This is a sub-page of Proto:Shining Force II.
Pacalon Castle
After passing through the now hydrated Pacalon, the force approaches Frayja, their ticket to the Nazca ship.
April Script
You're trustworthy soldiers, so...would you do me a favor?
Final Script
You are trustworthy soldiers, so...would you do me a favor?
Frayja asks for the force to accompany him to Moun.
April Script
I believe...there are survivors in Moun.
Final Script
I believe there are survivors in Moun.
April Script
We have to go through Moun to get to Grans, right?
June Script
We have to go through Moun to get to Grans, right?
Final Script
We have to go through Moun to get to Nazka, right?
Translation Notes
Both lines are factually correct, though Nazca is more immediate, and Nazca is inconsistently romanized here.
Peter and Bowie agree to take Frayja with them.
April Script
Finally you're here, Vicar [Frayja].
Final Script
Finally, you've left the castle, Vicar [Frayja].
Geshp teleports onto the scene.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
April Script
It's my strategy, not a plan. I'm very happy to see you to come out of the castle.
Final Script
I have plans for you. I'm very happy that you came out of the castle.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Vicar [Frayja], you locked the gate of Moun, remember? My faithful soldiers can't enter Parmecia.. Now, you will open it?
Final Script
Vicar [Frayja] locked the door of Moun. Remember? My faithful soliders can't enter Parmecia. Now, you will open it!
April Script
Final Script
He tries to, but Frayja comes face to face with a fire wall.
April Script
Final Script
Geshp turns away from the force.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Cameela...we met her at Pangoat Valley.
Final Script
Cameela?! We met her in Pangoat Valley.
She warps in.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Cameela, [Frayja] is here now. Take the key to the gate!
Final Script
Ah, Cameela. You're here. Get the key for me!
April Script're cunning as usual.
Final Script
Geshp, you're as devious as usual.
April Script
That I am. Now, take the key!
Final Script
That I am. Now, get the key!
April Script
Final Script
An impatient Geshp stomps on the ground.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
I hate your cunning way. I won't help you. You want the key? Then, do it by yourself. You can use my army.
Final Script
I hate you! I won't help you. You want the key? You get it! You can use my army.
Cameela exits, stage warp.
April Script
That witch! Cameela! Cameela!
Final Script
That witch! Cameela! Cameela!!
Geshp takes a moment to sulk before sending devils after the Bowie bunch.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Are you trying to escape?
Final Script
April Script
I'm good at using my brain, not my power.
Final Script
I'm good at using my brains, not my strength.
And he leaves. Luckily Bowie is good at using both, and the battle is won.
Moun Field
Guess what? There's another battle. Geshp's soldiers are here!
April Script
He ordered me to decrease your power. But, that's not enough. This is the end of your resistance.
Final Script
He ordered me to take out some of your people. But, it's not enough. This is the end of your resistance.
April Script
Now, get them! Kill them, kill them all!
Final Script
Kill them, kill them all!
Blah blah blah another battle...wait a minute. Jaro, one of the soldiers in the devil army, defects! Well that's something.
April Script
I can't believe it! You might be killed by the devils.
Final Script
I can't believe it! You might have been killed by the devils.
April Script
Indeed...and why did you change your mind?
Final Script
Indeed! Why did you change your mind?
April Script
I can't stand their selfish behavior!
Final Script
I can't stand their wicked ways!
April Script
You have the same opinion as we do.
Final Script
You have the same opinion of them as we do.
April Script
I think you need a professional soldier like me.
Final Script
You need a professional soldier like me.
Astral agrees.
April Script
But...he was on the opposite side just an hour ago.
Final Script
But, he was on the other side just an minute ago.
Translation Notes
Peter's comment changed from a literal statement of time passed to a figure of speech.
April Script
I don't care, [Peter]. [Jaro] was forced to do so.
Final Script
I don't care, [Peter]. He has seen the error of his ways.
April Script
[Hero], do you agree to let [Jaro] join our force?
