Proto:Pizza Tower/Demo 2/Inaccessible Levels & Rooms
This is a sub-page of Proto:Pizza Tower/Demo 2.
Unused Rooms
The original Ancient Tower level from the Halloween Demo, complete with timer object. The locked door that leads to the 2nd portion of the level has been altered to instead lead to the 2nd portion of Demo 2's Ancient level.
The unused harder version of Halloween's Ancient Tower, still without tiles as it was during playtesting.
Another unused Halloween Demo leftover, which may or may not be related to the first version of Oregano Desert that was introduced before the Grinch Race.
testroom and testroom2
And another unused Halloween Demo leftover, used for testing things that was added in Halloween demo.
Leftovers from the Early Test Build
The rooms "disclaimer_room", "tutorial_room1", "yousuck_room", "demo_startroom" and "normalT_room#" are remain from the Early Test Build, not having been modified since at least one of the Halloween Demo's playtest builds.
The tutorial area had its ceiling closed off, an extra Peppino player object was added to the room with the Pineapple toppin, an extra slope object was added underneath the platform with a 100-point pizza, and normalT_room6 crashes because of stuff about the old Lap 2 object and the Deleted normalT_treasure.
Unused secret room that needed to be used in room t2_r4 but for some bizarre reason path for the secret room was blocked with solid blocks and no hallway was put there.