This is a sub-page of Proto:Shining Force II.
Granseal Field
After leaving Galam, the group is stopped by Galam forces outside the town's gate.
April Script
Who allowed you to leave Galam?
June Script
How did you get past the Galam guards?
Final Script
How did you get past the Galam guards?
April Script
Everybody is forbidden to go out 'till we conquet Granseal!
Final Script
No one is allowed to leave 'til we conquer Granseal!
April Script
Yes, I know...ah... but...King Galam... left his belonging!
Final Script
I know...ah...but... King Galam...left this behind.
April Script
You going to deliver them? But, I haven't been given any orders about this.
June Script
And you want to bring it to him? Hmmmm. I dont' know....
Final Script
And you want to bring it to him? Hmmmm. I don't know....
Another Galam Soldier walks onscreen.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
They're want to deliver a package to the King Galam.
Final Script
They want to deliver a package to the King.
The Galam Soldier points out that King Galam hasn't rescinded his orders yet.
April Script
I'm go get the package from them now.
Final Script
I'll get the package from them.
April Script
Final Script
I think we're in trouble!
The soldier approaches Bowie and Slade, and quickly realizes who they are. Seems that Galam soldiers are smarter than the ones in Granseal who fell for the whole "fake package" thing.
April Script
Hey! Granseal spies are here! Hey!
Final Script
Hey, these are the Granseal spies!
April Script
Final Script
Luckily, the force is better at fighting than deceiving, so they make quick work of their foes.
Galam forces have already made their way through the town, leaving Granseal soldiers in their wake. Bowie looks in the town's jar depository and sees that one of the zoo's animals, a turtle-looking thing, has escaped. And he's terrified.
April Script
He is shivering. Do you speak to him?
Final Script
He is shivering. Will you name him?
After naming the turtle-thing (hereafter referred to as Kiwi), he agrees to join the force!
Granseal Castle
Making their way past the ironclad corpses, the force encounters Astral talking to an obviously distraught Lemon, who won't let him pass through. Astral asks as to where King Galam is.
April Script
He went into the tower, Ground Seal, right? Shut up! I have to go!
June Script
He went into the tower, Ground Seal, right? Be quiet! I have to go!
Final Script
He went into the tower, Ground Seal, right? Then, I must go there!
April Script
Please do not move, Or I have to defeat you! Please!
Final Script
Please don't move, or I'll have to kill you! Please!
Astral asks Lemon to calm down, saying that he must have figured it out what's happened already.
April Script
We did harm to Galam? The King said so? If it's true, we apologize! But do you still believe it true? Then why did he...
Final Script
We didn't attack Galam. Your King lied! We are allies. Do you believe me? We would never...
Translation Notes
Astral is more forceful in the final English script.
Lemon refuses to believe this.
April Script
You have to accept the truth. Your master is possessed by a devil. He is not King Galam!
Final Script
You have to believe me. Your King is possessed by a devil. He is not King Galam!
April Script
Final Script
Princess Elis screams from the top of the stairs! This is enough to provoke Astral to try to shove past Lemon.
April Script
Stop, Sir! I can't pass you!
Final Script
Stop, sir! I can't let you pass!
Astral suggests that Lemon come with him, then. Lemon nods, and leads Astral to the tower. Astral tells the force to come along too.
The King and the Minister tag along with the gang, wanting to rescue Princess Elis and having nothing better to do, what with the war and all.
Ancient Tower
The force make their way to the massive central room of the Ancient Tower, where Astral and a freshly possessed King Galam square off. The Princess is held hostage behind the evil King. Galam sees King Granseal at the room's entrance.
April Script
Give up now, King Granseal! Do you want anothervict im?
Final Script
Give up now, King Granseal! Do you want here to die?!
Astral and Galam talk some more trash, then they start charging into each other. They both fall over. Princess Elis tries to get away, but some of Galam's new, more demonic forces pop out of the ground. King Galam commands them to eat up the force(?!) before they get any closer.
The demons are no longer hungry. They're dead. Astral gets up and tries to get Princess Elis back, but King Galam gets up as well! The King and Minister approach Galam.
April Script
Stay there! Or you'll lose your beautiful princess forever!
Final Script
Stay there! Or she'll die!
King Granseal demands that Galam leave the princess alone.
April Script
Princess Elis...I'll save you! Believe me!
Final Script
Princess Elis...I'll save you!
No you won't. King Galam knocks both of them down with two fireballs.
April Script
Final Script
Astral asks what's in this tower, anyway. King Galam, having had enough of this chicanery, says he's going to open the door to the "Evil World", raising the Jewel of Evil up.
A giant hole opens up from the ceiling, and two clear tubes of light emerge and envelop the Princess and King Galam. The tubes start to rise up towards the Evil World's new entrance.
In the smartest plan ever, Astral and the Minister throw Bowie towards the tube carrying King Galam. Bowie attempts to get the Jewel of Evil off of Galam.
April Script
Final Script
Wow! He's so brave. Hmmm...