Final Script
[Hero], don't you want [Jaro] to join our force?
Bowie nods. Jaro joins the force!
April Script
I'm opening the gate of Moun. Devils are waiting inside. Be careful...
Final Script
I'm opening the gate of Moun. Devils are waiting inside. Be careful!
Frayja opens the gate. As the force walks in, they spy a group of monsters in the northwest.
April Script
Welcome, silly soldiers! Do you want to follow the Moun people to purgatory?
Final Script
Welcome, losers! Will you follow the example of the people of Moun and die without resistance?
Translation Notes
Another religious reference rewritten around by the script team.
April Script's too late...I killed a lot of people.... I'll never forgive you!
Final Script
No! I'm too late. I killed a lot of people. I can never forgive myself!
April Script
[Hero], please let me fight with you. I can't allow them to advance!
Final Script
[Hero], please let me fight with you. They must die!
Translation Notes
Confusing rewrite here. Frayja is certainly bloodthirsty for a man of the cloth.
Frayja joins the force!
April Script
[Hero]...[Frayja] will be a great help to us.
Final Script
[Hero], [Frayja] will be a great asset.
And, if the party is already full...
April Script
[Character] returned to the Caravan.
Final Script
[Character] returns to the Caravan.
April Script
[Hero], [Frayja] is right. We can't let them advance any further!
Final Script
[Hero], [Frayja] is right. They must die!
And die they did do, done dead.
April Script
There might be some survivors somewhere in the town.
Final Script
There may be survivors somewhere.
A metallic man peeks out from under a nearby rock. Peter approaches the rock.
April Script
Final Script
The shiny soldier makes itself known.
April Script
Was it you who defeated all those devils? I was just wondering why it became silent so suddenly.
Final Script
Did you defeat all those devils? I was wondering why it became quiet so suddenly.
April Script
I'm [Zynk]. I'm not from Moun.
Final Script
I am [Zynk]. I am not from Moun.
Translation Notes
Most of the contractions in Zynk's speech were removed to make him seem more robotic.
A few contractions were mistakenly left in the Nazca scripts, but it was a nice attempt.
April Script
Then where did you come from?
Final Script
Then, where are you from?
April Script
Final Script
Astral asks what the hell that means.
April Script should I explain this? Well, I'm what I am. That's all.
Final Script
I cannot explain. I am what I am. That is all that I am.
Translation Notes
Someone in the localization team liked Popeye, apparently.
The mechanical marvel throws the rock aside, revealing his full form.
April Script
I've never seen anyone who looks like you. Where are the Moun people? Were they all killed by the devils?
Final Script
I've never seen anyone like you. Where are the people of Moun? Were there any survivors?
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Follow [Zynk]! [Zynk] knows the place where they're hiding.
Final Script
Follow [Zynk]! [Zynk] knows where they're hiding.
Moun Underground
Underneath Moun are a scattering of survivors, a surplus of jars, and a large bearded warrior.
April Script
Well, you're not from Pacalon are you?
Final Script
Well, you're not from Pacalon, are you?
They're from Granseal, which you, but not Gyan, should know by this point.
April Script
Granseal...I've never heard of it before....
Final Script
Granseal...I've never heard of it....
It's near Ribble, says Astral.
April Script
Near my home? I don't know of it....
Final Script
Near my home? Are you sure?
April Script
We settled just over one year ago.
Final Script
We settled there just over a year ago.
April Script
The blocked tunnel is now open?
Final Script
The blocked tunnel is open now?
April Script
Exactly. Now you can go back to your home.
Final Script
Yes. Now you can go back home.
April Script
Yes, I've been waiting for this today!
Final Script
I've been waiting for this day!
Gyan walks past the force, asking why they came to North Parmecia anyway. To defeat devils, Peter says.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
We don't want to have another tragedy like Moun. We're going to Grans Island to kill the King King of Devils.
Final Script
We don't want another tragedy like Moun. We're going to Grans Island to kill the King of the Devils.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
April Script
But, your family misses you a lot.
