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Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest/Inventory Editor

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This is a sub-page of Proto:The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Master Quest.


With Controller 1, press Start to open the Pause Menu, then L to open the Inventory Editor.

D-Buttons Function C-Buttons Function
D-Up Jump to the section above C-Up Varies based on selection
When incrementing, decrease counter
D-Right Shift to the next selection C-Right Decrease counter
D-Left Shift to the previous selection C-Left Increase counter
D-Down Jump to the section below C-Down Varies based on selection
When incrementing, increase counter

Use the D-Pad to navigate, and the C Buttons to change variables.


Inventory Editor Menu Translated Menu
OoTInventoryDebug.png OoTInventoryDebugTranslated.png
To do:
Finish documenting C-button functions.
Option Function Variable Range Notes C-Up/C-Down
Rupees Sets Rupee amount. 0 - 9999 If you have over 999 Rupees, the number will appear corrupted. Increments by 100
Hearts I Sets the total number of hearts in single heart increments. 3 - 20 Increments by 1
Hearts II Sets the current number of hearts in quarter heart increments. 0 - 20 Setting the current number of hearts to 0 results in death. Increments by 1
Items Sets which items you have. 0 - (x) The rows of numbers correspond to the rows of items on the pause screen. The numbers themselves correspond to item IDs, except for items that can be set to multiple quantities, such as Deku Sticks.
Deku Sticks (99), Deku Nuts (99), Bombs (99), Bow (99), Fire Arrow (04), Din's Fire (05)
Slingshot (99), Ocarina (07/08), Bombchu (99), Hookshot (10/11), Ice Arrow (12), Farore's Wind (13)
Boomerang (14), Lens (15), Beans (99), Hammer (17), Light Arrow (18), Nayru's Love (19)
Bottle (20-32), Bottle ("), Bottle ("), Bottle ("), Quest Item (45-55), Trade Item (33-44)
C-Up: Resets counter to 0
KEY Sets how many small keys you have in each dungeon. 0 - 8 There are 17 variables, despite the fact that the game has only 7 dungeons that require keys. They correspond to the first 17 scenes in the game. See the KEY section for more details. Increments by 1
Equipment Sets which equipment upgrades you have. 0 - (x) Order:
Quiver (3), Bomb Bag (3), Gauntlet (3), Scale (2), Wallet (2), Bullet Bag (3), Stick Upgrade (3), Nut Upgrade (3)
Increments by 1
Sword / Shield Sets which swords, shields, tunics, and boots you have. See the Sword / Shield section for details.
Sword, Boots, Tunic, Shield
MAP Sets which dungeon items you have. See the MAP section for details.
Deku Tree, Dodongo's Cavern, Jabu-Jabu, Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow, Well, Ice Cavern, Ganon's Tower, Training Ground
Seals Sets which Medallions you have. The name "Seals" reflects the fact that the Medallions are the seals used by the sages to imprison Ganondorf in the Sacred Realm. Their order reflects the original order of the temples in which you would obtain them.
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow, Light
C-Up: Toggles
Spiritual Stones Sets which Spiritual Stones you have. 0 - 1 Order:
Kokiri Emerald, Goron's Ruby, Zora's Sapphire
C-Up: Toggles
Ocarina Sets which ocarina songs you have learned. 0 - 1 Order:
Forest, Fire, Water, Spirit, Shadow, Light, Lullaby, Epona, Saria, Sun, Time, Storms
C-Up: Toggles
Collectables Sets whether you have the Stone of Agony and the Gerudo Membership Card. 0 - 1 Order:
Stone of Agony, Gerudo Membership Card
C-Up: Toggles
Skulltulas Sets the number of Gold Skulltula Tokens you have collected. 0 - 999 Increments by 1
Heart Pieces Sets the number of heart pieces you have collected. 1 - 5 Increments by 1



Scene ID Keys Notes
000 Inside the Deku Tree The Deku Tree dungeon was shown to use keys in pre-release screenshots from August-September 1998.
001 Dondogo's Cavern Dodongo's Cavern was shown to use keys in pre-release screenshots from October 1997.
002 Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
003 Forest Temple
004 Fire Temple
005 Water Temple
006 Spirit Temple
007 Shadow Temple
008 Bottom of the Well
009 Ice Cavern
010 Ganon's Tower
011 Gerudo Training Ground
012 Thieves' Hideout
013 Inside Ganon's Castle
014 Ganon's Tower (Collapsing)
015 Inside Ganon's Castle (Collapsing)
016 Treasure Box Shop

Sword / Shield

Sword Shield Tunic Boots
Controls Equipment Controls Equipment Controls Equipment Controls Equipment
C-Left Kokiri Sword C-Left Deku Shield C-Left Kokiri Tunic C-Left Kokiri Boots
C-Down Master Sword C-Down Hylian Shield C-Down Goron Tunic C-Down Iron Boots
C-Right Giant's Knife C-Right Mirror Shield C-Right Zora Tunic C-Right Hover Boots
C-Up Broken Giant's Knife C-Up - C-Up - C-Up -


Controls Item
C-Left Map
C-Down Compass
C-Right Big Key
C-Up -
Scene ID Used Notes
000 Inside the Deku Tree
001 Dondogo's Cavern
002 Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly
003 Forest Temple
004 Fire Temple
005 Water Temple
006 Spirit Temple
007 Shadow Temple
008 Bottom of the Well
009 Ice Cavern
010 Ganon's Tower Has a Boss Key, but no Dungeon Map or Compass.
011 Gerudo Training Ground