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Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest/Camera Editor/zh-hans

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This page is a translated version of the page Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest/Camera Editor and the translation is 38% complete.
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This is a sub-page of Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest/Camera Editor.

The following functions are used with the third controller.

The Camera Debugger gives you full control over the camera. It allows you to watch levels, Link and cutscenes from any position you wish, and it allows you to record small introduction videos (like the ones shown when you enter an area for the first time).

Turn on GameShark code 8111D394 0001 and press Start to enable it. It has three different modes, which you can switch between using the Z button.



The Debug Camera has three modes. Use C-Left to switch between them.

(Center Point) (Origin Point) (Player)


When this mode is activated, the camera will stop following Link and freeze in place in the center of the screen. This allows the player to run in and out of the frame.

A transparent red ghost camera follows Link, indicating the camera's usual position. In addition, a transparent red arrow hovers over Link's head to indicate which way the camera is facing.


OoT-Debug Camera Center.png
Center Point
*Viewpoint* *Camera Position*
X   X Rotation   X  
Y   Y Rotation   Y  
Z   Depth   Z
Center Point: Free


A + B + L + R Analog Stick D-Pad C-Buttons
A Zoom In Left Rotate Clockwise Around Y Axis D-Left Move Left C-Left Switch Modes
B Zoom Out Down Rotate Backward Around X Axis D-Down Move Down C-Down -
L - Right Rotate Counterclockwise Around Y Axis D-Right Move Right C-Right -
R Reset Camera Up Rotate Forward Around X Axis D-Up Move Up C-Up -


When this mode is activated, the camera will jump to the center of the map at (0,0,0) and remain fixed there. This allows the player to run in and out of the frame.

A transparent red ghost camera follows Link, indicating the camera's usual position. In addition, a transparent red arrow hovers over Link's head to indicate which way the camera is facing.


OoT-Debug Camera Origin.png
Origin Point
*Viewpoint* *Camera Position*
X   X Rotation   X  
Y   Y Rotation   Y  
Z   Depth   Z
Center Point: Free


A + B + L + R Analog Stick D-Pad C-Buttons
A Zoom In Left Rotate Clockwise Around Y Axis D-Left Move Left C-Left Switch Modes
B Zoom Out Down Rotate Backward Around X Axis D-Down Move Down C-Down -
L - Right Rotate Counterclockwise Around Y Axis D-Right Move Right C-Right -
R Reset Camera Up Rotate Forward Around X Axis D-Up Move Up C-Up -


In this mode, the camera will follow behind Link at a set distance, keeping him in the center of the frame at all times, without rotating to adjust for obstacles. This occasionally causes it to clip through the sides of the map.

A transparent red ghost camera follows Link, indicating the camera's usual position. In addition, a transparent red arrow hovers over Link's head to indicate which way the camera is facing.


OoT-Debug Camera Player.png
*Viewpoint* *Camera Position*
X   X Rotation   X  
Y   Y Rotation   Y  
Z   Depth   Z
Center Point: Locked


Zooming in or out will cause the camera to snap back into position.

A + B + L + R Analog Stick D-Pad C-Buttons
A Zoom In Left Rotate Clockwise Around Y Axis D-Left -  C-Left Switch Modes
B Zoom Out Down Rotate Backward Around X Axis D-Down -  C-Down -
L - Right Rotate Counterclockwise Around Y Axis D-Right -  C-Right -
R Reset Camera Up Rotate Forward Around X Axis D-Up -  C-Up -

Demo Camera Tool


The Demo Camera Tool has three modes. Use C-Left to switch between them.

The Demo Camera Tool allows you to move the camera completely freely, independent of Link. It is mainly used to create the introduction videos. Again, it has three submodes, which you can select with the C-Left button.

(Alignment) (Settings) (Object)


When this mode is activated, the camera will stop following Link and freeze in place in the center of the screen. This allows the player to run in and out of the frame.


OoT-Demo Camera Alignment.png
*Viewpoint* *Camera Position*
X   X Rotation   X  
Y   Y Rotation   Y  
Z   Depth   Z
Revision: <0 / <8


Goes from <0 - <99, then :0 - :9, then ;0 - ;9. (This is likely a bug: the ASCII characters following '9' are ':', ';' and '<' in order. The same behaviour can be seen when the rupee counter exceeds 999.)



A + B + L + R Analog Stick D-Pad C-Buttons
A Zoom In Left Rotate Clockwise Around Y Axis D-Left Move Left C-Left Switch Modes
B Zoom Out Down Rotate Backward Around X Axis D-Down Move Down C-Down Next Revision
L - Right Rotate Counterclockwise Around Y Axis D-Right Move Right C-Right Playback Scene
R - Up Rotate Forward Around X Axis D-Up Move Up C-Up Previous Revision
  • In the first mode, you can simply move the camera around the map. The controls are the same as in the Debug Camera mode, except you can't use the R button to snap to Link. Instead, R is used to create a point for the introduction movie.


When this mode is activated, the camera will stop following Link and freeze in place in the center of the screen. This allows the player to run in and out of the frame.

  • The second mode allows for some advanced options. Use the D-Pad to navigate through the options and change the values. The first option simply moves the camera back and forth. The second option sets how many frames there should be between two points. The third option rotates the camera.