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
April Script
But...I believe they'll understand.
Final Script
But, I believe they'll understand.
Gyan joins the force! On the way out, Zynk decides he wants to tag along too.
April Script
Sir Pedlo! [Zynk] is going back home!
Final Script
There is no time to waste!
Translation Notes
In the original script, Zynk knows Pedro, something important to know for a later event.
The new line is generic dialogue, so this rewrite is just baffling and unnecessary.
After taking a free writhing Arm of Golem, it's on to Nazca!
Cameela's already here.
April Script
Remember, I promised Iwould se e you again. Come on. Let's have a party!
Final Script
Remember, I promised that I would see you again. Come on. Let's party!
Geshp teleports in to give Cameela his war plan.
April Script
You again, Geshp. Why don't you leave me alone?
Final Script
You again, Geshp? Why don't you leave me alone?
April Script
Zeon left me in charge. I don't care if you are killed or not.
Final Script
Zeon left me in charge. It doesn't matter if you are killed or not.
April Script
Then kill me! If you're serious. Ha, ha! I know. You want me to be killed!
June Script
Then kill me, if you've got the guts to do it! I know. You want me to be dead!
Final Script
Then kill me, if you've got the guts to do it! I know. You want me to be die!
Translation Notes
A rewrite that forgot to delete an important word. Welcome to die!
Geshp teleports out. What a jerk.
April Script
Silly Cameela. You can't survive without my brain.
Final Script
Silly Cameela. You can't survive without my brains.
Cameela disagrees...
...but it turns out Geshp was right.
April Script
[Hero]...I lost?! This is for you.
Final Script
[Hero], I lost?! Take this.
April Script
Cameela took out the Sky Orb.
Final Script
Cameela reveals the Sky Orb.
April Script
This is the Sky Orb. You can drive the Nazca Ship with this stone.
Final Script
This is the Sky Orb. With it, you can drive the Nazca Ship.
Before Cameela can fully elaborate on Geshp's plan, ol' purple brows speaks.
April Script
Your role is over, Cameela!
Final Script
Your life is over, Cameela!
Cameela is suddenly immolated!
April Script
Final Script
Cameela explodes, as you do.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
It's a rule. Traitors die by fire.
Final Script
It's the law. Traitors die by fire.
April Script
Oh, I have to go now and prepare the welcome party for you!
Final Script
I have to go now and prepare your welcoming party!
Peter wonders what the Prism Flowers Cameela spoke of are.
April Script
I have no idea, but it might a special trap.
Final Script
I have no idea, but it's probably a trap.
April Script
Ancient kingdoms used to have those flowers along their borders.
Final Script
Ancient countries had those flowers along their borders.
April Script
Final Script
What kind of flowers are they?
April Script
Final Script
April Script
We can see them when we arrive at Grans.
Final Script
We will see them when we arrive at Grans.
April Script
Right...[Hero], Take the Sky Orb. Let's go.
Final Script
[Hero], grab the Sky Orb. Let's go.
Nazca Ship
Inside the massive ship, Zynk stands beside an inactive console. Well, only one thing to do.
April Script
[Hero] fit the Sky Orb into the pedestal.
Final Script
[Hero] fit the Sky Orb into the cockpit.
The entire ship starts vibrating. Zynk says everything's fine...
April Script
Final Script
The bird-shaped ship picks up off the ground and begins to fly!
Nazca Flight
April Script
I've never experienced this in my 70-year-life!
June Script
I've never experienced anything like this in my -year-life!
Final Script
I've never experienced anything like this in my seventy years of life!
Translation Notes
The June script forgot to put the actual year in. Oopsy.
Zynk directs the ship westwards, to Grans Island.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Ancient people were much greater than we thought!
Final Script
The Ancients were greater than we thought!
Zynk takes this as a compliment.
Cut to Zeon's lair...
April Script
[Hero]'s coming to this island.
Final Script
[Hero] is almost here already?
