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Proto:Pizza Tower/December

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This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Find a download link to the build for more speculation and to post it here on this page. Also might wanna add images once build has been found

This is a sub-page of Proto:Pizza Tower.

This build, released on December 14th, 2019, introduces a new level titled Entrance, later called John Gutter. Although it has existed in the files of previous builds, such as the SAGE 2019 Demo, it was in a much smaller state and was never playable until this build, where it is now featured along side the tutorial, Pizzascape and Pizzascare, The Ancient Cheese, and Bloodsauce Dungeon. Unfortunately, no download link exists for this page (yet).


  • In the past, Entrance was a much shorter level, as it was intended to be a tutorial of sorts. Now, in this build, jungle and city areas were added in to make it feel more like a proper level.
  • The Swedish Monkey enemy marks its debut in this build.
  • The hub world now adds an start gate to access the Entrance level.