This is a sub-page of Proto:Shining Force II.
Bowie, the blonde-haired protagonist of this game, continues the tradition of many RPG heroes and starts the game waking up. After being greeted by his mother, he walks to Sir Astral's school, where Sarah, a healer, and Chester, a centaur, are already seated.
April Script
Sir Astral isin the basement but, he looks strange today.
Final Script
Sir Astral is in the basement, but he looks strange today.
Bowie goes to the school's basement, where Sir Astral is mumbling.
April Script
Mmm...aaaa..... Oh, yeah! It must be.... no, it's not....
Final Script
Mmm...aahh... Oh, yeah! It must be.... No, it's not a....
Bowie approaches Sir Astral, who says he'll start class soon. As Bowie is about to leave, Sir Astral asks if he heard anything strange the other night.
April Script
Perhaps it was just my fancy. Sorry.
Final Script
Perhaps it was just my imagination. Sorry.
Sir Astral starts the class proper by taking attendance. The fourth student, Jaha, is not present.
April Script
Overslept again? Oh, well. I can't wait him.
Final Script
Overslept again? Oh, well. I can't wait for him.
A soldier scampers into the classroom and asks for Sir Astral.
April Script
The minister asks if you would come to the castle!
Final Script
The minister would like you to come to the castle!
Sir Astral agrees, leaving his class behind. The students wonder what to do now.
April Script
He was acting too strange!
Final Script
He was acting so strange!
Sarah says she has a plan to get into the castle.
April Script
No kidding, <Sarah>? We're just kids. They wont let us in.
Final Script
We can't, <Sarah>! We're just kids. :They won't let us in.
After Sarah convinces Bowie through a Yes/No prompt, the group heads for the castle gates, where two guards are stationed.
April Script
We are the pupils of his school. He left a package behind, and....
Final Script
We're his pupils. He left a package behind, and....
April Script
You came here to deliver it to him?
Final Script
You want to deliver it to him?
This is enough to convince the world's stupidest guards.
Granseal Castle
The force venture into the castle, up to the King's bedchamber, where the king lies ill. Sir Astral, the Minister, and Princess Elis talk about the King's situation.
April Script
He is suffering badly from something badly...
Final Script
He is suffering from something badly...
As Sir Astral tries to figure out what's wrong with the King, he looks back and is startled to see his pupils in the room. He asks why they came in the first place.
April Script
Well, we just...followed you to...see the King.
Final Script
Well, we just followed you...
April Script
Final Script
Sir Astral, who are they?
Sir Astral admits that they're his pupils.
April Script
So they are. They look like good lads.
Final Script
So they are. They look like good kids.
The Minister wonders if he has a reason for them to be there. After giving a death glare to Bowie and co., he says that they'll help him investigate the tower. Heading downstairs, Sir Astral admits what's about to happen.
April Script
I didn't want to involve you, my kids...but this might be a good opportunity. It is a practice for you to serve the King.
Final Script
I didn't want to involve you, my children...but this might be a good opportunity for you to learn how to properly serve your King.
After falling for the Yes/No prompt again, the force heads into the Sealed Tower.
Sealed Tower
Sir Astral begins by inspecting the red symbol at the top of the stairs.
April Script
Yes, I feel something strange around here.
Final Script
I have a strange feeling about this place.
Suddenly, a white pulsating light makes its presence known.
April Script
Look! Something is emerging. What's that?
Final Script
Look! Something is appearing. What's that?
A pink, smokey monster emerges from the red marking
April Script
An evil Gizmo! A devil that possesses man! Why have you appeared?
Final Script
An evil Gizmo! A devil that possesses people! Why are you here?
The Gizmo tries to get by Sir Astral, but he's blocked at every pass.
April Script
Where are you going? Are you...going to possess the king?
Final Script
Where are you going? What...wait! You're here to possess the King, aren't you?
April Script
I won't let you pass. You will only bring trouble to him!
Final Script
I won't let you pass. You shall not harm the King!
The Gizmo responds by spewing out six weaker Gizmos. Good job, Astral.
April Script
Huh! Huh! We'll stop Evil Gizmo here. <Hero>, defeat these Gizmos!
Final Script
This doesn't look too good. We'll stop the evil Gizmo here. <Hero>, defeat these fiends!
He totally did.
Area Dialogue
Bowie inspects the well in front of his house...
April Script
A water... (gulp, gulp)...yuck! That tastes disgusting!
Final Script
Soapy water... (gulp, gulp)...yuck! That tastes disgusting!
...and reads the sign outside of the tool shop.
April Script
Welcome! Weapons and tools
Final Script
Welcome! WEAPONS and ITEMS
A soldier/truant officer guards the town's only exit.
April Script
There is no school outside! Get back here!
Final Script
There is no school outside! Go to school!
Trying to get into the harbor is also a no-go
April Script
Granseal's harbor is ahead. All ships have left early this morning.
Final Script
Granseal's harbor is behind me. All ships left early this morning.
Sir Astral has a lot of books, being a teacher and all. Some of them aren't exactly school appropriate.
April Script
A book... SMART GIRLS ...sounds nice.
Final Script
A book... SEGA GUIDE ...sounds good.
Translation Notes
This was already censored from the Japanese version.
There, the book title was "Mufufu, A Surprise for the Maiden"
(Translation: RahanAkero, Joe)
April Script
Final Script
Translation Notes
The Japanese version's book title is みどりがめと とつぜんへんい, "Turtles and Mutations".
Either a reference to Gamera or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
(Translation: Foxhack)
April Script
A book... AN OLD GOAT ...Is he really wise?
Final Script
A book... AN OLD GOAT ...Sir Astral?
Translation Notes
More censorship of Sir Astral's lecherous nature.
The Japanese book title is, "The Beginning of Shameless Perversion."
(Translation: RahanAkero)
April Script
Final Script
Granseal Castle
Soldiers on the outer perimeter mill about with nothing to do, what with it being peacetime and all.
April Script
Do we really need to safeguard the country?
Final Script
Do we really need to guard our country?
April Script
I'm going to Ancient Shrine in the south to kill the rats.
Final Script
I'm going to the Ancient Shrine in the south to kill some rats.
Further well investigation!
April Script
A deep, dark well. ...Very cool...
Final Script
A deep, dark well. ...very cool!
A maid in the Royal Log Bundle room gives her summation of the weather
April Script
It has been very worm these days.
Final Script
It has been very warm lately.
Two soldiers are stationed in the castle's east tower
April Script
This east tower was build in order to watch invaders.
Final Script
This east tower was built in order to watch for invaders.
April Script
How fine it is! I can see the eastern continent very well.
Final Script
How fine the view is! I can see the eastern continent from here.
Someone said the King didn't eat...but who??
April Script
The soldier said that the King didn't eat today.
Final Script
The cook said that the King didn't eat today.
Finally, an intriguing book from Princess Elis' room.
April Script
Final Script
(Source: Original TCRF research)