April Script
Yes, sir. With an ancient aircraft. He will be passing over the cape soon.
Final Script
Yes, sir. With an ancient aircraft. He'll be passing over the cape soon.
April Script
Good, good. I'll do anything to get back my power.
Final Script
Good. I'll do anything to get my powers back.
April Script
They're stronger than we thought... I have an idea. Please let me try it.
Final Script
They're stronger than we thought. But, I have an idea. Please let me try it.
April Script
I think it's better for us to them down before they get any closer.
June Script
I think it's better for us to shoot them down over the cape. I agree.
Final Script
I think it's better for us to shoot them down over the cape.
Translation Notes
In the June script, the dialogue break here is one line ahead of where it should be.
So, for the rest of this scene, the dialogue and speaker are out of sync.
Zeon agrees to the plan. Zeon asks to borrow Odd Eye, but he's still damaged from the Volcanon fight.
April Script
You can use Red Balon instead.
Final Script
Translation Notes
"Red Baron" is consistently referred to as "Red Balon" in the April draft.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
They're now arriving at the cape.
Final Script
They'll be passing over the cape soon.
Geshp does what he does best; Leave. Odd Eye enters the room in his absence.
April Script
Silly Geshp! He wants to obtain everything.
Final Script
That Geshp! He wants everything.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
I'm afraid Geshp can't stop [Hero]'s journey.
Final Script
I'm afraid Geshp can't stop [Hero]'s advance.
April Script
You really think he can't?
Final Script
April Script
I was just thinking of [Hero]'s hidden power. We must never make light of him.
Final Script
I was just thinking of [Hero]'s hidden powers. We must never underestimate him.
Cut to an unknown grassland location. Geshp and his soldiers are setting up pink flowers facing to the east.
April Script
Now, c'mon Granseal losers! The Prism Flowers are waiting for your arrival! Hee, heee!
Final Script
Now, c'mon Granseal losers! The Prism Flowers are waiting for you! Hee, heee!
Cut back to the Nazca ship, now flying over the ocean.
April Script
Can you see it? There's Grans Island!
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
Now it's back to Geshp in the Prism Flower AccuCenter.
April Script
I see the Nazca Ship! Now, everybody, get ready!
Final Script
I see the Nazca Ship! Everybody, get ready!
And back to the ship.
April Script
What's that? I saw a flash over there.
Final Script
What's that? I saw a flash of light over there.
April Script
I didn't see it. You must be daydreaming because you're so old! Ha, ha!
Final Script
I didn't see it. You must be seeing things because you're so old! Ha, ha!
April Script
What did you say?! Shut up, [Peter]!
Final Script
(Grumble).... Someday, [Peter]....
Translation Notes
Telling people to shut up is rude and Sega of America will not stand for it.
Geshp again. The flowers start firing lasers. Yep.
Meanwhile, at the flying bird ship, Astral is insistent he saw a flash'
April Script
Final Script
April Script
This might be an ill omen.
Final Script
One of the Prism lasers hit the ship.
April Script
Oooouu!! What was that? Lightening?
Final Script
Oooouu!! What was that?! Lightning?
More lasers hit. Zynk has lost control of the ship!
April Script
We might fall to the ground!
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
The ship is rocked with even more laser fire.
April Script
Final Script
Astral asks Zynk to land on the cape. Under heavy laser fire, he's able to crash into the cape. The ship powers down.
Downed Ship
The ship powers down. Peter, shaken by the flight, looks for Astral.
April Script
Final Script
Astral is immobile until Bowie approaches him. He shakes himself out of paralysis.
April Script
[Hero], Geshp must be coming for us! Get off the ship now!
Final Script
[Hero], Geshp's probably coming for us! Evacuate the ship!
Astral and the others exit, leaving the ship forever.
R.I.P. Bird Ship.
Area Dialogue
Pacalon citizens celebrate the much-needed rainfall.
April Script
Rain! Rain! This must be a present from the god!
