This page details one or more prototype versions of Shining Force II.
Stuffed in drx's massive February 2008 prototype dump were two in-progress translations of Shining Force II.
The first one, dated April 4th, 1994, has a first draft script that seems to be a direct translation of the Japanese text. This script features many spelling and grammatical errors, and is generally stilted and awkward.
The second prototype, dated June 7th, 1994, is very close to the final English game. This script is about one pass away from being finished. An English prototype was featured at Sega Gamer's Day 1994 on June 2nd; This build is either identical or extremely similar to that prototype.
Naturally, the bulk of the changes on these pages will be from the April prototype.
Chapter List
| Chapter 3 Quiet life is much better thanthe war. |
| Chapter 6 We need many more planks to for the new town! |
| Chapter 10 No more funny business, stop resisting us? |
| Chapter 15 The power of light will anther choose a brave man. |
| Chapter 18 Oh, thank you! I know I take the devil king! |
Character Names
All characters in the April prototype have their Japanese names. However, some of the romanized names here are questionable.
April Proto
Final Game
Misromanization of Matilda.
Misromanization of Polnareff.
This should probably be Fielder.
Should probably be Sharou.
Falcon (Character) Falcon (Enemy)
Jaro (Character) Jar (Enemy)
The name discrepancy was introduced when the character names were changed.
Misromanization of Bacchus.
Misromanization of Onaya.
Important note: The April script capitalizes character names in a sane manner. All drafts after the April one have the names in all-caps (BOWIE, SLADE, LEMON, etc.)
Additionally, "Red Baron" is consistently, and incorrectly, referred to as "Red Balon" in the April draft.
Items, Spells, and Monster Names
- The Giant Knuckles weapon is "Gigant Knuckles" in the April prototype. Note that "Gigant Knuckles" is a proper translation of ギガントナックル, and "Gigant" is a legitimate variation of "Giant", but it's possible that whoever proofread the script didn't know that.
- The Nazca Cannon weapon is "Nasca Cannon" in the April prototype.
- The Leather Glove weapon is incorrectly referred to as the "Leather Ring" in the April script. This is likely due to its placement right after the ring items in the code.
- The Wooden Panel item is misspelled as "Hooden Panel" in the April text.
- The BLAST spell is "HELL" in the April prototype. This is a remnant of the spell's Japanese name, ヘルブラスト, or "Hell Blast".
- The KATON, RAIJIN, DAO, NEPTUN, and ATLAS spells don't have proper names in the April prototype. The name pointers haven't been adjusted, so they point to the character names for Sarah, Huey, Jaja, Jippo, and Kiwi.
- The Gizmo enemy is "Gismo" in the April draft. This is the only enemy name change.
Standard NPC Messages
The priest NPC refers to the party members as lambs in the April prototype. This might have been changed due to the implicit Christian connotations, or just because it sounds awkward in English.
April Script
Welcome, my lamb! Your desire will be fulfilled!
Final Script
Welcome! Your desire will be fulfilled!
April Script
Let me investigate all the lambs.
Final Script
Let me investigate all of you.
The only other major change is the message for opting out of promoting a character:
April Script
Final Script
Minor change for trying to access "Deals" when no deals exist.
April Script
I'm very sorry! Out of stock!
Final Script
I'm very sorry! I'm out of stock!
An extraneous comma was removed from the buy text.
April Script
The <item>, costs <price> gold coins.
Final Script
The <item> costs <price> gold coins.
The message for refusing to buy an item was spiced up, just a bit.
April Script
Final Script
When refusing a buy offer from the shopkeeper, the April script uses the wrong to/too.
April Script
Final Script
The text for trying to repair an unbroken item is completely different between versions.
April Script
Final Script
The message for looking in the storehouse with no items is superficially different.
April Script items in the storehouse.
Final Script
Well, the storehouse is empty.
As are the messages for identifying item types.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
It has no effect in battle.
The message for who can equip the item, however, seems to switch to a completely different sentence halfway through...
April Script
The <item> is for <units> can be equipped with it.
Final Script
The <item> is for <units> to equip.
...and Rohde's line for trying to use an unusable item has poor formatting and verbage(not a word).
April Script
<Hero>! What do you think you're with the<item>?!
Final Script
<Hero!> What do you think you're doing with the <item>?!
When recruiting a party member, Rohde says this:
April Script
Who joins in the battle party?
Final Script
Who joins the battle party?
Finally, here's Rohde's appraisal of an item's value, where gold is capitalized for some reason:
April Script
It brings <amount> Gold coins at the shop.
Final Script
It brings <amount> gold coins at a shop.
(Source: Original TCRF research)