OoT-Demo Camera Settings.png

If E Mode is set to ぜったい (Absolute) or こてい (Fixed), use this translation:

E Mode: Absolute/Fixed
Viewing Angle
N Frame
*Viewpoint* Z Rotation *Camera Position*
X   E Mode   X  
Y   > R Focus >   Y  
Z   P Time MAX   Z
Revision: <0 / <8

If E Mode is set to そうたい (Relative), use this translation:

E Mode: Relative
Viewing Angle
N Frame
*Viewpoint* Z Rotation *Camera Position*
X Rotation   E Mode Relative X Rotation  
Y Rotation   > R Focus >   Y Rotation  
Depth   P Time MAX   Depth
Revision: <0 / <8


A + B + L + R Analog Stick D-Pad C-Buttons
A Zoom In Left Rotate Counterclockwise Around Y Axis D-Left Scroll Back Through Values C-Left Switch Modes
B Zoom Out Down Rotate Backward Around X Axis D-Down Advance Through Options C-Down Next Revision
L - Right Rotate Clockwise Around Y Axis D-Right Scroll Through Values C-Right Playback Mode
R Reset Camera Up Rotate Forward Around X Axis D-Up Scroll Back Through Options C-Up Previous Revision


When this mode is activated, the camera will stop following Link and freeze in place in the center of the screen. This allows the player to run in and out of the frame.

A transparent red ghost camera follows Link, indicating the camera's usual position. In addition, a transparent red arrow hovers over Link's head to indicate which way the camera is facing.

  • The third mode allows you to preview your created introduction movie. Use the C-Up and C-Down buttons to go through all the created points, and hold the C-Right button to preview their introduction movie. The beginning of the movie is indicated with a rupee sound, while the end is marked with a recovery heart sound.


OoT-Demo Camera Object.png
*Viewpoint* *Camera Position*
X   X Rotation   X  
Y   Y Rotation   Y  
Z   Depth   Z
Revision <0 / <8


A + B + L + R Analog Stick D-Pad C-Buttons
A Zoom Camera In Left Rotate Clockwise Around Y Axis D-Left Move Camera Left C-Left Switch Modes
B Zoom Camera Out Down Rotate Backward Around X Axis D-Down Move Camera Down C-Down Scroll Through Revisions
L - Right Rotate Counterclockwise Around Y Axis D-Right Move Camera Right C-Right Playback Mode
R Don't Touch! Up Rotate Forward Around X Axis D-Up Move Camera Up C-Up Scroll Back Through Revisions

Playback Mode

OoT-Demo Camera Playback Mode.png

When this mode is activated, players can playback their newly recorded cutscenes.


Playback Mode
Key 01 / <4
Playback initiated!
Additional Messages
さいせいしゅうりょう Playback complete.
キーフレームがたりません。 Insufficient keyframes.
さいせいできません Cannot playback.

Demo Control


When this mode is activated, players can save custom cutscenes to a Memory Pak plugged into the third controller.

Screen 1 - Create Cutscene

OoT-Demo Control Create Cutscene.png

The first screen contains a row of question marks. Each question mark represents a cutscene slot. A small green line shows which slot is currently selected. Select a question mark and press A to save a cutscene to it. The cutscene will be given a letter.

Press D-Up or D-Down to access the Mempak options for the selected cutscene.

Saved cutscenes can also be moved between slots by holding the L button and using the D-Pad.


A + B + L + R Analog Stick D-Pad C-Buttons
A Save Cutscene Left - D-Left Previous Cutscene Slot C-Left Cancel Playback
B Delete Cutscene Down - D-Down Cutscene Mempak Options C-Down -
L Hold to Switch Cutscene Slots Right - D-Right Next Cutscene Slot C-Right Playback Mode
R - Up - D-Up Cutscene Mempak Options C-Up -

Screen 2 - Mempak Options

This screen allows players to save, load, or clear the selected cutscene.


OoT-Demo Control Mempak.png
Mempak Options
*Memory Pak*
< Save >
< Load >
< Clear >
Please don't remove the Memory Pak.

Selecting a file to save, load, or clear will display the text below.

Save Messages Load Messages
Is it OK to save File [X]?
Is it OK to load File [X]?
ファイル[X]をセーブしています Saving File [X]. ファイル[X]をロードしています Loading File [X].
ファイル[X]をセーブしました File [X] saved. ファイル[X]をロードしました File [X] loaded.
ファイル[X]をセーブにしっぱいしました Failed to save. ロードにしっぱいしました Failed to load.
Clear Messages Overwrite Messages
Is it OK to clear File [X]?
Is it OK to overwrite File [X]?
ファイル[X]をクリアしています Clearing File [X]. ファイル[X]をうわがきしています Overwriting File [X].
ファイル[X]をクリアしました File [X] cleared. ファイル[X]をうわがきしました File [X] overwritten.
クリアにしっぱいしました Failed to clear. うわがきにしっぱいしました Failed to overwrite.

You may encounter the following error messages as well.

Other Error Messages
メモリがたりません Insufficient memory.
ファイル[X]をみつけられません File [X] cannot be found.


Zooming in or out will cause the camera to snap back into position.

A + B + L + R Analog Stick D-Pad C-Buttons
A Select Option Left - D-Left Previous Cutscene Slot C-Left -
B Previous Screen Down - D-Down Next Option C-Down -
L - Right - D-Right Next Cutscene Slot C-Right -
R - Up - D-Up Previous Option C-Up -

Playback Mode

OoT-Demo Control Playback Mode.png
Playback Mode
Key 01 / <4
Playback initiated!



Currently under revision file will be destroy.