as its soundtrack, instead having a low atmospheric hum noise in its place.
  • In Mementos Depths, the blue/yellow light puzzles pulse rather than staying idly lit, as in the final.
  • The Prison Passageway of Mementos Depths has all of its white triangular lights misplaced above, rather than flush, to the edge of the platforms they're on.
  • Shadows talking don't yet have voices, so the game plays gunshot and HP/SP drain sound effects in their place.
  • Shadows have a different stress/fear sweating animation that just overlays 2D droplets, rather than reanimating the shadow.



This now adds in a redder hue, pools of blood, and more pedestrians.

February 2016 Final


Unused Events

To do:
Are these in the December build?



A "cutscene" of the Velvet Room used for the interstitials for its Tokyo Game Show 2015 program.



A cutscene of a view of a news station.


P50226beta-cutscene-test day.png

A "cutscene" meant to test...something.

e171_001_pv - PV01 Walkway Cutscene

The walkway cutscene from the game's original reveal trailer. Unfortunately, the game always crashes around the time Ann's cut-in appears. A slightly broken but complete version can be loaded in the 2015 build.


To do:
Are these in the December build?

The final game had some removed fields that were not accessible even via modding, due to most of their files being removed from the final build. However, some of these fields are still present in the February build of the game.



Unused Niijima Palace field. In the final version, it only exists as a leftover texture bank which contains several textures for a Poker table that are not present in the texture banks for any other Niijima Palace field. This room likely had some connection to the cut Poker event before the boss fight with Shadow Sae. The room contains two doors on each side which lead to a void, but otherwise nothing else can be interacted with.


To do:
Find the original video this room appeared in.

Unused Madarame Palace field. This room was briefly shown in a developer video, as seen here. Appears to be a storage room containing rows of paintings, boxes, and other miscellaneous junk. The green machines are no longer able to be interacted with, despite the images in the linked Twitter post showing the green machine as an interactable object.