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Proto:Syndicate (1993, DOS)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Syndicate (1993, DOS).

A pre-release demo of Syndicate with files dating from April 1993 was released on the cover disk of issue 20 of PC Format in May 1993.. This build is close to the final, but has various minor graphical differences. It re-uses the Iraq mission from the final game.

The demo starts with what seems to be the familiar menu system, but in fact these are just static pictures of the menus, and not interactive. The graphical assets for the menus are not included with the demo at all. That said, minor changes can be seen in the equip and briefing screens.

Briefing Screen

Demo Final
SyndicateDemo-Brief.png Syndicate-Brief.png

  • The background picture is darker
  • No clock yet
  • Different highlighted text (in the final most of these elements only light up when moused over)
  • "Buy info" rather than just "info"

Equip Screen

Demo Final
SyndicateDemo-Equip.png Syndicate-Equip.png
  • The select all agents button is here simply text reading "Group" placed on top of the four icons. The individual agent icons were redrawn smaller in the final to accommodate the new dedicated grouping button.
  • Different text highlights again
  • The minigun carries four times the ammunition(!). This is born out in the game, where in the demo it can sustain fire for far longer before running out of ammo. It seems it also fired fewer bullets per burst in this build too.


The in-game interface is different, with a button actually saying "GROUP" instead of the final button with its 4 icons representing all agents. Empty agent slots oddly have the function of each IPA bar spelt out. In the final they are blank.


Map Changes

The in-game map (for Iran) is mostly the exact same as the final game's but has some very minor differences in shading and object placement.

The western-most bridge in the level has different shading behind its eastern railings:

Demo Final
SyndicateDemo-Iraq1.png Syndicate-Iraq2.png

The eastern-most bridge in the level has fuel tank structures under it that don't seem to be there in the final game:

Demo Final
SyndicateDemo-Iraq2.png Syndicate-Iraq1.png

Miscellaneous Changes

  • Unlike the final game, if all agents have completely full inventories, the cursor will not change to the pick up icon when hovered over an item.
  • As discussed above, miniguns have a lot more ammunition capacity