Bowie successfully steals the Jewel of Evil, which quickly fuses with the Jewel of Light. He loses his grips and falls off, and it's too late for the Princess. She's swallowed by the abyss.
April Script
Father.... [Hero]
Final Script
Father... [Hero] meeeeee!
King Galam, who's none too pleased by having his jewel stolen from him, falls in as well. Astral wonders why Bowie now has two jewels around his neck.
April Script
[Hero] explains the reason why he has two jewels around his neck
Final Script
[Hero] explains what happened.
Astral wonders whether the two jewels could solve this. Not for long though, because the entire tower begins to shake violently.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
SSSSSir Astral! What should we do?!
Final Script
Sssiirrr Astral! What should we do?!
Astral says to leave, obviously, and they'll come back with soldiers later to get Princess Elis. Poor King Granseal won't budge and has to be carried out of the room.
Making their way through a quaking Granseal Castle, the party encounters the two soldiers guarding Granseal Castle.
April Script
King! Sir Astral! Are you all right?
Final Script
Your majesty! Sir Astral! Are you alright?
Astral asks why they're still here, and the soldiers say there's a ship in the harbor waiting for them. And also that giant chasms are appearing all over town. Then a giant chasm appears right under them. Ouch, man.
They quickly board the ship at the harbor.
April Script
King! Sir Astral! Glad to see you again.
Final Script
Sire! Sir Astral! Glad to see you again.
The old man asks if they're ready to leave. Astral and Bowie agree, not waiting to fall into any ironic chasms.
April Script
Final Script
The Minister asks where they're headed.
April Script
That earthquake must caused damage all over the island.
Final Script
This earthquake must have caused damaged all over the island.
Astral thinks, then decides to head east to the mainland. The King objects, saying they have to rescue Elis, but Astral informs him that it's too dangerous to stay here, what with the chasms and all.
The ship leaves to the east. The entire town of Granseal and its rich history are enveloped by a massive canyon, leaving the Ancient Tower the only structure left standing.
That Sega Guide isn't going to help you now, kid.
Area Dialogue
Galam Castle
An old man in Galam's throne room is fiercely loyal to his King.
April Script
When the errand died, the king suddenly suffered great deal of pain. Thank goodness, he recovered after while. It must be an artifact of Granseal! I believe in my King!
Final Script
When the messenger was found dead, the king suffured a great deal of pain. Thank goodness, he recovered quickly. It's Granseals fault! I believe in my King!
Translation Notes
The typos of "suffured" and "Granseals" are present in both the June and final scripts.
The castle's treasure guard is good at his job.
April Script
This is the treasure rrrroom! Defeat mmme iiif you want to go iiin.
Final Script
This is the treasure room! You may not pass!
Translation Notes
This guy was changed from some kind of demon man to a regular soldier. Why? Who knows?
More castles means more books.
April Script
Final Script
A teen wonders about the Galam army's leave.
April Script
Where are they going? To Granseal? No way! We have a friendship!
Final Script
Where are they going? To Granseal? No way! We are allies!
A different, tree-hidden teenager lost about 50 IQ points between scripts.
April Script
Sometimes there are hidden short-cuts like this.
Final Script
Translation Notes
This is the first of the English translators' attempts to inject more humor into the script.
A shopkeeper takes interest in Bowie's newly acquired jewel (no success in removing it, though)
April Script
Why, you're wearing a beautiful jewel! Wow! Sell it to me!
Final Script
Why, you're wearing a beautiful jewel! Wow! Give it to me!
One of the guards by the town's drawbridge tells Bowie about the King's orders.
April Script
Are you a new here? I've never seen you before. Anyway, don't go out of town. King ordered us to kill anyone who goes out today.
Final Script
Are you new here? I've never seen you before. Anyway, don't leave town. The King ordered us to stop anybody who tries to leave.
Yeel, the tertiary town, refuses to help either Galam or Granseal with their war.
April Script
They say that Galam and Granseal finallystart the w ar! I love the peace. I love Yeel!
Final Script
They say that Galam and Granseal are at war! I love peace. I love Yeel!
April Script
A war always takes place suddenly. But we're out of it.
Final Script
A war always takes place so suddenly. But we're neutral.
April Script
Yeel never joins in a war. This is our regulation. This village is for fugitives from war.
Final Script
Yeel remains neutral. We are pacifists. Fugitives from war come here to live in peace.
Most of the town's residents are in their houses, waiting this thing out.
April Script
Galam soldiers all rushed into the castle. When do they come out again?
Final Script
Galam soldiers rushed into the castle. What's going on?
A few curious ones look into the castle gates.
April Script
It has been so quiet since they forced into the palace.
Final Script
It has been so quiet since they forced their way into the castle.
Granseal Castle
Princess Elis is taken away, to the shock of those who witnessed it.
April Script
Final Script
April Script
...Princess was taken away....but I'm paralyzed with terror.
Final Script
The Princess was taken away...and I'm paralyzed with fear.
(Source: Original TCRF research)