Proto:Super Donkey
This page details one or more prototype versions of Super Donkey.
This page or section details content from the July 2020 Nintendo Leak. Check the July 2020 Nintendo Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material. |
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article? |
This earlier build of Super Donkey was also found among the July 24, 2020 asset leak.
To do:
General Differences
- There are no objects to hold.
- The player collision cannot be toggled with Start.
To do: YouTube videos that don't have emulator stuff visible. |
Only the first two levels are normally playable in this build.
Level 1
A door maze that allows the player to go from the level geometry in the foreground to the level geometry in the background and vice-versa.
- Entering the exit door brings you to the start of Level 2.
Level 2
A more straightforward level, testing out a background effect that causes saw blades to zoom in and out while moving up and down, making it look like they travel from the background to the foreground and back.
- The saw blades have no collision whatsoever.
- Lots of the level's art tends to disappear while you're flying, probably because of the background effect used for the saw blades.
- Entering the exit door brings you to a random door in Level 1.
Level 3
A cave level similar to the third level in the later build. This features a holdable cannon object and several misplaced enemies.
Level 4
A very small level similar to the fourth level in the later build, with the main difference being the tubes are not animated and are static; they also float in the air.
Level 5
Has no proper graphics loaded, but appears to be an early version of the boss room seen in the later build. The bird boss' graphics are also loaded into memory.