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Proto:Pokémon Diamond and Pearl/March-August 2006 Source Leak/June 30th Super Contest Differences

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This is a sub-page of Proto:Pokémon Diamond and Pearl/March-August 2006 Source Leak.

To do:
Further documentation

UI Differences

Dance contest UI.png

The graphics and UI were slightly different during the pre-release version. Namely, the bottom screen of the dance contest always uses a modified version of the tough contest graphics, regardless of which category was actually entered.

Hearts UI.pngHearts UI 2.png
Any score higher than 6 hearts would start to color the hearts yellow. They are pink in the final version. Likewise, earning 13 or more hearts enlarges the heart rather than turning it yellow.

Move Category Differences

Many of the moves in the pre-release version had different types when compared to the final version.

TM # Move Early Category Final Category
05 Roar Tough Cool
16 Light Screen Cool Beauty
44 Rest Tough Cute