Final Script
Rain! This must be a present from the gods!
April Script
Thanks to the rain, I'm no longer thirsty. But, still hungry.
Final Script
Thanks to the rain, I'm no longer thirsty. But, I'm still hungry.
April Script
Was Tristan occupied by the devils? That's why we had no rain recently.
Final Script
Was Tristan occupied by devils? That's why we've had no rain lately.
Pacalon Castle
After Mitula's gift of rain, the Pacalon soldiers are doing well...ish.
April Script
Practice, practice! Ha! Ooo...I can't lift up this spear!
Final Script
Practice? Who needs practice?! Ha! Oooh...I can't lift this spear!
April Script
I'm no longer thirsty, but I've not recovered my health yet.
Final Script
I'm no longer thirsty, but I'm not totally healthy yet.
Here's a Frayja update.
April Script
Vicar [Frayja] wants to go to Moun to save the people there.
Final Script
Vicar [Frayja] wants to go to Moun and save the people.
Gyan's been trapped on the other side for a year. That's rough, man.
April Script
I saw a warrior who came from the south a year he OK now? He was shocked to know that there's no tunnel, and went to Moun.
Final Script
I just saw a warrior who came from the south a year ago. He was shocked to find out that the tunnel was blocked, and went to Moun.
And now, an important message about tolerance.
April Script
But I didn't imagine centaurs would be saved by humans!
Final Script
But I didn't think we would be saved by humans!
April Script
I'm sorry for his impolite words. We've always believed that centaurs were the best race on the ground. But we were wrong. I understand now.
Final Script
The King is a little upset. We've always believed that centaurs were the best warriors. But we were wrong. I understand now.
Moun Underground
There are more than two survivors, thankfully, but the other survivors' text wasn't touched after the April draft.
April Script
I wasn't scared...but it was hard for me not to go and fight.
Final Script
I wasn't scared! It was hard for me not to go out and fight.
April Script
[Gyan] of Ribble is there. He stood guard at the west gate to save us.
Final Script
[Gyan] of Ribble is behind me. He stood guard at the west gate.
Even with the previous monster occupation, the Arm of Golem is still the talk of the town.
April Script
Did you see the Arm of Golem in this town?
Final Script
Did you see the Arm of Golem in town?
April Script
It moves around as if it's looking for something. Maybe it's body?
Final Script
It moves around as if it's searching for something. Maybe it's body?
Oh, and the ancients were Jewish, apparently.
April Script
The priest once said, golems were made by the ancient people. Some golems are bad, some are good. I want to see a a good golem!
Final Script
The priest once told me that golems were made by the ancients. Some golems are bad, some are good. I want to see a good golem!
Not all of the locals are gripped by the Arm of Golem.
April Script
The Arm of Golem suddenly moved a little. Can you throw it away?
Final Script
The Arm of Golem suddenly moved a little. Will you get rid of it?
This book isn't about golems. What's the deal?
April Script
Final Script
Nazca Ship
If Zynk isn't in the group, trying to operate the ship is impossible.
April Script
[Hero] tried to use the Sky Orb. But, he doesn't know how to use it.
Final Script
[Hero] tries to use the Sky Orb. But, he doesn't know how.
April Script
Well, [Hero]. Let's go back to look for somebody who knows about this ship.
Final Script
Well, [Hero]. Let's go back to look for someone who knows about this ship.
Bowie doesn't actually have to talk to Zynk, though, but here's what he says.
April Script
You can start the ship when you place the Sky Orb into the cockpit.
Final Script
You can start the ship by placing the Sky Orb into the cockpit.
Astral's profound wisdom:
April Script
[Hero], are you ready for battle?
June Script
[Hero], are you ready for battle?
Final Script
Translation Notes
Astral's line in the April/June script is identical to his New Granseal HQ line.
After the crash, the other party members utter a random line when spoken to.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Final Script
April Script
Oh, My twinkling stars...
Final Script
Oh, my twinkling stars....
(Source: Original TCRF research)