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Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Mega Drive)/Прототип CENSOR

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This page is a translated version of the page Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)/CENSOR Prototype and the translation is 65% complete.
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Это доп. страница статьи Proto:Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis).

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

STH 2 Prototype Beta 4 Title.gif

Этот билд Sonic the Hedgehog 2 был первоначально выпущен релизной группой CENSOR 9 ноября 1992-го года, примерно две недели до финального релиза игры. Билд был быстро забыт ради дампа финальной версии группой MAGICAL, частично потому что в то время никто не хотел играть в пре-релизные билды (да, серьёзно). Всё это было до 14 февраля 2019, где билд был снова найден drx и Evilhamwizard до того, как впоследствии был релизнут через Hidden Palace.

Окончательный релиз прототипа от 14 сентября (также известен как прототип Gamesmaster) подтверждает, что билд CENSOR одним из первых трёх Бет, которые не были найдены в архивах Sega QA.

Download.png Скачать Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (прототип CENSOR)
Файл: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (CENSOR Prototype Hack).bin (1 MB) (info)


Прочитайте о прототипных версиях данной игры, которые стали доступны.
Информация о прототипе (не переведено)

General Differences

  • The ROM's header was edited to make it easier to identify in a copier, with the most notable change being that the serial code was changed to Wani Wani World's, and an additional demoscene intro was added. The download above has been modified to remove these changes and restore the ROM to its original state.
  • The Sega screen has been changed to the final design.
  • Tails is always called Miles regardless of the region.
  • The title screen and level select remain identical to previous builds, though selecting "2 PLAYER VS" sends the player to the proper 2-player level select.
  • For some strange reason, edit mode has been disabled and only debug information appears. Use Pro Action Replay (PAR) code FFFE09:0001 to activate edit mode.
  • Path swappers (which are used by the engine to switch Sonic onto another plane) are no longer visible in Debug Mode, like the final game.
  • The Sound Driver is now optimized on European Consoles.
  • Slope collision in this build is different compared to Beta 4, as Sonic acts like he's on flat ground when he's standing on a slope. The collision is also less lenient, as Sonic gets crushed in areas he can't be in the final game (e.g.: under Chemical Plant's tubes).
  • The death function is bugged somehow, as the screen no longer locks when you die. This wasn't fixed until Beta 6.
  • The infamous Sonic 1 spike behavior (where spikes ignore invulnerability frames after being hit) is still present, something that wasn't changed until Beta 5.
  • End-of-Act results have a period between "Act" and "1/2". This detail was removed in the final.

Ledge Sprite Detection

In all zones that have ground tiles, there seems to be a problem with how it detects where Sonic is standing on the platforms. If you go near the end of a right hanging platform, Sonic will instead float and not go to his losing balance sprites. This only seems to work on right hanging ledges while the left ones are working as they should be in the final build. This does not work with sprites.

CENSOR - Бета 4 Бета 5 и позже
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 CENSOR Prototype Hack.png Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Prototype Beta 5.png

2-Player Mode

Nearly complete, with only a few bugs left:

  • Tails' shield doesn't display.
  • Eggman monitors don't harm the players yet. Fixed in Beta 6.
  • If either player gets a Time Over, the stage will reset and then immediately go to the results screen. This sets their score, time, ring, total ring, and item box numbers to what they were the last time they hit a checkpoint - or, if they never hit a checkpoint, to zero. Fixed in Beta 6.
    • Getting a Time Over in 2-Player will play music track $8F, which was the Game Over track in Sonic 1 but is now the Wing Fortress theme. This is odd considering every other Game/Time Over screen properly plays track $9B.
  • The results screen for the 2-Player Special Stages always shows Special Stage 4, regardless of which one you just played. This was fixed in Beta 6.
  • There's no countdown if a player passes the signpost.

Super Sonic

Super Sonic has been partially worked on since September 14th, but is still far from completion.

  • In previous builds the player could activate Super Sonic by placing a "?" monitor in Debug Mode, but since it has been removed, cheats are now required. Use Pro Action Replay (PAR) code FFF65F:0001 to enable the Super Sonic palette, FFFE19:0001 to enable the Super Sonic sprites and increased jump height, and FFB02B:0006 to enable invincibility and Speed Shoes.
  • Super Sonic still has no underwater palette. This was partially fixed in the final game when Sonic transforms above water, but transforming underwater still causes Sonic to use the above water palette.
  • Super Sonic doesn't produce any sparkles while going fast.
  • The increased speed and acceleration are not enabled (this is set by the transformation sequence in later builds), but the player can get the increased speed/acceleration if they either get a Speed Shoes monitor and let it expire, or go into the water and then jump back out.
  • If Super Sonic is about to drown and then gets out of the water, the invincibility music will play.

Различия в зонах


Sky Chase & Wing Fortress
Чутка было изменено между билдами.
Death Egg и Hidden Palace
Ну как там внизу?

Chemical Plant Zone

  • This is the final build to have hexagonal loops. They were changed to be fully square as running on them causes Sonic to die.

Casino Night Zone

Sonic2CENSORCNZ2 10rings.png

Недосягаемый монитор с 10 кольцами есть в Акте 2 под "землёй" рядом со стартовой точкой. Это было убрано в Бете 5.

Metropolis Zone

  • Завершая Акт 2, вы попадаете прямо в Sky Chase вместо Metropolis Акт 3. Если вы будете использовать Выбор уровня для Metropolis Акт 3 и потом завершите его, игра перенесёт в Aquatic Ruin Акт 1.

Special Stages

Significantly further along than September 14th, but still incomplete.

  • Like the previous build, Special Stages take a long time to load. See the September 14th page for more info.
  • Rings were removed at the end, as they flashed rainbow due to the palette change.
  • After the first round of a Special Stage in 2-Player Mode, the "Most Rings Wins!" message changes to "Win Twice Win All!". This message was removed in Beta 5 for unknown reasons.
  • The stages have different palettes to the ones used in the final, though the palettes for Stages 1, 3, and 5 were eventually reused for Stages 2, 5, and 7 respectively. These palettes are also in Betas 4 and 5, but the stages use their final palettes from Beta 6 onwards.
CENSOR - Бета 4 Бета 6 и позднее
Sonic2Beta4 SpecialStage1.png Sonic2 SpecialStage1.png
Sonic2Beta4 SpecialStage2.png Sonic2 SpecialStage2.png
Sonic2Beta4 SpecialStage3.png Sonic2 SpecialStage3.png
Sonic2Beta4 SpecialStage4.png Sonic2 SpecialStage4.png
Sonic2Beta4 SpecialStage5.png Sonic2 SpecialStage5.png
Sonic2Beta4 SpecialStage6.png Sonic2 SpecialStage6.png
Sonic2Beta4 SpecialStage7.png Sonic2 SpecialStage7.png
(Источник: Hidden Palace, исследование от TCRF)